Home Parasitology Analysis of Solovyov's poem “Dear friend. Analysis of Solovyov's poem "Dear friend" Dear friend or

Analysis of Solovyov's poem “Dear friend. Analysis of Solovyov's poem "Dear friend" Dear friend or

Dear friend, don't you see that everything we see is only a reflection, only shadows from the invisible with our eyes

This was a difficult person. From an early age (he was not yet ten) he began a special, mystical (or, if you like, occult) experience. He began to see some female being of a cosmic nature. He experienced a meeting with her as a meeting with the Soul of the World. Never again did Vladimir Solovyov believe that the universe is a mechanism, that it is an aggregate of matter. He saw the Soul of the World! The first time it was in childhood, in the church of Moscow University. Second

Since he deliberately began to look for her, he asked that she come. And this happened during a business trip abroad, when he visited Western Europe after defending his dissertation. Solovyov lived in London, worked in the famous British Museum, studied ancient texts, ancient mystical teachings (Jacob Boehme and others). And during the most intense work in the library, he suddenly saw a face, that same female cosmic face that appeared to him in the university church when he was 8 years old.

Vladimir Solovyov decided that in Egypt, in the ancient homeland of mysteries, great religions, Gnostic theosophy, he would see everything that makes up the Soul

Peace. And then one day in Cairo he leaves the hotel and wanders through the bare rocky desert in a top hat, in his European dress, he wanders at random, falls into the hands of the Bedouins there. He himself could not tell where he was going. He fell asleep on the cold ground, and when he woke up with a start, he suddenly saw (at that moment, which is called the phase state when a person passes from sleep to wakefulness) another world, completely different. It was as if a veil had been removed from the universe around him. That is why he wrote in one of his poems: “Dear friend, don’t you see that everything we see is only a reflection, only shadows from the invisible with our eyes.” This was his main inner experience.

Dear friend, don't you see that everything we see is only a reflection, only shadows From invisible eyes?

Dear friend, don't you hear that the crackling noise of life is only a distorted response of triumphant harmonies?

Dear friend, don't you feel, What is one thing in the whole world - Only what heart to heart Speaks in silent greetings?

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The poem "Dear Friend" was written by Vladimir Solovyov in 1895 - five years before the beginning of the twentieth century. According to the historical information of that time, the times were already restless and disturbing. And suddenly, out of political and economic chaos, informational anarchy and other problems, a poem by V. Solovyov arose - like a quiet song, like a bright hello. Timeless. Unusual. Otradnoe.

Just as amazing and unique was its author. Multifaceted, comprehensively developed - a poet, literary critic, translator, educator, a true Christian. He was loved by monks and students alike. He had an impressive, outstanding appearance and a sharp mind. Vladimir Solovyov had a huge influence on a whole galaxy of writers and poets. Alexander Blok called him "knight-monk." Having left this world at the age of forty-seven, V. Solovyov left a unique literary and spiritual heritage. One of the pearls of his poetry is the poem "Dear friend".

At the beginning of each verse, the author, as if talking with a loved one, warmly and affably writes "dear friend." Such a simple and genuinely sincere appeal to the reader disposes the soul to an attentive, concentrated perception of what is said next.

The poet does not call for battle, does not condemn, does not point out the shortcomings or imperfections of the world, does not impose his point of view, but slowly reflects along with his reader. This manner creates an amazing atmosphere for cooperation and development of thought.

Dear friend, can't you see
That everything we see
Only reflections, only shadows
From invisible eyes?

"The visible is temporary, the invisible is eternal." The poet seems to be talking about the unreality of the visible. Yes, it is. It affects us. Perhaps we are saddened, weighed down by what is happening, but .... If this is “only a reflection, only shadows,” is it worth it to worry so much? There is something really valuable, and it is much more important. Thinking is soothing, and a question makes you think.

Dear friend, don't you hear
That the noise of life is crackling -
Just a garbled response.
Triumphant harmonies?

The main and important thing is hidden from our physical eyes, then maybe we should listen? No, the “crackling noise of life” is also just a “distorted response” of something wonderful, elusive to the ear. This thought is like a pledge - like a promise to reveal the secret of secrets. She cherishes the hope of meeting with the "triumphant harmonies."

Dear friend, don't you hear
What is one thing in the whole world -
Only what heart to heart
Saying hello?

And so, when both hearing and sight turn out to be deceptive, the author asks "or don't you feel it." Intuition is the ability of a person (exacerbated) intuitively, that is, not with his mind, to understand something. Perhaps, thanks to the sixth sense, one can understand “what is one thing in the whole world” is true? Can.

In the last two lines of the poem - a question and an answer, a statement and an assumption - are expressed simultaneously: "only what the heart says to the heart in silent greetings." Why hello dumb? Because a silent hello is a thought not embodied in a word. After all, the thought spoken is a lie. The “heart” of Vladimir Solovyov is the essence of a person, a real person, not distorted by reality, such as the Lord created him.

Dear friend, can't you see
That everything we see
Only reflections, only shadows
From invisible eyes?

Dear friend, don't you hear
That the noise of life is crackling -
Just a garbled response.
Triumphant harmonies?

Dear friend, don't you hear
What is one thing in the whole world -
Just what's heart to heart
Saying hello?

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You are now reading the poem Dear friend, or do you not see the poet Soloviev Vladimir Sergeevich

Thursday, March 15, 2018 05:26 AM + to quote pad

Humble Prophecy

Turned to the summer of God's eye,

On earth, everything is angrier and angrier frosts ...

You are cruelly cold with me,

But I can smell, I can smell the rose.

I am a prophet raised by enemies,

H a laughter is what gave me a nickname,

But I am a true prophet before you,

And soon the prophecy will come true.

I prophesy - listen, dryad!

The snow will melt and the cold will pass

And the earth will rise, the sun is glad,

And the forest will wake up, as young as before.

I prophesy - this is between us -

What will you walk in the garden

And drink with both nose and eyes

May night bright joy.

Vladimir Solovyov. Favorites. Poetry Library.
St. Petersburg: Diamant, 1998.,

Dear friend, can't you see

That everything we see

Only reflections, only shadows

From invisible eyes?

Dear friend, don't you hear

That the noise of life is crackling -

Just a garbled response.

Triumphant harmonies?

Dear friend, don't you hear

What is one thing in the whole world -

Just what's heart to heart

Saying hello?

1892 Vladimir Solovyov

Joyfully powerful surf…

A shaky mound of hopes and desires

Washed away by a wave of blue.

The blue mountains are moving around

Blue sea in the distance.

The wings of the soul rise above the earth,

But they will not leave the earth.

To the shore of hope and to the shore of desire

Splashing with a pearl wave

Thoughts without speech and feelings without a name

Joyfully powerful surf.

1886 Vladimir Solovyov

A wingless spirit, full of earth,

A forgotten and forgotten god...

Only one dream - and again, inspired,

You rush up from vain anxieties.

An obscure ray of familiar brilliance,

A barely audible echo of an unearthly song, -

And the former world in unfading radiance

He rises again before a sensitive soul.

Only one dream - and in a heavy awakening

You will wait with languid longing

Again, a reflection of an unearthly vision,

Again the echo of the holy harmony.

June 1883 Vladimir Solovyov

The Silver Age of Russian Poetry.
Moscow: Education, 1993.

(the poem is posted on the website “Russian Poetry.

All poems by Vladimir Solovyov on one page”:

Series of messages " ":
Vladimir Solovyov (1853 - 1900) - Russian poet. Russian religious thinker, mystic, poet, publicist, literary critic; Honorary Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of fine literature. He stood at the origins of the Russian "spiritual revival" of the early 20th century. He influenced the religious philosophy of Nikolai Berdyaev, Sergei Bulgakov, Sergei and Yevgeny Trubetskoy, Pavel Florensky, Semyon Frank, as well as the work of symbolist poets - Andrei Bely, Alexander Blok and others.
Part 1 - Dear friend, don't you see that everything we see is only a reflection, only shadows from the invisible with our eyes? - Vladimir Solovyov (poetry)
Series of messages " ":
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 18 -
Part 19 -
Part 20 - Dear friend, don't you see that everything we see is only a reflection, only shadows from the invisible with our eyes? - Vladimir Solovyov (poetry)
Part 21 -
Part 22 -
Part 36 -
Part 37 -
Part 38 -
Series of messages " ":
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 9 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 - Dear friend, don't you see that everything we see is only a reflection, only shadows from the invisible with our eyes? - Vladimir Solovyov (poetry)
Part 12 -
Part 13 -
Part 25 -
Part 26 -
Part 27 -


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