Home Popular What is useful almond urbech for children. Urbech from almond kernels

What is useful almond urbech for children. Urbech from almond kernels

The traditional dish is made from flax seeds, sunflower, hemp, pumpkin, as well as nuts and apricot pits. But the composition may differ. They make, for example, almond urbech, which is very popular in oriental cuisine.

In terms of botany, the almond is not a nut - it is a plant from the Rosaceae family and the Plum genus, which produces stone fruits. They are valued for their wonderful taste, no less delicious aroma and beneficial properties. Almond nut paste is a very refined and unusual treat. There is no doubt that you will like it, because almonds have been successfully used for making desserts for a long time.

Almond is a heat-loving plant, in Russia it can be seen in the southern regions. It also grows in Central Asia, the Mediterranean, the USA and many other parts of the world. Surely you have met this nut, for example, in chocolate, and if you liked the taste, Urbech almond paste should definitely be in your kitchen. Such sweets are much healthier than those to which we are accustomed.

Urbech from almonds: benefits and harms

Almond urbech is an absolutely natural product, in which natural benefits are carefully preserved. Almonds contain valuable substances that help the body work like a Swiss watch: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, zinc, selenium, iron, B vitamins, as well as vitamin PP and thiamine. It is also rich in unsaturated acids: palmitic, stearic, arachidic, etc.

The beneficial properties of almond urbech are also “hidden” in its other components. In particular, honey contains riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid, etc. As a result, the paste has a general strengthening effect on the body, fills it with energy, “nourishes” hair and skin, helps cleanse, and has a good effect on the liver, as well as the genitourinary system.

But if you want to buy almond urbech, make sure that you are not allergic to its components. Do not get carried away with this delicacy for people prone to fullness. Yes, and thin, it is better to use it in moderation and in the morning.

How to use and where to buy?

Urbech is usually spread on sandwiches - it turns out a nutritious and satisfying breakfast that gives strength for an active life. It also makes a good addition to pancakes or pancakes. Eating pasta with a spoon with tea is also an option.

Buying almond urbech in Moscow or the North Caucasus is not so difficult: there are shops and restaurants selling oriental sweets. But it is much easier to make a purchase using the Internet and receive a jar of almond urbech by mail or courier.

The almond grows on a tree that is profusely covered with pink flowers in early spring. The bitter variety of walnut is toxic and is used as a raw material for the manufacture of cosmetics and medicines. In cooking, sweet almonds are used, the benefits and harms of which are well studied by nutritionists. The kernels are dried, fried, added to salads and curd mass, eaten in the form of urbech and almond milk is prepared from them.

Which is healthier: almonds or hazelnuts

Elements Hazelnut
Vitamin A 3 mcg 2 mcg
Vitamin B1 0.25 mg 0.48 mg
Vitamin B2 0.65 mg 0.11 mg
Vitamin B5 0.4 mg 1.10 mg
Vitamin C 1.5 mg 1.4 mg
Vitamin E 24.6 mg 17.50 mg
Calcium Ca 273 mg 114.0-170.0 mg
Magnesium 234 mg 160.0-172.0 mg
Phosphorus, Ph 473 mg 299.0-310.0 mg
Iron, Fe 4.2 mg 3.0-3.3 mg
Iodine, I 2 mcg 0.2 µg
Zinc, Zn 2.12 mg 2200.0-2500.0 mcg
Oleic acid (omega-9) 36.4 g 47.960 g
Omega 6 fatty acids 12.5 g 5.5-7.8 g

The table shows that almonds contain more vitamin E than hazelnuts, which means that it better protects the body from aging and more effectively reduces the damage caused to the skin by sunlight. The presence of a significant amount of vitamin B2 in the oblong nut is the key to human endurance. Inferior to hazelnuts and almonds in terms of the content of fatty acids that normalize the metabolism in the body. After analyzing the volume of mineral compounds in nuts, we can talk about the superiority of almonds over hazelnuts in the ability to maintain immunity and prevent many diseases.

The multifaceted action of almonds: health benefits and harms

We list the effects produced by the nut on the body:

  • the calming effect of almonds, the benefits and harms of which depend on the initial state of the human psyche;
  • choleretic;
  • stimulating weight loss (subject to a number of rules);
  • antioxidant;
  • expectorant effect, the value of which increases with bronchitis;
  • rejuvenating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller and others.

The active substances that make up raw almonds determine its health benefits and harms. In order to reduce the negative impact on the body, it is recommended to soak the product for several hours (water - ½ cup, almonds - 20 pieces) and remove the skin from it.

The beneficial effects of almonds on the body

Despite the rather high calorie content of the product (609 kcal per 100 g of raw nuts), it can also be used for weight loss. Moderate use of nucleoli will suppress appetite, creating a feeling of satiety. The benefits of nuts to combat excess weight is that they reduce the production of lipids and normalize cholesterol levels. However, we must not forget that losing weight will not give results if you use not raw, but roasted nuts.

To improve the functioning of the digestive system, a person should eat soaked almonds. The fact is that it is in this form that the product is best digested. At the same time, it relieves the digestive tract from the harm caused to it by pathogenic bacteria. The properties of nuts that have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract also include their ability to enhance intestinal motility.

Doctors insist: a pregnant woman should eat 5-6 kernels of soaked almonds daily. Walnut helps the fetus to develop fully, enriching the body of the expectant mother with vitamin E, zinc, calcium and magnesium. In addition, the raw product relieves her of the harm of stress and irritability - conditions that often accompany pregnancy. This effect of the nut is due to the presence of magnesium and vitamin B6 in it. Thanks to the fiber contained in the nuclei, the pregnant woman will not have to suffer from disruptions in the digestive system.

Almonds, like raw hazelnuts, are powerful natural aphrodisiacs. The amino acids and mineral compounds that make up nuts benefit a man by increasing testosterone production, helping to increase libido. The product prevents premature ejaculation, enhances erection and spermatogenesis.

Dishes made from almonds also provide invaluable benefits to the female and male body.

Almond Urbech

Almond urbech is a Dagestan delicacy. Its health benefits are due to the fact that it includes only natural ingredients. This sweet, reminiscent of the appearance of chocolate paste, consists of nuts, butter and honey. To prepare it, you need to grind almonds (if desired, you can add hazelnuts and sunflower seeds) in a blender to a paste. It is worth noting that not fried, but dried nuts are suitable for making urbech. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass with honey and butter (50 g of each type of product per 200 g of nuts). Urbech is spread on bread, added to porridge, seasoned with vegetarian salads.

A sweet product is a godsend for people of mental labor. Urbech eliminates the harm caused by overwork, enhances efficiency and brain activity, helping to quickly make the right decisions and find answers to the most difficult questions.

Regular use of almond urbech helps to remove sand and stones from the body. This property of the product should be taken into account for people with diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

With all this, urbech is an extremely high-calorie product rich in sugar. Therefore, it should not be added to the menu, embarking on the path of weight loss. It will bring a lot of harm to those diagnosed with diabetes. A pregnant woman should eat the dish with caution, as it contains allergenic foods such as nuts and honey.

almond candy

Sweet tooth and almond sweets will please no less urbech. To prepare them, you will need 75 g of dried apricots and dates, 50 g of raisins and 2 tablespoons of apple juice. We mix the ingredients and send them to a blender, which will turn them into a paste. From the resulting mixture we form balls. We cut the fried almond and hazelnut kernels into small pieces and roll the formed balls into them.

Unlike store-bought sweets, a delicacy of nuts and dried fruits, rich in fructose and vitamins, replenishes the body's energy reserves without harming it. One or two almond candies daily will benefit the immune system and will not interfere with the process of losing weight.

Almond milk

To prepare this popular dish, you need to grind the almonds in a coffee grinder or blender, mix the resulting slurry with water and filter the pulp through a sieve.

Light and fresh liquid - a nutrient-rich substitute for cow's milk. She is a real salvation for those who are harmed by dairy products due to lactose intolerance. The benefit of the product is also great for diabetics, as it contains a minimum of carbohydrates, which means it does not increase blood sugar levels.

Drinking almond milk is an opportunity to avoid the harm of cholesterol, since it is simply not in the diet fluid. An additional bonus is rapid weight loss, which is facilitated by the low calorie content of the product.

However, doctors do not recommend replacing cow's milk with almond milk for a pregnant woman. The fact is that during pregnancy, the female body needs a large amount of protein, and in almond liquid it is 8 times less than it contains a dairy product of animal origin.

The dangers of eating nuts

The potential harm of the nut is associated with allergic reactions, which it often causes. Almonds, like hazelnuts, should not be eaten in quantities exceeding 20 nucleoli per day.

In order not to harm health, you do not need to eat the product in the presence of diabetes and obesity.

Pregnant women should also take almonds with caution. To keep the fetus healthy, she must be careful not to eat the unripe nut, as it contains toxic compounds. The product can be a source of harm to a pregnant woman if she regularly experiences heart palpitations while expecting a baby.

Excessive use of nucleoli can cause gastrointestinal upset, migraine and dizziness. The culprit of the harm are salicylates and amines contained in almonds. In fried kernels, these substances are present in even greater quantities.

Cashews, hazelnuts, almonds and other nuts bring enormous benefits to the body. However, neither a man nor a woman should consume these products in unlimited quantities in order to avoid harm to health.

Seeds and nuts are healthy foods. They contain many useful substances for the proper functioning of the body. We offer you to get acquainted with a dish of Dagestan cuisine under the exotic name Urbech pasta. We will analyze how to cook this nutritious miracle in different variations, try all the recipes. You will definitely be able to quickly make pasta, which will be an excellent fragrant dressing for homemade dishes.

What is Urbech?

Speaking of urbech, we mean a liquid thick mass. This wonderful dish is prepared from grated nuts or seeds. The raw materials for pasta can be different types of nuts, apricot kernels, flax seeds, pumpkin, sunflower, hemp seeds. Seeds or nuts are the basis of the pasta, they are pre-fried or dried. Urbech can be regarded as a delicious dessert. It is said that the pasta has healing properties, as the concentration of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals in it rolls over.

To make sweet urbech, add butter, natural honey. The number of components in this sweet mass is determined by the taste of the consumer. You can take products in equal quantities. The liquid mass is usually consumed with drinks - tea, water. It is also good to add pasta to cereal porridge. If you hold the urbech in the refrigerator, it will become thicker and can be spread on a sandwich.

Nut and seed paste has a strange taste. It's a little tart, a little sweet. On the palate there are astringent and nutty notes.

pasta urbech - high-calorie delicacy

The benefits and harms of Urbech

Medicinal properties

Urbech natural paste can be used as a general tonic. And also known about the medicinal qualities of the product. If you eat urbech with bread and drink water, then strength is noticeably added. With the help of such a snack, a person can immediately regenerate, his strength will return to him, and he will soon come out of an exhausted state. Goat fat is mixed with urbech paste and taken little by little to prevent colds or applied as disinfecting compresses against bruises or purulent formations.

Among other things, it is known that the universal paste Urbech helps in the treatment of gastritis. Paste of seeds and nuts with sugar or butter, treats diseases of the bronchi and lungs, cough, skin diseases. The paste improves the functioning of the immune system and raises vitality, improves digestion, sharpens appetite, and acts as a diuretic. Urbech has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating and blood-purifying effect. Urbech from hemp seeds lowers cholesterol, contains polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The product supplies essential amino acids, a huge complex of vitamins and minerals, saves from thrombosis. Pasta treats bronchitis, nephritis, cough.

Urbech is also prepared from walnuts. This paste has a lot of valuable vitamins, there are trace elements. Walnut Urbech cleanses, reduces the likelihood of oncology and atherosclerosis, diabetes. The product is recommended for people who are concerned about headaches, hypertension. Walnut paste calms the nerves, normalizes the acidity in the stomach. Urbech is also made from delicious pumpkin seeds. It is an ideal product for a balanced diet that provides beauty and health.

Pasta has an unrealistically wide range of vitamins and minerals, there are amino acids. Apricot kernels are a successful and often used base for making pasta. Active natural substances in the composition of the bones save from oncology, nourish many important trace elements. Urbech contains a lot of easily digestible protein, in this matter it surpasses meat. The product combines fast and slow carbohydrates - it perfectly saturates. No less useful is a paste of pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, sesame seeds.

Possible harm

Since the paste has a natural basis, contraindications are minimal. Harm can only be detected if the paste is misused or abused. You will have to limit urbech if there is intolerance to nuts. If you are allergic to bee products, you do not need to add ped to the paste. We note one more negative point - the pasta has a special taste, it is not pleasant for everyone. If you adapt to this taste and use the product in a reasonable amount, then there will be no trouble.

Urbech should not be consumed in large quantities, otherwise a high-calorie product will do its job. Causes weight gain.

Urbech pasta can be made from flax seeds, sesame seeds and various types of nuts

Urbech calorie content

The product may have different calorie content depending on the composition and additives. Most often, pasta contains from 540-570 kcal. Urbech contains 36 g of fats, 13 g of proteins and 43 g of carbohydrates. If you are on a diet that does not allow you to consume more than 2000 kcal per day. A small portion of pasta - only 100 g covers a significant part of the daily calorie content. This is 27% of daily calories.

How to use Urbech?

Eat as your heart desires your homemade Dagestan pasta. For example, it's a great idea to mash nuts or seeds, then season it with honey. As part of a healthy diet, eating pasta along with different types of fruits is encouraged. The ideal option, which we recommend eating with flaxseeds or sesame seeds, is an apple. If you've made a sunflower seed paste, pair it with grapes. Eat apricot kernel paste with peaches.

Be sure to try the magically delicious and nutritious sandwiches consisting of bread and pasta. Put urbech in sweet dishes, mix with sauces, season salads. If you add pasta to porridge, it will be much more interesting. Eating urbech in the morning is an effective disease prevention.

How to cook urbech at home?

Urbech from flax


  • flax seeds;
  • sweetener;
  • oil.

The paste is made from dark and white seeds. Sometimes this is not easy to do, as experts recommend grinding the seeds with stone millstones. It is thanks to this unusual tool for us that the finished paste stretches and is oily. You can achieve this effect if you use a food processor, pestle and mortar, or a blender. The work of preparing pasta is complex and lengthy. Only true gourmets survive this. The base ingredient of the paste is flaxseeds. Oil and an acceptable sweetener are added to the seeds.

The pasta is sweetened with maple syrup or honey. First you need to heat the oil, combine with sweetener and seeds. Mix everything, heat again, but do not boil. Grind the mass in a blender, then pack in jars.

Urbech from sesame


  • sesame seeds;
  • pastries or drinks.

Sesame paste is tahini paste. Urbech from sesame seeds has a specific taste. The paste consists exclusively of grated seeds. Grind them in any way. Sesame paste is an excellent filler for tartlets, ice cream, yogurt, homemade croissants, compatible with muesli, tea, pancakes.

Urbech from nuts

Peanut paste


  • peanuts - 450 g;
  • honey or other sweetening ingredient - 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • peanut butter (or any other vegetable oil) - 1 tbsp. l.

Rinse the peeled peanuts, dry, put on a baking sheet. Cooking time in the oven at 180 degrees - up to 7 minutes. Next, grind the nuts with a blender. If necessary, add water during the grinding process so that the paste is not too thick. You can add your favorite spices. For example, peanuts are combined with nutmeg, cinnamon, chocolate or cocoa. Honey can be replaced with dates, add other varieties of nuts.

Almond paste


  • almond nuts - 300 g;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • whole grain bread or toast - for making sandwiches.

A good addition to almond paste is cereal bread, apples, vegetables. It is extremely easy to prepare at home. You just need to have an oven, a mixer and the almonds themselves. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. We spread the nuts on parchment, dry up to 7 minutes. It is not necessary to keep the nuts in the oven longer. The main task is to dry them slightly, not to fry. Cool the product, transfer to a blender. We crush nuts for about 15 minutes at medium speed. It is better to do 3 sets of 5 minutes, so as not to break the technique.

If the almonds are toasted, the paste will be darker in color, and if slightly dried, it will be lighter. Roasting and drying also change the taste a bit.

Urbech from bones

Pumpkin Seed Paste


  • pumpkin seeds - 200 g;
  • sea ​​salt with small fractions - 0.5 tsp;
  • unrefined sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l;
  • nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • parsley and / or dill - 2 branches;
  • ground black pepper - to your taste;
  • water - 5 tbsp. l;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the seeds into powder using a food blender. Finely chop the greens. Mix everything with a blender until a thick oily paste is formed. Use separately obtained paste or spread it on bread.

Apricot Kernel Paste


  • nucleoli extracted from apricot kernels;
  • butter.

You need to mix everything. It is advisable to use makogon - a special stick. Or take a pestle and mortar. This is required for the oil to come out of the grains. To grind the kernels, you will have to work manually for a long time.

Urbech from coconut


  • coconut pulp;
  • spices - to taste.

To get a homogeneous mass, you need to thoroughly grind the coconut. Coconut urbech can be used as a spread for a sandwich. It is delicious and suitable for kids, adults.

2 recipes with urbech pasta

For 2 recipes, you will need ready-made sesame paste. You can buy it in the store or cook it yourself.



  • sesame paste Urbech - 3 tbsp. l;
  • avocado - 1 pc;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp. l;
  • celery - 2 stalks;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • garlic - 1 tooth;
  • lettuce - as many leaves as you like;
  • pitted black olives - 50 g;
  • soy sauce;
  • arugula - 30 g.

To prepare the dressing, mix urbech pasta with oil, soy sauce and lemon juice. If you want a spicy taste, then add garlic. Peel and cut avocado. Cut celery. Put the arugula and salad in a large plate, put avocado, olives, celery, dressing.

Flax bars


  • oatmeal - 150 g;
  • dates - 150 k;
  • nutmeg - 10 g;
  • dried fruits or dry berries - 150 g;
  • cinnamon - 15 g;
  • linen paste urbech - 80 g.

Place all ingredients in a blender bowl. Grind products into a homogeneous mass. Put waxed paper on a baking sheet, spread the pasta over the paper. Place the tray in the refrigerator for about 120 minutes. Then you can cut this pancake into separate portions - bars.

Urbech pasta is a wonderful dessert base for raw foodists. Enjoy your meal. Experiment with nuts and seeds and be sure to find your favorite combination of ingredients.

The nutrient product is made according to the ancient technology of grinding seeds in stone millstones. A homogeneous mass is obtained by exposure to high pressure. Dagestan urbech does not contain refined sugars, so it is recommended for lovers of a healthy diet. The natural product does not undergo heat treatment, so all components are of great benefit to the body.

What urbechi are

The traditional urbech, which has been prepared in eastern countries since ancient times, is linen. This product has a pleasant sweet taste and chocolate color, although there are no dyes or cocoa powder in the composition. A dark shade is obtained by mixing flax seeds of different varieties. There are other types of thick nutritious paste.

The main ones are:

  • caraway,
  • pumpkin,
  • from ,
  • poppy,
  • sesame,
  • walnut,
  • from apricot kernels
  • hemp,
  • coconut.

Nut paste is prepared from, as well as, hazelnuts or. Different urbeci differ in taste and quantity of ingredients (single-component or multi-component). Their similarity lies in the absolute naturalness, the absence of harmful additives and flavor enhancers. To give more sweetness, flower honey is added to the mass. Many manufacturers offer to purchase a product with the addition of garlic, spices or cheese.

Composition and characteristics

Urbech is a useful product that can increase immunity, energize and restore strength after a protracted illness. It has a high nutritional value - at least 500 kcal per 100 g of pasta (depending on the type). The composition contains carbohydrates - about 40 g, fats - 35 g, proteins - 15 g. A serving (100 g) of natural pasta makes up almost 30% of the daily calorie intake if a diet of 2,000 kcal is followed.

The benefit of the product lies in its saturation with valuable elements. The main ones are:

  • amino acids,
  • cellulose,
  • taurine,
  • iron and manganese
  • carotene,
  • fatty acid,
  • iodine, zinc,
  • biotin,
  • vitamin C,
  • phosphorus and potassium.

The energy complex of the paste allows you to feel a surge of strength during the day, carotene improves eyesight, fiber helps to normalize digestion. In addition, urbech is an excellent antioxidant that allows the body to get rid of harmful substances. The only contraindication to the use of the paste is the individual intolerance of the components from which it is prepared.

Useful properties and applications

The beneficial effect on the body of different types of natural pasta is as follows:

A single or multi-component urbech helps to cope with many problems. The effective action of the ingredients is due to the fact that they are present in the product in their natural form, that is, they are not subjected to heat treatment.

When losing weight

To get rid of extra pounds, it is recommended to use unsweetened flaxseed paste, that is, in its natural form. The results of adding the product to the menu are the saturation of the body with the necessary elements, the acceleration of metabolism and the breakdown of fat cells. Nutritionists recommend linen urbech because of its ability to perfectly satisfy hunger. Within a few hours after using the product, a person does fine without food and does not experience discomfort.

The best time to take is in the morning. Pasta can be eaten in its pure form, washed down with water, or used as an additive for yogurt, muesli, cereals. After a few weeks, you can notice an improvement in well-being and weight loss.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, natural pasta can be added to your diet. Harm from the product is possible only if the woman has an allergic reaction to the product or intolerance. In other cases, urbech will only benefit due to its rich composition. It is best to eat black cumin paste, as the product significantly improves immunity. In addition, pine nuts urbech is useful for mother and child. It relieves fatigue well, saturates the weakened body with vitamins. Cedar paste contains arginine, which helps to avoid problems with the weight of the baby and contributes to its normal development.

During lactation, it is necessary to find out if the child has an allergic reaction to the components from which Urbech is made. In the absence of contraindications, a woman can eat a paste of walnuts and pine nuts, as well as flax to improve milk production.


Natural and nutritious paste has a positive effect on the health of a growing and actively developing child. Urbech is an excellent alternative to industrial chocolate pastes with chemical additives. To enhance brain and physical activity, a student can be given a sandwich with urbech from any nut for breakfast. In addition, the product energizes for a long time and makes it possible to exercise with a vengeance.

It is useful for growing children to eat natural pasta to prevent colds in cold seasons. A product made from nuts or cereals is great for coughing, helping to quickly expel sputum. It is worth paying attention that the use of pasta should be discarded if the baby is allergic to flower honey or any nuts. There are no age restrictions for adding to the diet in the absence of contraindications.

How to take Urbech

Paste made from nuts, seeds or seeds is used in its pure form or as an additive to various dishes. It is advisable to eat a high-calorie urbech in the morning in order to recharge for a long time with energy and not gain extra pounds. For a healing effect, you need to take the product 2 or 3 tablespoons with water. Nutritious pasta breakfast options include a sandwich, porridge, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, or cereal mix. Urbech goes well with any honey, dried fruits, fresh berries. Sesame delicacy goes well with fresh apples, apricot kernel paste with peaches, and sunflower seed delicacy with ripe grapes.

Many housewives use urbech to soak pastries, as well as topping for pancakes and pancakes. Pumpkin, sesame and walnut Dagestan delicacy is suitable for adding to side dishes, cereals and vegetable salads. Athletes can prepare nutritious cocktails based on urbech by mixing a delicacy with milk and a banana.

How to cook at home?

To get a real Dagestan product, you will need to have special stone millstones or a makitra (wide clay pot) at home. However, in the absence of such utensils, you can use a pestle and mortar. To make the oil stand out more easily from seeds or nuts, you can warm them up a little, and only then start grinding. It is worth noting that the release of an oily liquid is an obligatory stage in the preparation of urbech. Therefore, it is impossible to use a coffee grinder so that the seeds do not turn into flour.

The sequence of steps for preparing a multi-component paste is as follows:

  • Prepare the necessary components in equal quantities: butter, liquid honey.
  • Gradually grind the flax in a mortar to release the oil.
  • Mix honey with melted butter.
  • Pour the seeds into the mixture.
  • If desired, you can add your favorite nuts in the form chopped in the same way or sesame seeds.

According to the above recipe, a pumpkin, peanut and hemp delicacy is prepared.

How to choose and store?

You can buy natural cereal or nut butter without added sugar in specialty health food stores or in supermarkets where there are diet and diabetic products. Urbech should have a thick or medium consistency, strong aroma. It is important to carefully study the composition: a useful product should not have extraneous additives, and only seeds can be thermally processed (fried).

If the product does not contain thickeners and preservatives, then it is recommended to store the paste for 2 weeks in a closed container, and after opening - no more than 6 days under a lid in a cold place. If a period of about six months is indicated on the packaging, you can be sure that chemical additives are present in the composition.

Urbech is a natural product without the addition of harmful substances, which has a beneficial effect on many vital systems in the body. With regular moderate intake, if there is no allergic reaction to the components of the paste, you can strengthen the immune system, increase tone, protect against colds, and also improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

  • Urbech natural almond paste is made from selectedsweet almond.
  • Almonds are not only tasty, but also healthy. It has a highcontent of protein, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus. In addition, almonds are richzinc, copper, manganese, iron, B vitamins.
  • Almond paste can be used with tea, pancakes, as well asfiller for dry breakfasts, creams, glazes,caramel, yogurt, ice cream and almond milk.
  • Almonds contain the substance amygdalin, which increases the body's resistance. It has enveloping, analgesic and anticonvulsant properties.
  • Almond paste cleanses the blood and internal organs, opens blockages in the liver and spleen, crushes stones, drives bile, enhances potency.
  • Almonds are especially recommended for pregnant women and children from 3 months of age.

What is Urbech?

Urbech, urba, urbesh or orba are all names for one product. Urbech is a viscous mass (paste) of dark brown color. For the preparation of this product, roasted and pounded seeds are used. Urbech may also contain honey. Dagestan is considered the birthplace of this product, where it is a traditional dish that is eaten with honey and butter. This is a very healthy, high-calorie and tasty product.

Urbech has always been valued for its healing properties and exquisite taste. Thanks to unique technology, the secret of which is transmitted fromgeneration to generation, managed to save all the vitaltrace elements in nature.Urbech is produced in the mountainous regions of Dagestan in old mills withstone millstones. This process is labor intensive and takes a lot of time. and strength.

The paste is produced without heat and chemical treatment,without additives and preservatives. Due to the nature of the productcharacteristic of oil separation.

Useful properties of almonds:

  • Sweet almond cleanses the internal organs
  • strengthens the brain, vision, softens the body, throat, good for the chest;
  • together with sugar, it is useful in asthma, pleurisy and hemoptysis, abrasions and ulcers in the intestines and bladder, increases the amount of semen, soothes the sharpness of urine, gives fullness to the body.

The beneficial properties of almonds have a special healing effect on the circulatory system and the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, thanks to vitamin E, almonds have the most beneficial effect on blood lipids, enriching it with this antioxidant vitamin. In addition, almonds are famous for their analgesic, emollient and anticonvulsant properties, so they are used for:

  • relieve pain in the throat;
  • brain strengthening;
  • normalization of the respiratory system;
  • strengthening vision;
  • removal of painful sensations during hemoptysis and pleurisy;
  • disinfection and pain relief for abrasions, bruises, and ulcers in the bladder and intestines;
  • normalization of metabolism and weight recovery;
  • fight against worms.


  • Urbech goes well with tea, pancakes, pancakes, bread,cereals and desserts.
  • Use Urbech as a filling for tartlets, croissants,rolls and homemade cakes, as an addition to muesli, yogurt orice cream and you will discover incredible tastes!
  • One spoonful of Urbech pasta with honey replaces a hearty breakfast,keeping you healthy and fit!

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