Home Rheumatology Pain in the back and spine, its causes and treatment. What to do if your back hurts? What causes back pain

Pain in the back and spine, its causes and treatment. What to do if your back hurts? What causes back pain

The state of the spine is reflected in any organ or system of the body, as it is a support for the entire human body. If your back hurts in the middle of the spine, or you feel some kind of discomfort in this area, this should alert you. You should undergo an examination, identify the causes of pain and eliminate them as quickly as possible. A lot of different factors can negatively affect the condition of the spine (injuries, excessive stress, poor nutrition). It is necessary to consult a specialist in time and establish a diagnosis.

Types of pain. Mechanical violations

First you need to determine what kind of back pain you are worried about. After all, the exact identification of the cause depends on the type of painful sensations. So, the pain can be sharp and sharp, throbbing, dull or pulling. The latter type may occur in the middle of the back due to sudden physical overload. It belongs to the category of mechanical damage. There is a pulling pain after lifting heavy loads. It is because of this that the spine hurts in the middle of the back during pregnancy. It is difficult for a woman to carry a child, and therefore pulling pains appear in the back from the load. After childbirth, the baby is in her arms for a long time, this also affects the health of the spine.

Any gravity provokes the occurrence of pain in the middle of the spine, most often with scoliosis. With this pathology, the vertebrae are displaced, the reason for this is an incorrect fit. Scoliosis is detected at the appointment by a therapist, neurologist or surgeon. When lifting weights, the vertebrae are easily removed from their normal state, which causes pain. Large loads lead to osteochondrosis. This disease is practically not cured, it develops into a chronic form.

All people leading a sedentary lifestyle, one way or another, suffer from pain in the spine in the middle of the back or in the lower back. With the help of gymnastics, pain conditions can be avoided. Get up from your computer more often and stretch your stagnant spine. This will help get rid of stiffness and discomfort, feel lightness in the muscles of the back.

Non-mechanical violations

Not always the cause of displacement of the joints is any mechanical stress, disturbance, injury. The internal organs have a significant impact on the health of the back. If the spine hurts in the middle of the back, this may indicate some kind of ailment inside your body. The causes of pain should be identified by competent highly qualified doctors. A timely diagnosis will allow you to get rid of the disease without any complications.

Also, pain, spasms in the muscles of the back can appear with some kind of stress, excitement, nervous tension. Acute resulting pain in this case appears as a result of a sharp contraction of the muscles, spasms occur in the middle of the back. Frequent stressful situations with frequent spasms can lead to the appearance of stoop, as a result, an incorrect distribution of body weight along the spine. The mechanical effect on the spine decreases or increases, pain appears.

Sharpness of pain

If the spine hurts in the middle of the back after childbirth, listen to the nature of the pain. Cutting, sharp, sharp, which hinders the movements of the legs, arms, the whole body, provokes nerve endings? If the pain appeared unexpectedly, with a sharp tilt, rise (maybe they took the child in their arms), most likely, there was a pinched nerve between the vertebrae. Usually the nature of such pain is short-term, after being in a calm state (better lying on a flat surface), it goes away. If the discomfort does not disappear for a long time, it is better to seek medical help. Persistent pain in the middle of the spine can be a sign of an illness that needs to be investigated. It could be a herniated disc. It can also manifest itself as a heart attack in heart disease. Persistent pain in the middle of the spine is a serious symptom with which you should definitely contact a medical facility and undergo an examination.


Pain that has a pulsating character that does not go away for a long time is lumbodynia, it has the following symptoms:

  • manifests itself after lifting weights;
  • severe pain when walking;
  • the manifestation of pain with a sharp movement;
  • shootings in the spine.

When the back hurts in the middle of the spine, an X-ray examination helps to identify the source of the pain. With lumbalgia in the middle of the back, a throbbing, dull pain between the discs passes, it can occur after hypothermia of the body. If treatment is not started on time, the pain can spread throughout the spine. After suffering lumbodynia, osteochondrosis often occurs during exercise. And he, as you know, is the most common cause of pain in the back.


If the spine hurts in the middle of the back when pressed, this may be a manifestation of inflammatory processes in the muscles, such as myositis. Discomfort can occur both on the right and on the left, with pressure on the muscles or any movement.

Arthritis, which affects people of all ages, causes pain in the middle of the back, which makes it impossible to straighten the shoulders. The body gradually bends, and this leads to disruption of the work of all internal organs. There are both mild and severe forms of arthritis, and they all require treatment.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine gives impetus to the development of degenerative processes, which causes growths and destruction of the vertebrae. If there are sudden painful sensations, this indicates that a pinched nerve fiber is occurring.

With diseases of the internal organs

Problems with internal organs (heart, kidneys) have a huge impact on the condition of the spine. A sick heart always sends impulses to the shoulders, upper limbs. If the pain spreads in the thoracic region, this may be a symptom of a heart attack.

In case of kidney diseases (inflammatory process), body temperature rises, back pain occurs, parts of the body take on edematous condition. Acute renal dysfunction is accompanied by a very high temperature.

In the middle of the back, pain also occurs in diseases of the gallbladder or gastrointestinal tract. If the back hurts to the left of the spine, in the middle, this may indicate a stomach ulcer. Pain in the upper abdomen, on the right, subsiding and intensifying, while accompanied by vomiting, speak of cholelithiasis.

Back pain in the middle can even be due to an infection in the body. Such pain is rare, but still worth mentioning. The blood flow can infect between the shoulder blades, which begins to cause pain of varying degrees. In this case, there will be an increased temperature.

Pain in the middle of the back. Treatment

If there is back pain, it is imperative to identify the causes of its occurrence. To do this, you need to undergo examinations that the doctor will prescribe. These include:

  • x-ray of the lumbar and thoracic spine;
  • ultrasound of the OBP;
  • MRI or CT of the central part of the spine;
  • general analysis of urine and blood.

The results will help doctors make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment in time. Methods of therapy can be different:

  • medical;
  • non-drug;
  • reflexology;
  • acupuncture;
  • manual therapy;
  • hardware and manual massages;
  • extraction method.

Massage is one of the best ways to deal with pain in the middle back. Those who lead a passive lifestyle, spend a lot of time driving, experience physical exertion, very often complain of back pain. Massage helps to relieve pain, discomfort and even pleasure. Therapeutic massage can be performed both in clinics and at home. Of course, it is better if it is performed by a knowledgeable massage therapist with experience.

Temporary pain in the spine helps to remove various ointments and poultices. Some can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, and some are available in pharmacies without a prescription. It is best to know the cause of your condition and follow the recommendations of doctors. A hot bath or contrast shower can also help relieve pain.

Special bandages, corsets do not have a healing function, but only help relieve pain symptoms and alleviate suffering. If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, of course, wearing a corset will help you at first. But if you wear it all the time, the disease threatens to develop into a chronic stage.

Back pain in the middle of the spine. First aid

In what cases do you need immediate help if your back hurts?

  • At the age of less than 50 years, persistent back pain is present.
  • After an injury, overexertion or a fall.
  • With ever-increasing pain syndrome.
  • For back pain and fever.
  • If the pain increases constantly with a change in body position.

If the spine hurts in the middle of the back, the doctor will tell you what to do. Only a few seek help, believing that everything will pass by itself. You should not start your illnesses, it is better to apply on time. Increasingly, there are cases where the intervention of medicine is very important. It helps to cure the disease in the early stages and not develop into a chronic form.


What should I do if my back often hurts in the middle of the spine? What preventive measures will help prevent a painful condition?

  • If you avoid strong and frequent stress on the spine, the risk of pain will be significantly reduced.
  • Always choose a comfortable body position, both lying and sitting.
  • To maintain a healthy spine, you need to do gymnastics, swimming, and sports.
  • Go up and down the stairs more often. Do not use the elevator.
  • Regularly diagnose not only the spine, but also the state of the whole organism.
  • Morning exercises are useful at any age. It strengthens the ligaments, eliminates possible damage.
  • Try preventive massage. In this case, you can use aromatic oils and creams.

Back pain is an unpleasant phenomenon, yet familiar to everyone. It is not surprising, because even an unsuccessful warm-up in the morning can cause it. For some people, this phenomenon is a constant companion, for others, fortunately, a rare guest. Why does the back hurt, to whom to go for treatment and is it necessary at all? We talk about the causes, dangers and nature of back pain.

Reason 1. Infections of the spine

Another name is spinal infections. These are viral lesions that affect the internal structures of the vertebrae or the interdiscal space. Viruses can enter the body from the outside (wound infections - due to injuries, operations) or be complications of viral diseases (often - various types of myelitis, coccal infections, etc.).

The symptoms of spinal column infection depend on the type of infection. It can be unexpressed aching pain in the back and chest area, or sudden intense pain. The focus is quite difficult to determine. The patient usually says "everything hurts." The condition is accompanied by limited mobility, chills, fever, weakness, body aches.

Reason 2. Degenerative-dystrophic diseases

Caused by wear of the intervertebral discs, brittle bones, loss of elasticity of the tissues of the spine. Moreover, such changes are not necessarily age-related. Today, young people also suffer from arthritis, spondylosis, and osteochondrosis.

Over time, pathological processes in the spine become degenerative, i.e., irreversible. In this case, it is necessary to apply surgical methods of treatment - joint replacement, surgical restoration of vertebrae and other structures. Arthrosis, osteoporosis, and sciatica often flow into the degenerative form.

Of course, these changes are not asymptomatic. Often, patients report backache, acute pain in the affected area, limited mobility, stabbing pain, crunching, pain during certain movements (for example, in the lower back when bending forward). As a rule, a person can clearly determine exactly where it hurts.

A rheumatologist, an osteopath, a chiropractor, a traumatologist, a neurologist and a number of other specialists are engaged in the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic diseases. Don't know who to contact? Make an appointment with a general practitioner first.

Reason 3. Intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernia is the "squeezing out" of the nucleus pulposus by adjacent vertebrae. The nucleus pulposus is a kind of hinge, which is located in the center between the vertebrae and ensures their mobility. Therefore, we can lean in all directions. But this structure is semi-liquid, and with increased or sharp physical exertion, it can “crawl out” beyond the intervertebral space, forming a hernia.

The pain is sharp, pronounced, sharply increases with exercise. May be accompanied by a violation of the sensitivity of the hands, feet, numbness and pain of the extremities, give to the buttock.

Intervertebral hernia will be diagnosed by an orthopedist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, vertebrologist.

Reason 4. Postponed back injuries

Trauma, alas, does not go unnoticed. Fracture of the bones of the spine (compression fracture), bruises, sprains of ligaments, muscles (back breaks), displacement and dislocation of the vertebrae, characteristic of many athletes and lovers of an active lifestyle, make themselves felt with age. Any injury, even successfully healed, affects the integrity of the structure of bones, cartilage and their functionality.

An orthopedist or traumatologist will diagnose and treat pain after injuries.

Reason 5. Diseases of the internal organs

In some cases, specialists in "bones and joints" will not help, as they will not find any abnormalities. But do not rush to complain about their incompetence, because the source of back pain can be internal organs.

First of all, these are gynecological (uterus, appendages) and andrological (prostate) diseases. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and menstruation are given to the lower back. The pain is pulling, aching, dull. For diagnosis, contact a gynecologist or andrologist, respectively.

Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, renal colic) cause pain. It is quite strong, spreads along the entire lower back, and with a light tapping in the lumbar region, it intensifies. If this is about you, a nephrologist will help.

In general, almost all inflammatory diseases can cause back pain. In lung diseases, it hurts between the shoulder blades, problems with the liver and stomach are reflected in the lower back at waist level.

Reason 6. Violations of posture

These include scoliosis, stoop, abnormal deflection in the lumbar region. Posture disorders are often accompanied by protrusion of the abdomen, retracted buttocks, problems with gait (heavy gait, limping). The basis of such external changes is the curvature of the spine, which disrupts blood circulation, leads to muscle strain in some parts of the back and their weakening in others. Incorrect position of the vertebrae, their friction against each other, turning around their own axis (with scoliosis) - all this is the cause of severe back pain.

The pain can be both acute if the vertebrae are damaged, or aching, dull, spreading throughout the back.

Back problems associated with poor posture will be dealt with by an orthopedist or vertebrologist.

Reason 7. Tumors of the spine

These are cystic formations and cancerous tumors.

A cyst is a blister with blood. It appears as a result of various kinds of hemorrhages in the spine. The cyst is characterized by constant severe pain, which can be removed only with the help of painkillers. Numbness and tingling in the extremities can also be symptoms of a cyst.

Cancer is either primary or secondary. Primary is cancer that has formed in the spinal column, secondary is metastases, that is, side tumors that form in the later stages in all organs. In malignant tumors, pain may be accompanied by muscle weakness, loss of sensitivity in certain areas.

Neoplasms in the spine are studied by a vertebrologist, an oncologist, and a neurosurgeon.

Other reasons

Bruises, pregnancy and childbirth, sedentary work, physical activity, gardening activities are also often the cause of back pain. If within 3-4 days after the load it does not go away or intensifies, make an appointment with a specialist.

Determining the exact cause of back pain often requires not only the experience of a specialist, but also accurate diagnostic equipment. Best Clinic doctors work with equipment that allows you to see even minor changes in the structure of the spine. Computed tomography, MRI, radiography - you will find modern diagnostic methods and get help with us. Call us or leave a request on the site!

Back pain is a fairly common reason for visiting a doctor; according to statistics, up to eighty percent of older people experience this problem. Pain in the back can be of a completely different nature and occur for various reasons, sometimes they indicate the development of serious diseases.

In some cases, pain in the back is not particularly dangerous; their occurrence can be triggered by physical fatigue. However, if the pain appears constantly, sometimes for no apparent reason, in nature it is not similar to the usual sensations during muscle overwork, you should be wary. There is a high probability of developing a dangerous disease.

Previously, it was believed that most spinal diseases occur exclusively at an older age, but at the moment, statistics show that among young people there are also quite a few people with degenerative back diseases. Therefore, at any age, you should carefully listen to your own body. Back pain should not be ignored, especially if it occurs frequently and is so intense that it interferes with daily activities.

There are many reasons for back pain. Most often, various diseases of the spine, nerves of this department. However, in some cases, pain in diseases of other organs can simply radiate to the back, as a result of which it seems that it is the back that hurts. In general, the following causes of pain in this part of the body are distinguished:

  1. Osteochondrosis. This degenerative disease, characterized by loss of elasticity of the intervertebral discs and their destruction, occurs in most cases. Osteochondrosis can affect various parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. The nature and localization of pain will depend on the location of the lesion.
  2. Various curvature and dysfunction of the spine. The most common are scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis and others. In addition, curvature often provokes the development of other pathologies against their background.
  3. Protrusion of the spine, the formation of hernias. These pathologies usually occur against the background of other diseases, for example, osteochondrosis. With protrusions and hernias, the correct position of the vertebrae changes, as a result of which pain and other disorders occur.
  4. Various inflammatory diseases of the sciatic nerve, nerve endings in different parts of the spine. Often there are inflammations of the sciatic nerve, sciatica, backache.
  5. Spinal injuries, destabilization of the vertebrae. Fractures and other injuries are extremely dangerous for a number of reasons, often when the spine is injured, the spinal cord and nerve endings located in different parts of the spinal column are damaged.
  6. In rare cases, pain can be triggered by the formation of tumors in the region of the spine. Various neoplasms are not so common, but when analyzing the symptoms, one should not exclude such a possibility.
  7. Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the genitourinary system. With various pathologies of the internal organs, pain can radiate to the back, while they are usually localized in the lower back, in the lumbar region.

Increased physical activity can also cause pain. However, in this case, pain sensations occur exclusively in the muscles, their cause can be traced quite clearly, after some time they pass on their own. It should be borne in mind that constant high loads that do not correspond to the level of physical fitness can provoke the development of back diseases.

The occurrence of spinal diseases themselves is usually influenced by several factors. Most often, pain in the back occurs in people who neglect physical activity, spending more time in a sitting position. Also sometimes a factor is called malnutrition. An unhealthy diet leads to a lack of essential vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Among women

It also happens that the back hurts during pregnancy. Carrying a child is an additional burden on the spine, back muscles, and the body as a whole. Therefore, the greater the mass of the fetus, the greater the likelihood of pain during gestation. Sometimes the back hurts after childbirth, since the process itself is also accompanied by a high load on the spine and muscles.

For the same reason, the back hurts after epidural anesthesia, when its effect wears off, overstressed muscles and the spine begin to hurt. The pain associated with childbirth should pass after some time, the main thing is to provide the mother with maximum comfort and peace. If the pain does not go away, their character changes, you should consult a doctor.

Important! Only a specialist after a full examination can correctly establish the cause of pain in the back area.

Often, without a complete examination, it is impossible to establish the cause of pain in the back area, so most people do not know which doctor to contact in the first place. You should definitely visit a doctor in the following case:

  • pain in the back area does not go away within a few days;
  • back pain occurs for no apparent reason, abruptly, even in the absence of physical exertion;
  • pain sensations are accompanied by shortness of breath, respiratory disorders, palpitations, fever, stomach cramps, pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • pain sensations arose after an injury, bruise, fall;
  • the pain radiates to the arm, legs, other parts of the body; against its background, the head begins to ache.

To find out why your back hurts, you should contact a neurologist. If necessary, during the examination, the specialist can refer to an orthopedic surgeon, rheumatologist, gastroenterologist and other doctors. A correct diagnosis usually requires an external examination, analysis of complaints, x-rays of the back and other organs, if necessary, MRI or CT.

If you suspect a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, an ultrasound scan, a blood test will be required. If there is a possibility that the pain is caused by heart disease, an ECG should be done. The list of necessary diagnostics may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.

Kidneys or back hurt: how to determine the disease by the nature of the pain

It is often asked how to determine the disease by the nature of the pain. In most cases, this causes difficulties, you need to pay attention not only to pain, but to the accompanying symptoms. It is also necessary to determine in which particular places pain occurs.

  1. Violent, drawing pains. They occur with osteochondrosis, especially often after sleep and physical exertion, in this case, their location will depend on which part of the spine is affected. Most often, the back hurts in the lumbar region, with the chest form - in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, with the neck, the neck and head begin to hurt. Osteochondrosis is accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the limbs. Similar pains can also occur with the formation of hernias, with sciatica in the lumbar region. When coughing, the back hurts in the region of the shoulder blades, the nature of this pain is dull, but strong, with diseases of the lungs and heart.
  2. Sharp pain. Usually occurs with lumbago, pinched nerve in the spine. If acute pain occurs after an injury or prolonged hard work, there is a possibility of dislocation of the vertebrae. Acute pain sensations under the left shoulder blade from behind can indicate diseases of the heart and lungs, in the lumbar region - about diseases of the genitourinary system. In this case, they are accompanied by fever, symptoms of intoxication, urination disorders.
  3. Aching pains in the muscles. In this case, they can be caused by inflammation or overexertion of the back muscles. Usually, on palpation of the affected muscles, you can see that they are dense, very tense.
  4. Pain radiating to lower limbs. It occurs with inflammation of the sciatic nerve, it is accompanied by a feeling of numbness of the muscles, as if “shooting” in the legs, in the pelvis, knees. Usually present on only one side of the body.
  5. Radiating pains. In some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, pain can be given to the back. In this case, you can pay attention that they are not associated with the spine or muscle tension. Pain in diseases of the internal organs does not depend on physical activity, does not go away for a long time.

Important! If the pain is acute, accompanied by fever, intoxication, there is a reason to call an ambulance.

These are the main types of pain and the most common diseases that cause them. An accurate diagnosis cannot be determined without a full diagnosis, so you should not start treatment without consulting a doctor, especially if the pain is accompanied by other acute symptoms.

What to do if your back hurts

First of all, you should contact a neurologist and establish the disease that caused pain. After that, a full treatment usually begins. With most back diseases, it is long-term, complex, and includes taking various drugs, physiotherapy, massage and other techniques.

If there is confidence that the pain is caused precisely by diseases of the back, spinal column or muscles, there are several methods to relieve pain. However, it should be borne in mind that if they are not caused by physical activity, they will return again in case of a serious illness. You need to see a doctor and find the right treatment. In general, you can quickly relieve pain in the following ways:

  1. Painkillers. Oral tablets based on ibuprofen, nimesulide, Diclofenac are usually used. In extremely severe cases, injections may be required, for example, based on Novocain, but they must be given by a doctor. According to the doctor's prescription, hormonal painkillers are acceptable. For pain due to muscle strain, you can try warming pain relief creams, such as Bengay.
  2. Belts for back pain in the lower back. They can be used for osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, there are older, folk methods, wool-based belts, and more modern products based on technological materials.
  3. Pepper plaster and other varieties. It is usually indicated for non-inflammatory diseases, so caution should be exercised when using it. Due to the warming effect, it turns out to get rid of pain.
  4. Gymnastics. If the pain was caused by physical exertion, you can try to gently stretch the tense muscles and spine. Exercises should be done smoothly, carefully, so as not to harm. Gymnastics is also used for osteochondrosis.
  5. Folk remedies. To relieve pain, you can also use various folk remedies. Compresses based on honey, potatoes, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs inside are able to help relieve pain: chamomile, sage, mint. For lower back pain, it is advised to use a belt made of dog hair.

Important! In inflammatory diseases of the internal organs, it is impossible to use "warming" methods.

These remedies should help relieve back pain. However, if they return after some time, you should consult a doctor, they can talk about the development of a dangerous disease.

Almost everyone will experience at least one long episode of back pain during their lifetime, and a third of adults experience these unpleasant sensations on a regular basis. The urgency of the problem is illustrated at least by the fact that three times more money is spent annually on the treatment of back pain than on therapy for cancer patients.

The duration of an episode of pain is usually about 2 weeks, but in many patients, residual effects persist for another month or longer. Some of these patients are diagnosed with stenosis of the spinal canal, ovaries and other internal organs, and sometimes or their metastases.

In our article, we will briefly describe the main causes of back pain and their distinctive characteristics, helping a person to understand that there are problems with his health and it is time to see a doctor.

Possible causes of back pain:

  • damage to the spine, its ligaments and muscles;
  • infringement of roots and other diseases of the spinal cord;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • depression and psychogenic disorders.

It has been proven that back pain is more likely to occur with obesity, smoking, hard physical work, being in an uncomfortable position, prolonged exposure to vibration, and sharp turns of the torso.

Diseases of the spine, its ligaments and joints

In most people with complaints of back pain, they occur due to damage to the intervertebral discs, joints between the processes, as well as the vertebral bone bodies themselves. With age, the discs between the vertebrae lose water, their thickness decreases. As a result, the mobility of individual elements of the spinal column increases, which irritate the pain receptors of the intervertebral joints. It should be said that often even people with pronounced “age-related” changes in the spine do not have back pain. Often, a herniated disc is combined with pain by accident.

In recent years, increasing importance in the development of constant back pain has been given to the so-called facet syndrome - a private form that affects the articular apparatus of the spine.
Pain in facet syndrome can be both unilateral and bilateral, localized near the spine, more often in the lumbar region with spread to the thigh. The pain often appears in the morning, but during the day it disappears and again intensifies after exercise in the evening. For the first time, it usually appears after a sharp, uncomfortable turn or tilt of the body. The pain increases in the standing position and when the back is extended, decreases in the sitting or lying position, with slight flexion, use of support. Facet syndrome often recurs.

The following conditions often cause back pain when the spine is affected:

  • spondylolisthesis - displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other;
  • spinal stenosis;
  • (Bekhterev's disease);
  • with fractures of the vertebral bodies (often in the elderly, especially in women);
  • large disc herniation (more than 5 mm);
  • diseases of the cervical spine.

More rare, but dangerous causes of pain include tumor lesions, most often metastases to the spine. Their risk increases if the patient has any oncological disease (usually lung, breast and prostate cancer), weight loss, fever, duration of complaints for more than a month, age over 50 years. Metastases most often affect the thoracic spine.

Another cause of back pain associated with cancer is multiple myeloma. Rarely, but there are benign and primary malignant tumors of the spine, for example, osteoid osteoma, Ewing's sarcoma.

Ankylosing spondylitis should be suspected at a young age of the patient, morning stiffness of the spine and large joints, improvement after a warm-up. The pain often appears in the gluteal region. Its intensification at night is characteristic, so that the patient can no longer sleep in the morning due to unpleasant sensations.

Back pain also appears with other spondyloarthritis, which is observed in the following diseases:

  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • Reiter's disease;
  • juvenile rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Crohn's disease, Whipple's disease, ulcerative colitis;
  • shigellosis, salmonellosis, yersiniosis.

Osteomyelitis of the spine or spondylitis should be suspected with prolonged fever, intravenous administration of drugs or narcotic drugs, a previous infectious disease or injury, and the use of immunosuppressants. Inflammatory diseases of the spine can also have a specific nature, occurring with tuberculosis, brucellosis.

So-called indicators of serious problems have been identified that require a thorough examination of the patient:

  • sudden onset of pain for the first time in life;
  • very severe pain;
  • lack of dependence of pain on the position of the body;
  • the pain is worse at night than during the day;
  • the age of the patient is younger than 20 years and older than 55 years;
  • recent back injury
  • the likelihood of infection (inflammation in the genitourinary tract, taking immunosuppressants, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome);
  • transferred oncological disease;
  • unexplained weight loss and fever;
  • general weakness;
  • urinary or fecal incontinence;
  • gait disturbance;
  • progressive neurological disorders.

Muscle damage

Damage to the back muscles can be secondary: in diseases of the spine, the muscles tense up, creating a “protective corset” that holds the spinal column, but from constant tension and spasm they themselves become the cause of pain. Often, muscle spasm occurs primarily, for example, with a long stay in an uncomfortable position or increased anxiety. This pain syndrome has a relatively benign course and responds well to drug therapy.

Some systemic muscle diseases also present with back pain. These include:

  • rheumatic polymyalgia;
  • fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a fairly common disease, more common in middle-aged women. It is characterized by diffuse pain in the muscles of the trunk, stiffness, weakness, sleep disturbances, changes in skin sensitivity, anxiety, and unstable stools.

Pathology of the spinal cord and its roots

Compression of the roots of the spinal cord, emerging through the holes between the processes of the vertebrae, is a rarer cause of pain, diagnosed in every 10th patient. However, the pain syndrome is stronger and longer, the treatment lasts about 2 months.

Compression (compression) of the roots is caused by:

  • herniated disc;
  • yellow ligament hypertrophy;
  • bone growths (osteophytes);
  • narrowing of the spinal canal (for example, due to injury).

Picture of root damage (radiculopathy): acute "shooting" pain in the back, impaired sensitivity in the area of ​​​​innervation of the root, a decrease in the reflex response, weakness of the corresponding muscle. If root compression is proven using modern research methods and drug treatment is ineffective, sometimes they resort to surgery.

Diseases of the internal organs

Back pain occurs not only in diseases of the spine or spinal cord, but also accompanies many diseases of the internal organs:

  • heart disease (, stable and unstable angina, infectious, dissecting aortic aneurysm);
  • lung diseases (pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax,);
  • pathology of the esophagus and stomach (peptic ulcer, spasm of the esophagus, esophagitis);
  • , liver, gallbladder, subdiaphragmatic abscess.

Usually, these diseases can be distinguished by two points:

  • sudden and very intense back pain;
  • signs of damage to the relevant organs (wheezing in the lungs, pain on palpation of the abdomen, and so on).

For back pain, especially if it occurs unexpectedly and is not accompanied by signs of spinal disease, an electrocardiogram should always be recorded to rule out acute myocardial infarction. Especially such atypical localization of pain in coronary heart disease is typical for the elderly.

Psychogenic disorders

The transition of the pain syndrome into a chronic form is facilitated by social and behavioral factors:

  • financial difficulties;
  • emotional stress;
  • confidence in the inevitability of pain due to its seeming connection with daily work;
  • thoughts about a possible serious illness and disability;
  • depression;
  • dependence on other people;
  • an avoidance strategy in which the patient takes no action to diagnose and treat their condition.

Which doctor to contact

So, the causes of back pain are varied. Since they are most often associated with diseases of the spine and spinal cord, when they appear, you should contact a neurologist. Additionally, you may need to consult other specialists: a rheumatologist, a neurosurgeon, an oncologist, a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist, a traumatologist or surgeon, a pulmonologist, a nephrologist, and a psychologist. To choose the right specialist, you can first contact a therapist who, after an initial examination, will be able to establish a preliminary diagnosis.

Pain is a symptom that occurs in almost any disease. Among them stand out back pain as one of the most common.

Pain can be very diverse:

  • sharp
  • Chronic
  • Spreading to the neighboring area
The causes may be diseases of internal organs, blood vessels, mechanical damage.

Characteristics of back pain

Depending on when it appeared, there are acute and chronic pain, which has different intensity:

  • Easy
  • strong
  • stabbing
  • aching
  • burning
  • With or without radiation

Her character may be:

  • recurring
  • Constant
  • Random

Back pain associated with spinal pathologies may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Sensation of slight tingling ("goosebumps")
  • Feeling weak
  • Numbness of the extremities, if there is a pinching of certain spinal nerves
  • Flaccidity of the arms or legs, depending on the extent of the lesion
  • Numbness in the scrotum and decreased sensitivity

In severe conditions associated, for example, with a spinal hernia, in which the spinal roots are damaged, a violation of the normal functioning of the bladder may occur:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Delayed urination
  • Difficulty starting to urinate

Causes of pain

The most common cause is irritation of the spinal nerve roots. When the spine is damaged, the pain is:

  • cervical
  • Thoracic
  • Lumbar
  • sacral

Pain in the neck

The neck is the most mobile and least protected part of the spine. Neck pain can occur due to many reasons:

  • Impaired muscle function
  • Ligament injury
  • Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position
  • When playing sports
  • Overexertion from prolonged sitting

Pain in the neck is most often intermittent, but it happens that it occurs due to serious disorders, such as:

  • Disk damage
  • Injuries
  • A fracture of the vertebrae, in which there is a violation of the movement of blood to the brain

But the most common cause of neck pain is prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable and unnatural position, as well as in a dream, due to overstrain of the neck muscles.


The neck is the most mobile part of the spine. Therefore, when injured during an accident, sporting events, at home, etc., it is the neck that most often suffers. And when you receive a severe injury associated with a fracture of the vertebrae, there is a threat of damage to the spinal cord, which can lead to paralysis of the entire body.


This is the name of strong and prolonged muscle contractions that can cause pain due to compression of nerve endings. If the spasm continues for a long period of time, blood flow is disturbed in the muscles, which negatively affects the metabolism, as a result of which lactic acid accumulates in muscle tissues. In this case, irritation of the nerve endings occurs, pain occurs.


there is a deformation of the edges of the vertebrae and ossification at the place of attachment of the ligaments to them, which reduces the mobility of the spine. A similar disease is found in almost all people in the process of aging.

In the vast majority of cases, spondylarthrosis is asymptomatic, but moderate pain may also occur, which practically does not affect a person’s motor activity and does not reduce performance.

A sign of spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine is pain:

  • Collar zone
  • cervical region
  • in the back of the head
  • Between shoulder blades

It is caused by irritation of receptors located inside the ligaments, in the intervertebral discs, or by direct action on the nerve roots.

Back pain between shoulder blades

The reason may be:

  • Herniated discs
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Myositis of the spinal muscles
  • stomach ulcer
  • Pneumonia

Back pain above the waist:

  • Displacement (damage) of the intervertebral disc
  • Stretching of the back muscles
  • Myositis (right or left)
  • Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position
  • Irradiation in heart disease
  • kidney disease

Back pain below the waist

  • Primary, metastatic tumor of the vertebrae, retroperitoneal space, spinal cord
  • Vertebral fracture
  • Scoliosis
  • Infection of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae:
    • Brucellosis
    • Tuberculosis
    • epidural abscess)
  • Noncommunicable diseases:
    • Rayner's syndrome
    • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Reflected pain in pathologies of the pelvic organs and gynecological infectious diseases:
    • Gonorrhea
    • Adnexitis
    • Chlamydia
    • Trichomoniasis

Lower back pain can be acute, chronic, and its causes can be not only problems with the spine, but also radiated from the internal organs, intestines, etc.

Pain in the sacrum

It may be associated with the pathologies described above. In addition, other symptoms characteristic of this area may appear:

  • Problems with urination (retention, incontinence)
  • Problems with bowel movements (diarrhea, constipation)


To identify the reasons why the back hurts, a comprehensive examination should be carried out, because. one symptom is not enough.

At the initial examination, the doctor listens to the patient's complaints, finds out exactly where it hurts. Next, the history of diseases is studied, whether there were previously similar complaints, what treatment was carried out.

It is important to establish whether heavy lifting, exposure to harmful environments, allergies, and family history were the cause of back pain.

Further, the doctor may refer to the following studies:

  • X-ray diagnostics
  • Computed tomography
  • Myelography
  • Electromyelography
  • Spinal puncture

back pain treatment

As a rule, when such pain occurs, it is not necessary to immediately seek medical help, everything can go away by itself in a few days.

But with the appearance of acute pain, accompanied by disturbances in urination, weakness, decreased sensitivity in the limbs, a sharp weight loss, you should immediately visit a medical institution.

For 10-14 days, you can use the following tablets for back pain:

  • Naproxen
  • ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen

For severe pain, narcotic pain relievers may be prescribed, but they must be given very carefully, as can cause addiction.

Hormonal drugs (corticosteroids) are used in the absence of the effect of painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


It is widely used both for the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of diseases in the following areas of medicine:

  • Therapy
  • Surgery
  • Neurology
  • Orthopedics, etc.

After a course of therapeutic massage, blood microcirculation improves, fatigue disappears, pain decreases, and the muscles of the skeleton relax. There are many types of massage, and which type to give preference to, the doctor must decide.


Treatment is carried out by using a variety of physical factors:

  • Low or high temperature
  • A magnetic field
  • Ultrasound
  • electric current
  • laser beams
  • Ultraviolet radiation
  • Therapeutic mud
  • Water procedures

Physiotherapy treatment is recognized as the most preferable, because. it is highly effective, safe and affordable.

Manual therapy

Treatment of back pain is carried out by the impact of the hands of a chiropractor on the human body, which allows for the correction of the joints, the spine. Scoliosis, osteochondrosis, neurology are treated in a similar way, and post-traumatic rehabilitation is carried out.


This method of treatment came to us from Chinese medicine, in which needles are inserted into special points on the human body, thereby causing a positive therapeutic effect.


The method is also associated with exposure to human points, but unlike the previous method, they are affected by fingers.


This method is based on the implementation of special exercises subject to the following rules:

  • Slow execution
  • Gradual increase in load
  • Doing exercises until mild pain begins to be felt
  • With exacerbated back pain, exercises are done lying down, thereby reducing the load on the intervertebral discs.


This method of treating back pain is the most ancient, and is based on the use of water for the recovery of a person. To do this, use jets of water, a contrast shower, immersion in water and wiping with a towel soaked in water.

Conducted clinical trials have shown that hydrotherapy, when used regularly, can reduce back and joint pain.


It is carried out in the absence of a positive effect from the treatment of back pain by the above methods.

Types of the most common operations:

  • Laminectomy. Part of the vertebra is removed to prevent compression of the nerve root. The blood supply to the nerve is restored due to the increase in free space, irritation decreases and pain subsides.
  • Spinal fusion. The purpose of the operation is to reduce pain between the contacting surfaces of the vertebrae, for which a bone graft is placed between them. Such an operation is performed with a tumor or fractures of the vertebrae, osteochondrosis of the spine.

Prevention of back pain

It should be started in childhood, so that the child does not experience skeletal deformities, because. at an early age, the bones are soft and pliable. If the formation of the skeleton of the spine is not correct, then there may be a violation of posture, which in the future will lead to the appearance of diseases and pain in the back.

With a preventive purpose, it is recommended to carry out hardening procedures, massage, bathing, sunbathing, and gymnastics appropriate for the age of the child. An important factor is proper and balanced nutrition, because. it affects the overall development of the body.

What to do if your back hurts due to a sedentary lifestyle?

This question is asked by people whose work is associated with prolonged sitting in one place. The most common complaints are pain in the neck and lower back. As a rule, the cause of discomfort is the lack of equipment and inconvenience of the workplace, insufficient attention to their health by the workers themselves.

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