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Quotes about career. Career Quotes

A successful career can be started with competent examinations, continued with competent flattery, and crowned with competent selection of a profitable bride.

S. Parkinson

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You can make a stop during the ascent, but not during the descent.


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What seems high to you is what you are far from, but go up and it will turn out to be low. Let me be a liar if you still don't want to climb higher: what you considered the top is only a step.


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Working for a large company is like traveling by train. Either you are doing 60 mph or you are just sitting and the train is doing 60 mph.

American oil tycoon

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A large organization is a loose organization. We would not be far from the truth if we say that organization is always disorganization.

English writer

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The best way to make a career is to work for someone who makes a career.

Marion Kellogg

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They learn from their mistakes, they make a career from others.

A. Furstenberg

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It is not easy to meet a person who, having devoted three years of his life to teaching, would not dream of occupying a high post.


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Quarries pierced by one's own head are always stronger and wider than quarries laid by low bows or the intercession of an important uncle.

D. Pisarev

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Falling too fast can be mistaken for flying.

Maria Ebner Eschenbach

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Who leaned into the rank of a fox, He in the rank will be a wolf.

V. Zhukovsky

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For some, moving to a higher position is the result of the merit of the head, for others, it is a reward for many years of patience of the buttocks.

V. Zubkov

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I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve.

A. Griboyedov

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The difference between a profession and a career is the difference between forty and sixty hours of work a week.

Robert Frost

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You can't make a career by climbing the steps of a shabby ladder. You need to be in the elevator in the right company.

Zbyszek Krygel

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He who wants to rise must sacrifice himself for others.

E. Echeverria

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They climb up in the same position as they crawl.

Jonathan Swift

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It's not about running fast, it's about running early.

Francois Rabelais

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The one who does not do what he is told, and the one who does no more than what he is told, will never break through to the top.

Andrew Carnegie

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Climbing the steepness, the main thing is not to rush from the very beginning, irascibility is an arrogant horse, give it free rein, and it will exhaust itself with its own ardor.

W. Shakespeare

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You go out to people, come in.

Vasily Turenko

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High places make great people more great, and low people more low.

J. La Bruyère

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Do you want to know how a career is made? Look at what is happening in the stalls of the theater with a large crowd of the public: some all the time remain in place, others are pushed back, still others are pushed forward. This comparison is so true that the expression that conveys its essence has entered the language of the people: a commoner says not to make a career, but “to break into people”, a secular person uses other words - “to advance”, “to move forward”, “to take a proper place”, but although these softened expressions are freed from side ideas of violence, violence, rudeness, the essence of the matter does not change at all.

N. Chamfort

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In our time, the true symbol of the social status of a high-ranking African is a white driver.

Bill Didz

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There are people who make a career. And nothing else.

Wolfgang Esker

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When climbing to the top of the stairs, the most difficult thing is to get through the crowd at the first step.

Arch Ward

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Whoever climbs a ladder must start from the first flight.

W. Scott

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A career is a wonderful thing, but it cannot warm anyone on a cold night.

Marilyn Monroe

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Growth is stress for the system.

Larry McFadin

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GIMMER RULE: to move forward, you must spin.

Alexander Ratner

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Be courteous to the people you meet on your way up; you will meet them again when you go down.

Wilson Mizner

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Nothing grows on the highest peaks.

Yul Brynner

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A career is a horse entering the gates of eternity without a rider.

Karl Kraus

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They learn from their mistakes, they make a career from others.

Alexander Furstenberg

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It’s not enough to be able to stay in the shadows, you also need to know in whose.

E. Torosov

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Kill your conscience - this is the biggest enemy of anyone who wants to quickly achieve success in life.

O. Mirabeau

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Be courteous to the people you meet on your way up, you will meet them again when you go down.

W. Mizner

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So deftly they began to crawl Now in bureaucratic circles, That they can easily blow their nose Through their toes.

W. Scott

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Having ascended to the pinnacle of success, you may not meet a single friend there.

Mark Twain

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From many people, including very intelligent people, I heard that a great career certainly requires intelligence. This statement, in my opinion, is not entirely true. It would be more correct to say otherwise: there is a mind and sharpness of such a kind that the owners of these properties simply cannot but make a career, even if they are endowed with virtue, which, as you know, is the most dangerous obstacle to worldly success.

N. Chamfort

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It is not important who is the first, who is the last to enter the boss's office, it is important who exits how.

V. Zubkov

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If your career is going well - be careful and careful. Do not miss the step from which you will begin to roll down.

V. Zubkov

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It doesn't matter what you know, it matters who knows you.

V. Zubkov

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The bed is often only a step.

Georges Courteline

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The higher you climb, the deeper you sink.

Lawrence Peter

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Choose: either mouse running or rat racing.

Maxim Zvonarev

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Some have become people, others have remained people.

Arkady Davidovich

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The mind of the chief (boss) should be judged by his attitude towards those employees who are smarter than him.

V. Zubkov

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Whoever has many positions, will not succeed in any one. And those who serve here and there, And here and there they wait in vain.

S. Brant

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There are many ways to make a career, but the surest of them is to be born into the right family.

Donald Trump

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It is not difficult to rise, it is difficult to remain yourself at the same time.

J Michelet

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It's comforting to think that even the biggest bump will eventually fall.

Arthur Nikolsky

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The higher you go, the harder it is for others to know if you are doing your job or not.

Allan Cohen

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It’s worth climbing up at least to look at people from above.

Frank Moore Colby

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Career is more difficult for women, because they do not have a wife who would push them forward.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

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Two paths lead to a high position: a trodden straight road and a roundabout path, which is much shorter.

J. La Bruyère

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It is not always high that occupies a high position, and it is not always low that which occupies a low position.

Ch. Dickens

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In a fall, the only mitigating factor is usually your own butt.

Vladislav Gzheshchik

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The rat race has the disadvantage that even if you win, you are still a rat.

Lily Tomlin

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He is the kind of person who enters the door second and exits first.

Jonathan Lynn and Anthony Jay

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Ranks are given by people, And people can be deceived.

A. Griboyedov

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Not honors, titles, greatness are of real value to a person, but the opinion that the public has about them.

P. Calderon

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It is not so joyful to see many behind you as it is bitter to look at at least one running ahead.


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The ranks begin - sincerity ceases.

D. Fonvizin

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Among the immutable truths is that, according to which a person, no matter how high he climbs the ladder of Life, always sees from his place the one who is closer to the top than he is. And no matter how low a person sinks and retreats, he will never stand on the last step, below which no one would stand.

A. Reihani al-Reichami

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The career ladder is an anachronism. Modern technology allows it to be done using a high-speed elevator. His services are, of course, more expensive, but what a speed.

V. Zubkov

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A high position that requires a flexible mind is much easier to take than to keep.

J. La Bruyère

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Some people climb to a high position in life, like chimney sweeps crawling through dark, suffocating and dirty chimneys and completely covered with soot and soot.

I. Goethe

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PARKINSON'S THIRD LAW: Growth leads to complexity, and complexity is the end of the road.

English publicist

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That which is the object of the possession of a very large number of people is given the least care.

ancient greek philosopher

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There is little joy in climbing higher and higher if you still remain on the stairs.

Christian Friedrich Goebbel

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Whoever does not go to the university as a temple of science, goes to it as on the eve of a career.

D. Pisarev

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The size of General Motors is not due to the desire for monopoly or economies of scale, it is due to the convenience of planning. And for such planning - supply and demand planning, investment, risk minimization - there is no clear upper limit of optimal sizes.

American economist and diplomat

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The giant will die when it stops growing.

Pyotr Vyazemsky

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Whoever knows how, if necessary, to calmly give up a big name, high position or great fortune, at once gets rid of the burden of many worries, anxieties, and sometimes even crimes.

J. La Bruyère

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A high position sometimes eliminates the need to have also talents.

L. Vauvenargues

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We may appear important in a position that is below our dignity, but we often appear insignificant in a position that is too high for us.

F. La Rochefoucauld

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Career desires are always limited by the capabilities of the patron.

V. Zubkov

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If you carry a marshal's baton in your knapsack, equip the knapsack with a double bottom.

Wiesław Brudzinski

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Take the place and position that befits you, and everyone will recognize it.

R. Emerson

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As the company grows, the attention of its management shifts from the needs of consumers to the needs of the company itself, until it becomes completely self-focused.

Adrian Slivotsky and David Morrison

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The one who gives way to others in time will go far.

Evgeniusz Korkosh

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Those who cannot speak will not make a career.

Napoleon I

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Each of us must be worthy of the position he occupies, this is the only thing we should take care of: the rest is the business of others.

J. La Bruyère

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For privileges, positions and other worldly frills, they are not chasing at all for the sake of serving society, but rather in order to benefit from public affairs for themselves.

M. Montaigne

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Be careful not to fall under the wheel of someone else's fortune.

E. Lets

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The only profession that starts right at the top is digging holes.

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He climbed to the very top - but in what condition!

Alfred Capu

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A person is not ennobled and exalted by a position, but a position thanks to a person becomes noble and high.

A. Jami

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When you see how persistently the zealots of the existing order expel worthy people from any position in which they could benefit society, when you look closely at the alliance concluded by fools against all who are intelligent, it involuntarily begins to seem that the lackeys have entered into a conspiracy to eliminate sir.

N. Chamfort

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Ranks and positions - so the axis has led - are given to a person more often by a lucky chance than by merit. Look at who in our cities is the most powerful and does the job best of all - and you will find that usually these are the least capable people.

M. Montaigne

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If you want to start straight from the top of your profession, invent your own profession.

Ashley Brilliant

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Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.

American writer

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A man fights, breaks out into people - and let's push others around.

George Bernard Shaw

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Growth is often painful.

Actress, 31, Moscow

“I try to protect my soul, heart, relationships. So that they don’t break them and then I don’t walk on fragments. ”

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • Over the past 20 years, women have learned to be open to the world. They became freer, bolder, better understand what they want. Realize that women don't exist just to be next to a man and hold his hand. No matter what anyone says, he is always pleased when a girl is independent, and not at her feet. We were created to achieve something on our own.
  • Sitting and waiting for a man to do something romantic? So they sit and wait. We are all people, we have two arms, two legs, a head on our shoulders. What is the difference? If you want something special - come up with it and implement it.
  • Once I released a magazine for the birthday of my beloved: I asked all our friends and relatives to write articles, to do interviews. It turned out to be a full-fledged edition, a print run of five copies was printed in a printing house. It took six months to create such a gift. The birthday boy, of course, did not expect that it was possible to do such work and spend so much time.
  • Love is the desire for partnership. When a one-sided game begins in a relationship, they cease to be a connection. The problems of one and the other person appear, and not the difficulties of two. For me, love is cooperation, trust and respect, and also the desire to touch.
  • I act in films, for magazines - this is my favorite thing, not work.
  • I love ironing. I have so little free time that I enjoy doing household chores. Before, I didn't understand and didn't like it.
  • I am independent, successful, beautiful, sexy, light, open to communication. I am a complete and absolute standard of the image that the magazine propagates. Yes, I am a Cosmo girl.


Singer, 24, Moscow

“I constantly doubt myself and my actions, I will think thirty times before doing something.”


Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • I am very attentive to the slightest signs that tell me that I am going in the wrong direction. Even if everything goes well, you can’t relax - unplanned situations at concerts constantly remind me of this.
  • In each of us, femininity manifests itself over time, when we get to know ourselves better. I am only at the beginning of my journey, but everything that happens to me in creativity or relationships with people brings me closer to becoming a better person.
  • I believe that we meet “mirror” people, thanks to whom we can see our shortcomings. My last relationship has shown that I can behave like a temperamental Spaniard. I was also surprised to find that I can be very affectionate, patient, sacrifice my beliefs for the sake of relationships, although I used to react very negatively to the male position: "Sit down, be silent, Adam's rib"
  • When things don't add up, I never let myself feel sorry for myself. I love healthy criticism: yes, I could do better, but what's stopping me? Any mistake - in order to become even better. Besides, I have an amazing, amazing life. I often visit cancer centers and orphanages, so I know firsthand that my difficulties are nothing compared to the real tragedies of other people.
  • Mom lived in a different time, and her main goal was to find a soul mate, start a family, but she probably didn’t think about a career. At the age of sixteen I met my dad at a music competition, I always wanted to be with him, bring him a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness and joy. I am by nature more purposeful, ambitious. In a relationship, I want to be on an equal footing with a man, I can’t sit at home, cook borscht. In addition to the family hearth, I should have something that allows me to develop as a person.

Zoya Berber

Actress of the series "Real Boys" on TNT, 26 years old, Perm

“When I feel sad, I turn on the blues and push it to the limit. I’ll fuck and say: Everything is over, you can move on. ”

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • As a child, it seemed to me that the heroines on the pages of Cosmo were incredibly beautiful and distant. My friends and I dreamed of being on the cover. Trained as a tailor, thought I'd get into a magazine when I became a fashion designer.
  • The image of Lera is the male view of a man on a woman. She is forgiving, understanding. Girls in Russia want to be like Cosmo teaches, but they come to life like Lera's.
  • We all get tested. I have serious skin problems - atopic dermatitis. Cosmetics, food, heat, cold, flights, your own sweat - anything can cause irritation. There was a time, nothing helped. There is makeup on my face, I have to smile, but everything itches almost to the point of blood, I faint. I just wanted to run and hide. Relatives and faith helped. I am filming in a very popular series, luck did not fall on me from the sky. Perhaps this disease is my price. The moment of despair was a turning point, I had a dream: when there will be more finances, to devote time to healthcare and pay attention to the fact that my diagnosis in Russia is now made to every fifth child.
  • We come into the world and leave alone, even if we have brothers, sisters, loved ones, friends. No need to feel sorry for yourself and say: "I'm so alone." We share the time of life with someone, but we need to feel comfortable with ourselves.
  • Love is work, but not hard, but high. Work that should bring pleasure.

Elena Babaylova

Molecular biologist, 35 years old, Novosibirsk

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • I am studying one of the stages of the life cycle of the hepatitis C virus at the molecular level. Although I do not invent cures, I hope that I will help other scientists overcome the disease.
  • They didn't take me to the laboratory, which I was initially interested in, because I'm a girl. Now I'm glad it did.
  • Sometimes it seems that what I do, no one needs. Then I remember that it is my duty, and it becomes easier.
  • I remember my first business trip on a grant to Moscow. Then I realized that I was no longer a student, but an independent scientist.
  • I love myself because I'm alone at home - that's how they taught me on a psychology course at the institute. But I rarely think about such things.

Daria Melnikova

Actress, 22 years old, Omsk

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • I am prone to self-criticism and self-criticism, and self-love comes in flashes. I love myself when I am in my place or when they love me. My husband helps me a lot with this.
  • Sometimes you want a bad, ridiculous romance, but you won’t get any initiative from men. But if you have the courage to do it yourself, it always comes back with a vengeance.
  • I find balance when I calm down and listen to myself.
  • Femininity is both softness and awareness of one's strength. My profession requires the ability to use this power, but in life I connect it in everyday situations - with traffic cops, gas stations, technical staff.

Nigina Beroeva

Reporter in hot spots, 31, Dushanbe

“During the tragedy in Odessa, I once again became convinced of how important it is to be able to cut off emotions and see the facts.”

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • At the age of 18, it seemed to me that work is the most important thing, and all these outfits and jewelry are nonsense. But over time, a transformation took place in me. The woman woke up and took hers, and I realized that you can be different. On a business trip, I often wear dirty, tattered clothes and don’t look in the mirror for weeks, and when I return to Moscow, I surprise people I met in the field with a dress and heels.
  • Natural female charm helps to find a common language with people in hot spots, and sympathy helps to see the situation through the eyes of those about whom I am doing the material. But it is very important not to overstep the line. If you soak every cell of the body with tragedy, you can go crazy.
  • I was working on a material about the exploded Raspadskaya mine and was amazed by the courage of women. Deep down they knew that their husbands had died, but they tried to believe in the best. I spent a lot of time with them, I was so imbued with their grief that at some point my nerves gave out, and I burst into tears. Surprisingly, women began to comfort me, although I didn’t have anyone killed, I have no right to grief. But she did not stop them, at that moment it was important for them to take care of someone.
  • In my work there are situations that are unexpected for me. When I was in Damascus, the capital of Syria, the bombing started. Around shots, explosions, but I'm not scared at all, I want to run, take pictures. Or another case: they filmed the capture of a police station in Kramatorsk, and suddenly shooting began. Then one of my colleagues told me: “Well done, you didn’t scream.” I think it's true, how strange.
  • When I feel bad, I don't try to break myself. Instead, I take a camera and go for a walk around the city or make photo frames.


Folk singer, 28 years old, Novosibirsk

  • Over the years, the desire came to stop, look at yourself from the outside and be satisfied. And to be satisfied, you need to work hard.
  • Femininity is self-acceptance. You can come up with an image and put it on every morning, but it is wildly boring and gives rise to complexes. It is much more correct to understand your inner woman, to figure out what she wants, what she loves.
  • Strengths are sometimes harder to accept than weaknesses, especially if they are obvious to others. For example, girls with large breasts are very difficult to treat her, although everyone around says how cool it is. For me, such dignity is my profession and the fact that I have been doing it since childhood. Sometimes you think: “Well, please, see me behind my voice. I'm also very nothing!
  • There are no rules for ideal relationships and there cannot be, because they are a puzzle that is assembled from unique particles.
  • When something goes wrong, you can always cry. And also meditate, communicate with people who are close to you and will say that you are good and you can do anything.
  • I have freedom, but my mother did not have it at one time. But if I lived then, I would hardly have found the strength to shoot myself, I would have dissolved in this environment.
  • It’s hard for me to say how men have changed in 20 years. But I remember from childhood that there used to be a lot of mustachios, but now guys are bearded and wear colored tights. So it goes.

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

Tina Kuznetsova

“As I got older, I realized that the difficulties are temporary, and I learned to look at them as if from the auditorium.”

  • I am not a timid ten and a real optimist, although more than once I got hit in the nose. For example, due to intrigue, while still a pianist, she failed the exam at a school in Kazan. It was a good lesson.
  • The turning point in life was the decision to become a singer and move to Moscow. I came just to conquer the capital, not even knowing where to go to study and where to start.
  • My husband Yura often “grounds” me, corrects me in too emotional statements and thoughts. In addition, he is my producer, we are one team with him.

From left to right: Oksana Kravchuk, Katya Zharkova and Ksenia Bezuglova

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

Katya Zharkova

Size Model Plus, TV presenter, 32 years old, Smolensk

  • I am the first plus size model to appear on the pages of Cosmopolitan in 2006. Thanks to this, I made a successful career, blew up the world with my photographs.
  • If you are not genetically predisposed to thinness, do not refuse food. Lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports. I prove that girls with forms should be present in the modeling business.
  • There are no ugly girls, just at some point they stop believing in themselves. Each person is one and only unique copy created by God. We girls need to be different. I more. Am I worse for it?
  • For two new years in a row, I dreamed of getting on the cover of Cosmo! It was a dream that seemed to never come true. Now this is a fait accompli.
  • Yesterday in New York, where I live, I had a job. I drove home, changed clothes, flew to Moscow at 7:40 in the morning - and immediately to the shooting of Cosmo. I will rest in my old age, when I become a funny grandmother, I will dye my hair pink and knit.
  • There is no gender equality in Russia yet. I felt it when I worked as a TV producer. It's hard to make a career when you're a beautiful 28 year old girl. But we have very strong, hard-working and wise women in our country, men still go behind them.

Oksana Kravchuk

Second director, winner of the "Get on the cover" competition, 28 years old, Barnaul

“Only fools are not afraid. The question is, will you give in to fear or not, will you be able to work it out inside yourself.

  • I have started life from scratch many times. I always dreamed of working in television and achieved this. Once they came to us in Altai to shoot the film "While the fern is blooming." I had a choice between stability and uncertainty. And I wrote a letter of resignation and got involved in a movie adventure.
  • I painfully broke up with a man. At the scrapyard, I decided to move on, and I got a call with two job offers. It is worth taking an internal step, the universe immediately responds.
  • I have metropolitan time on my watch. When the issue comes out, I will move to Moscow and start life anew. From the cover of Cosmopolitan. Not bad!

Ksenia Bezuglova

Public figure, winner of the contest "Get on the cover", 31 years old, Vladivostok

  • I had two turning points in my life. The first was when I had an accident and ended up in a wheelchair. The second was when I realized that I won the Miss Wheelchair World contest and realized that thanks to the title I can influence many things.
  • Before the accident, I managed to create a "corset" of friends. They rushed through all the vast Moscow to sit with me, fed, entertained, brought flowers, drew some newspapers. Cosmo has a mission - to talk not only about physical beauty, but also about the one that changes the world for the better. My goal is similar: I inspire by my example. In December, there will be a Miss Civilization contest invented by me for girls like me. We have prepared a whole program - psychologists, coaches. I want the participants, having returned to their homes, to be able to change their lives and those around them.
  • I am a successful person. I would not have achieved everything that I have if I was like everyone else. Yes, it's hard to accept, especially for my mom. And it was not easy for my husband - at one moment, instead of a young wife, another person turned out to be next to me, and even a small child - I was pregnant at the time of the accident. I need to be such that he is proud of me. Now I have no complexes, internal clamps. What matters is not what state you are in, but how you help others. I have the opportunity to live for people and enjoy it.

Anastasia Panina

Actress of the series "Fizruk" on TNT, 31 years old, Severo-Zadonsk

  • As a child, I was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and even became a candidate for master of sports. It hardened my character, gave me the strength and ability to accept circumstances as they are.
  • No one will make me happy better than me. We come into the world alone and leave it alone, so it is wrong to think that people around us should solve our problems for us.
  • I love myself for purposefulness, efficiency, ability to hear and forgive.
  • When something does not work out, I try to look at the situation from the other side and let it go. I studied this for a long time, and the birth of a child helped me to relate to everything without excessive drama. There is a peaceful sky above your head - and this is the main thing.
  • Femininity is the beauty of your inner world, what you live and breathe. I am fueled by good emotions and a daughter.
  • Our time has given women freedom. If earlier they aspired to get married and have children, now career growth and the development of themselves as individuals are important for them, and only then the creation of a cell of society. I believe that this is correct, because each of the partners must become self-sufficient, only then the family will be strong.

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

Laysan Utyasheva

Gymnast, host of the show "Dancing" on TNT, 29 years old, Raevsky

"If women fight for their interests with love and not with intrigue, it will be an invincible force."

  • A real woman is as changeable as the weather. I myself look like the southern sun, but if it rained, it’s three days, no less.
  • There was also fog in my life when, due to an injury, instead of an Olympic medal, I received six operations on my foot and two years of crutches. During this period, I matured a lot, and later, by my example, I helped other athletes to believe that you can return to your favorite business no matter what.
  • Now, thanks to my husband, I no longer have to prove anything to anyone. Before meeting Pasha, I seemed to be running fast, and now I walk with a smooth gait from the hip and even dance. He pulled out of me the femininity that was sitting deep inside.

Elena Krygina

Make-up artist, video blogger, 27 years old, Surgut

“Women are very strong. Men cannot endure pain, but we can endure anything.”

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • In my company, I am the boss, I show a strict approach to everyone, and when I return from work, I become a brownie. As a child, I thought that something was wrong with me, but now I know that two completely different people just get along in me.
  • Everyone has a personal September 11, which divided the world into “before” and “after”. For me, this is the death of a friend. I was 22 years old, and I realized that any day could be the last. And if earlier I was afraid of a lot, constantly putting everything off for later, was fond of a thousand things, then after this loss awareness came. I began to think: “Why do I need this, And why do people Who will feel better from what I do?”
  • When everything seems to be against me, I eat something tasty and go to bed. You can't handle the whole world, so why fight?
  • The young man is very supportive. He may not even say anything, just burn with my ideas.
  • The secret of a good relationship is understanding that your couple is a single whole, and the other person is a part of you, then you don’t want to offend him. You need to develop together, and before you change another, you should start with yourself.
  • For me, true femininity is like the scent of a rose. You don't see him, but he is there. This is the smoothness of lines and the purity of the inner world. More than once I met some chairmen of the board of banks, I see that they have not lost their feminine principle, even having learned to hold a hundred healthy men in their fists.
  • The generation of our parents did not have a mindfulness of action. They got married because it was necessary, they gave birth because it was impossible otherwise. We ask ourselves: “Do I want this?” And we are not afraid of sidelong glances.

Elena Podkaminskaya

Actress of the series "Kitchen" on STS, 35 years old, Moscow

“I dream of overcoming indecision and learning to accept myself for who I am: restless, not knowing the measure.”

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • My parents have always charged me with the energy of freedom and openness. But their time has instilled in them modesty in social matters, and I play the roles of uncompromising, purposeful, and sometimes desperate women. In life, I learned to show this courage only over time, and still I often do not immediately show what I am capable of, I “swing” for a long time. Alexander Anatolyevich Shirvindt laughs: “Stop worrying already, you’re a mother!” I rarely manage to please myself, because there is always a feeling that I can do better.
  • When I exhaust myself badly, I run to my dad, he is my guru. In general, I am happy that I am surrounded by people of extraordinary intelligence and sincerity. Viewers send letters filled with warmth, tenderness and love. But I understand what work is and the path to achieving results, so popularity does not turn one's head and does not confuse the soul.
  • At one time, it was a great grief for me not to enter the Fomenko course at GITIS. I became a student at the Shchukin School and now I understand that it was a success. I don’t know how my life would have turned out if I hadn’t been Shirvindt’s student.
  • The birth of her daughter Polina illuminated life with a new meaning. I went to this for a long time: I had a hard time with an undeveloped pregnancy, I thought that if the Lord would grant me the happiness of having a child, I would no longer worry about anything. But it turned out that I still can’t give up what I love. The image of the ideal mother, which I entered while I was inseparably with my daughter for a year, dissolved. It brings disharmony into my soul, but work is too important for me. She is my passion, my way of expressing inner freedom.

Anastasia Stepanova

Participant of the Mars One program, 28 years old, Moscow, winner of the "Get on the cover" contest

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • I did astronautics. Then she worked as a PR specialist, everything is fine, but there is a terrible apathy in her soul. And I heard about the Mars One project - the Mars colonization program. The first flight should be in 2024. I realized it was fate, and sent an application for participation.
  • I am for family values. But women before me made a choice in favor of science and culture. I want to stay in history and do something meaningful for humanity. I know it's a one way ticket, but the goal overshadows everything.
  • When something happens in life, you ask yourself: “Why?” Then you understand: due to shocks, we become better. Most often it is because of them.

Olesya Doroshenko

Interior designer, 26 years old, Voronezh, winner of the "Get on the cover" contest

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • I had a boring office job. Under constant pressure, I developed two serious illnesses. It sounds girlish, but I read the next issue of Cosmo and realized that life needs to be changed - I don’t devote time to too many truly important things.
  • My design studio has been open since February. I am a cat volunteer, I help the veterinary center and always carry a bag of treats for homeless animals with me. Plans include children.
  • If you compare me and my mother at my age, then I believe in myself more. If peers record multi-platinum discs, I have no right to talk about the impossibility of realizing their ideas.

Julia Petrakova

Servicewoman, 34, Feodosia, winner of the "Get on the cover" contest

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • My brother argued with me that I would not enter a military school. And I graduated from Kharkov Military University. In the army for 17 years. Deputy Company Commander, Capt. She continued the work of her grandfathers.
  • In February-March, we spent a month surrounded in the unit to see our son, at night we made our way through the guards. When asked how I coped and did not run away, I answered: “. For me, there is no peace beyond Crimea. Whatever happens, I'm with you." Many thought: "If a woman can, then I can."
  • Sometimes you have to let a man make a decision. But we have become stronger in these 20 years. I have many acquaintances of girls who are happy even in a difficult situation.

Vera Polozkova

Poetess, 28 years old, Moscow

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • Many years ago, I did articles for Cosmo under the heading “A difficult story”. And after talking with the heroines, I acutely understood two things: I have no problems in life and human possibilities are inexhaustible. These fragile touching creatures had the strength to resist domestic violence or cancer. A person can do anything on their own.
  • I want to believe that there are more reasons for joy in our lives. Issues that were absolutely unsolvable 20 years ago have turned into worries and tasks. And we also learned to speak out our problems, to recognize weaknesses and vulnerabilities, to see: “Yes, I am not the only one with my misfortune.” And this is a huge achievement of Cosmo.

Alena Zavarzina

Snowboarder, 25, Novosibirsk

“I’m trying to fight the guilt complex and the hero complex. It's easier after marriage."

Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

  • I used to be very impatient, so I was often taken poorly. They put a three in English in a quarter - and I learned English. They sued me in freestyle competitions - I got on a hard board and became the champion in parallel giant slalom. True, a lot of things come true just like that, and that's great. Fell in love with American snowboarder Vic Wilde. Long-distance relationships were impossible, but he moved, took citizenship, and we have been married for three years now.
  • I trained for four seasons to get to the Olympics, but the day before I broke my arm and could not skate. I had to come to terms with the fact that I would not become a great athlete. As soon as humility came, they took me. Perhaps the universe rewarded for patience and endurance.
  • I have many injuries, and in fact they are all self-punishment or an escape from stress.
  • I know that I am a young self-critical maximalist, but what can I do? Although after marriage, the feeling came that it was not necessary to be a hero, you could just sit beautifully with a cup of coffee in your hands. And if earlier I did everything myself, now I say: “Excuse me, but what are you here for?” In the family, I give the drill to my husband and don’t hang the chandelier - I pretend that I don’t know how. If you are too active, others quickly relax - this is the principle of team play.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Cosmopolitan magazine

« The best way to make a career is to work for someone who makes a career." Kellogg M.

« We will achieve the greatest success in what we have the best abilities for.

« Who does not know how to speak will not make a career." Napoleon b.

« You can't make a career by climbing the steps of a shabby ladder. You need to be in the elevator in the right company." Krygel Z.

« Promotions A lot of people are afraid of heights...»Gvilava D.

« The less a person is convinced that he is the only one, the more he has the desire to be the first." Makhnev A.

« Career ladder sometimes rests at an obtuse angle." Hankin E.

« That which must ascend to the very top begins at the very bottom.» Horace

« At the beginning of a career, there was a word that was said where necessary." Krutier B.

« To quickly climb the "mountain" - the lungs must be on the rise." Neuah

« The tower can only be reached by a spiral staircase.." Bacon F.

« They learn from their mistakes, they make a career from others." Furstenberg A.

« Quarries pierced by the head itself are always stronger and wider than quarries laid by low bows or the intercession of an important uncle.." Pisarev D.

"He achieved more in the life of service, whose strength, intelligence and courage lived in friendship." Agatsarsky G.

« Nothing hinders career growth as if a person has a conscience." Chernov V.

« Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived." Griboyedov A.

« Two paths lead to a high position: a well-trodden straight road and a roundabout path, which is much shorter.." LaBruyere J.

« GIMMER RULE: to move forward, you need to spin." Ratner A.

« From the bottom all paths lead to the top." Weller M. « There are many ways to make a career, but the surest of them is to be born into the right family.." Donald Trump


« A man is really similar to a monkey: the higher he climbs, the more noticeable his naked ass." Bacon F.

« Bad bun, not dreaming of becoming a lollipop

« Is it reasonable to jump higher than those who are under the very ceiling?» Sukhorukov L.

« He began his intelligence career at school: he lifted up the skirts of his classmates." Konyakhin V.

« If you are often sent, then you will go far

« Choose: either mouse running or rat racing." Zvonarev M.

« Rat racing has the disadvantage that even if you win, you are still a rat.." Tomlin L.

« Pechorin not only deprived Grushnitsky of his life, but, much worse, ruined his entire future career.." Genin M.

« Women have a harder career because they don't have a wife to push them forward.." Ipohorskaya Ya. A careerist's dream: to have an escalator instead of a service ladder." Ziborov A.

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Gimlet rule: to move forward, you need to spin.
Alexander Ratner.

Your own head is good, but your own hand is still better.
Vladimir Lebedev.

Sometimes it is necessary to sweep out old brooms.
Leshek Kumor.

The higher you go, the harder it is for others to know if you are doing your job or not.
Allan Coen.

It’s worth climbing up at least to look at people from above.
Frank Moore Colby.

The result of the purge in hell is probably a link to heaven.
Leshek Kumor.

Higher, higher and you... ah!
Lawrence Peter.

If you carry a marshal's baton in your knapsack, equip the knapsack with a double bottom.
Wieslaw Brudzinsky.

Let it be natural selection, but accelerated and carefully directed.
Viktor Chernomyrdin on dismissals of members of the government.

You go out to people, come in.
Vasily Turenko.

It's not about running fast, it's about running early.
Francois Rabel.

It is impossible not to love our boss, otherwise he will fire you.

He refused to leave paradise, and then hell was set up there.
Wladyslaw Katarzynski.

They climb up in the same position as they crawl.
Jonathan Swift.

The higher you climb, the deeper you sink.
Lawrence Peter.

A disinterested patron is not a patron.
Lawrence Peter.

Falling too fast can be mistaken for flying.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach.

The lower you fall, the less pain you feel.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Be more courteous to the people you meet on your way up - you will meet them again when you go down.
Wilson Mizner.

Some career steps lead to the gallows.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Sixty is the age when you finally have enough experience to get fired.

When overtaking someone, look: you would not have to run away from him.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

He climbed to the very top - but in what condition!
Alfred Capu.

The best way to make a career is to work for someone who makes a career.
Marion Kellogg.

You can't make a career by climbing the steps of a shabby ladder. You need to be in the elevator in the right company.
Zbyshek Krygel.

There is little joy in climbing higher and higher if you still remain on the stairs.
Christian Friedrich Goebbel.

Procrustes: famous ancient Greek specialist in downsizing.
Maxim Zvonarev.

It's comforting to think that even the biggest bump will eventually fall.
Arthur Nikolsky.

An experienced manager is a person hired by a director who finds it too painful to fire his co-workers.

Serving the authorities? No, please.
And he was fired.
Emil Krotky.

Choose: either mouse running or rat racing.
Maxim Zvonarev.

There are many ways to make a career, but the surest of them is to be born into the right family.
Donald Trump.

There is no better patron than a new patron.
Lawrence Peter.

In life, you need to be able to count on others.
Wanda Blonskaya.

There are people who make a career. And nothing else.
Wolfgang Ashker.

Relationships have become more complicated: you - to me, I - to him, he - to you.
Semyon Pivovarov.

Career is more difficult for women, because they do not have a wife who would push them forward.
Yanina Ipohorskaya.

A career is a horse entering the gates of eternity without a rider.
Karl Kraus.

In the life of every person there comes a moment when you have to give way to someone who is older.
Reginald Modling.

A career is a wonderful thing, but it cannot warm anyone on a cold night.
Marilyn Monroe.

Nothing grows on the highest peaks.
Yul Brynner.

I see right through him and therefore I know who is behind him.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Important friends are for important things.
Baltasar Gracian.

A man fights, breaks out into people - and let's push others around.
George Bernard Shaw.

Sometimes the roots go high up.
Wieslaw Brudzinsky.

A man is really similar to a monkey: the higher he climbs, the more noticeable his naked ass.
Francis Bacon.

It's not the people you fired that spoil your life, but the people you didn't fire.
Harvey McKay.

They learn from their mistakes, they make a career from others.
Alexander Furstenberg.

The one who does not do what he is told, and the one who does no more than what he is told, will never break through to the top.
Andrew Carnegie.

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