Home Orthopedics How to read mantras correctly: step-by-step instructions, features and recommendations. How the mantra works

How to read mantras correctly: step-by-step instructions, features and recommendations. How the mantra works

What are mantras, what are they for, how do they work, where did they come from and is there any benefit from mantras? These are the main questions of those who are just starting to get acquainted with Sanskrit prayers, incomprehensible in content and pronunciation, and effective in action. The effect of mantras has been proven, the main thing is to know how to use them correctly, because mantras are special syllables, words and texts that require exact reproduction, 100% corresponding to the original.

How the mantra works

Before you can understand how to use mantras, you must learn how they work. Only in this way will the practice of reading become conscious and correct. For example, turn on the radio station during continuous scrolling of different songs, without the text of the presenters. The music will flow in an endless stream. A mantra should also flow, establishing contact between the spiritual beginning of a person and his brain, tuning to the inner wave, and it to the wave of the Universe.

A mantra is a kind of tuning fork; through sound, a certain vibration is born in the mind and body, which helps to calm thoughts, realize spiritual potential, and cognize the true nature.

The sound has a strong power. Many spiritual traditions consider sound to be the primary form of being, the initial manifestation of the Spirit at the level of matter. In the Vedas, it has a statement that “Om” (“AUM”) is the first, basic sound; generating and containing all other sounds, personifying the highest, spiritual principle of the Universe itself.

The sound "Om" along with other mantras was born during the meditations of the sages in antiquity. It was in a state of complete nirvana that they learned the truth, having heard it and passing it on to future generations. These truths are contained in mantras, which can not only spiritualize and improve everything around, but also fulfill desires, attract good luck, and get rid of diseases. Isn't this magic?

From the history…

The generally accepted opinion says that the first Sanskrit mantras were recorded in the Rigveda - this is the oldest collection of sacred hymns of Hinduism, containing a large number of shlokas. The Rig Veda dates back to the 12th century BC. But if we consider that mantras are part of the oral heritage, then we can safely say that they are even older and were used long before the indicated time.

Spiritual seekers of antiquity, driven by the desire to achieve union with the Divine in order to get rid of suffering, developed certain sounds and their sequences, which, when mentally pronounced, turned the gaze inward and calmed the mind. Inner silence made it possible to comprehend the more subtle aspects of being, which go beyond the ordinary vision of the real world, allowing you to find unity with the Absolute - the eternal source of life and incredible peace.

Comparison of words in Russian and Sanskrit

In India, Sanskrit is still considered a sacred language. This is the language of the gods, connecting mere mortals with their higher self. The strength of the mantra directly depends on its pronunciation, which must be correct. Careless pronunciation of sounds will not lead to the achievement of the goal and results, you will just waste your time.

Few people speak Sanskrit today, and the best way to hear the correct sound of a mantra is to find it in audio format and not just listen, but learn it by heart. It is better to read these prayers not from a sheet, but from memory, so their strength increases, because at the moment of reading you do not concentrate on a sheet of paper with text, letting your thoughts wander through your own subconscious.

The recitation of mantras is called "japa", which means "muttering" or "whispering". Prayers are indeed not read at the top of their voices, but are muttered or whispered. What is the origin of sound? From a transcendent, "silent" source, which is called the "highest sound" or "highest voice." Each sound has a modicum of creative power, but it is most powerful in mantras, as they are formulas for combining strong sounds, syllables and words.

Guide to action

Meditation is directly related to the concentration of the mind. You won't be able to concentrate if your body feels uncomfortable or your breathing is uneven. Before you begin meditation, you should practice asanas or pranayama, which relax and energize, even out breathing, and get rid of exciting thoughts.

Decide in advance how long the meditation will be. For beginners, fifteen minutes is enough. The effectiveness of meditation is achieved through regular practice.

It’s better to start with short procedures, but regular ones, you don’t have to immediately arrange “meditative marathons” - they will discourage you from any desire to meditate at all.

For meditation, you need to sit comfortably on a chair or floor, placing a pillow or blanket under the base of the spine. After that, you should choose a position of the body in which the natural curves of the spine will be preserved and in which it will be most convenient for you to sit still for a long period of time. Having taken a position, you need to close your eyes, take a couple of slow deep breaths and exhalations, after which you completely cease to control your breathing.

The mantra should be repeated slowly, in one rhythm, without speeding up or slowing down, while concentrating only on its sound. Practice should be synchronized with natural breathing. For example, recite the first half of the mantra as you inhale and the second half as you exhale. Choose short mantras! You don’t have to immediately read a long prayer, you will stray, and as a result you will not get anything, even pleasure from your own work.

A personal mantra for the fulfillment of desires will help you in any situation! And you can easily create a mantra with a regular thread pendulum!

I have always been fascinated with mantras¹. This is a verse that affects the consciousness of a person, helps in his spiritual development, and even fulfills desires. I was attracted by their mysterious sound, the vibrations emanating from them, the feeling of complete peace.

When pronouncing mantras, first of all, accurate reproduction of sounds is required.

This, although it presents some complexity, but gives an amazing effect. And yet I always wanted to have my own wish-fulfillment mantra, personal, created just for me.

How to create a wish fulfillment mantra?

It occurred to me that I can create my own mantra for the fulfillment of all my desires or other goals with the help of. I have the simplest thread pendulum. He often helped me solve various issues, and we developed a trusting relationship with him.

I prepared 33 cards with letters of the alphabet and 10 with numbers, laid them out on the table and began to ask questions to the pendulum.

  1. First of all, I ask the pendulum if he is ready to work with me. Basically, I get a positive answer to this question.
  2. Is he willing to help me create this or that mantra?
  3. How many syllables will my personal mantra consist of - 1, 2, ... 10?
  4. How many letters are in each syllable - 1, 2, ... 10?
  5. After that, I work with a pendulum on cards with letters.

The lesson is laborious, since you need to tune in to work with the pendulum, to find the right letter. But this is the work that needs to be done in order to get in touch with your subconscious mind and put together your personal wish-fulfillment mantra.

What can give a personal mantra for the fulfillment of the plan?

You can use your mantra to solve any household and personal problems and tasks. It, like a magic wand, helps not only to resolve, but most importantly, to prevent unwanted events. It is very comfortable!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Mantra is a sacred text in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, usually requiring the exact reproduction of the sounds that make it up (

During the next training () we had another magical technique. The technique is simple and accessible even to beginners. So, if you have a problem or an unfulfilled desire, or if you want to correct the settings for the perception of objective reality, help yourself! 🙂

This technique allows you to quickly and easily create a magic mantra for yourself.

We will need:

1. A piece of paper in a box.

2. Something for writing (pen, felt-tip pen, pencil).

3. Five minutes of time.

4. A pinch of humor and three drops of imagination.

The game technique helps to let go of anything, relax, laugh, enter the wave of co-creation with the world and ... stop preventing yourself from being happy! 🙂

Ready? Begin!

We formulate the essence of our problem or desire in one sentence (you can - in several sentences). How to formulate is not important. The main thing is that you yourself understand what you are talking about.

We write what is formulated on the prepared sheet in a box. We write like this: one cell - one letter. It's great if you can write not in a row, but randomly - a word here, a word - there, a letter - here, a letter - there (see photo).

This is the most important piece of technology. For already at this stage, you can let go of the problem (task). And here do not limit yourself in anything. Write the words however you like. This idea with words is based on one of the most powerful Simoron techniques, which I personally have been using successfully for many years and for almost any reason. It works very simply, incredibly simply and incredibly effective. Cleans the interior of the negative worse than a vacuum cleaner. The training is devoted to the development of such techniques (in the advanced version). In the same place, at the training, we will talk about how and why it works. And how it brings us to wholeness. After all, it is precisely on the basis of integrity that we make steps “in ten”, we find ourselves at the right time in the right place. It is thanks to unity with the world that “as if magically” and “as if unexpectedly” we get what we need and want. "As if" - because in fact it is a regularity. And it's natural.

Anyway, back to our technique. You write out the words. Any, all that come to mind. No matter how many there are. Nouns, adjectives, verbs, phrases, abracadabra - everything in a row, without filtering, without evaluating. Write as much as you want. Or whatever comes to mind. Even better, if these are words not from the head (or not only from the head), but also the names of objects that you accidentally glance at. And again, no choice. We write out until the moment there is a feeling - “enough”. Or until you get bored. Or until you feel like the weight of the problem has gone with the words (this is often the case). After all, with the correct execution of the technique, we “let off steam” through associations and everything else that is connected with the problem. Even if at the first (and also the second, third and fourth glance) it is not connected with the problem.

But in this case, the main thing is not to think - to write spontaneously. Until he lets go. And - I personally like to write letters in a mess.

Now the funniest

Let's draw a way out of the labyrinth of the problem in this variety of letters!
We draw a line - as the hand lay down - spontaneously - you can curve, straight, squiggle - whatever you like. And - we write out the letters that were on the line.

It turns out - the magic Simoron mantra

In the picture-illustration, I got a short mantra - YIV ARROVE. Let's taste the sound combination. If it feels purring, responding, pleasant, then the mantra is ready. You can use it either in the form of a mantra itself (that is, periodically remember-repeat it), or - make it a Simoron image, a handsome man. Associative.

If it doesn't purr, it means something hasn't let go yet. Then we repeat the procedure again. But not from the problem, but from the received mantra, for example. However, you can start with a problem.

With the help again - associations.

Personally, YAV ARROVE murmurs to me. And the image appears immediately - it is an arrow. She is in a long fluffy robe and lies curled up. Chewing raisins. Why that is so is irrelevant. It is important that I also like the image and purr. And so the next step - I put the image on myself - I am an arrow in a long fluffy mantle, chewing raisins.

So, a few more examples of the application of technology.


Here is another picture with desire-words-associations-squiggles. Here the squiggle turned out to be more authentic and there are much more words in the mantra.

But it's even more interesting. I write letters in a row: CHVORUZSO LIRKMENNI ZIROZA IZOTNIK BEDS SITMUPERAV VETO KMYA AFVON

Personally, even the attempt to pronounce it causes an explosion of laughter in me. From the third time it is pronounced. Therefore, in a similar way, I will reduce this to an even shorter mantra.


This is where my fantasy unequivocally throws up a kind of star warrior of the light (well, what else can the words ORGANIC SVETOKMURF mean) with boiled corn in one hand and bread in the other. However, ONVAREPUM is not necessarily boiled corn. It could also be a REPA. With automated control system. 🙂

Well, the last step is the image on yourself ... Hello, I am SVETOKMURF from the ONVAREPUMS clan ...

All. After such exercises for the brain, I can’t even remember what the problem was. So - let go - a fact. And in general - what problems or desires can LIGHTMURF have! 🙂

And finally, one more example.


If you have not one, but a whole bunch of problems? Not one, but a whole heap of desires? This does not mean at all that for each of them you need to do this technique separately! After all, the main thing for us is to enter the track of co-creation with the world, to the wave of good luck, where everything is okay. And it doesn't matter where you start.

So let's not make life difficult for ourselves. Let's write down on a piece of paper in a box not one, but a whole bunch of tasks, problems and desires - mixed up. As in life! 🙂

Similarly to the previous option, we write down the words. We act slowly - we write out as much as necessary.

After that - squiggle letter by letter. And - we read aloud the Simoron magic mantra and laugh! If it's not funny, repeat the procedure.

If it's funny - we add colors to the image, play with it, develop it - and very soon we find that the problems have been solved by themselves, and the desires have already begun to come true ...

How to add colors? As far as fantasy allows! And preferably - as usual - with a fair amount of absurdity. It helps a lot to dissolve the energy of the problem.

For inspiration, I will give another example from today's dialogue in contact.

We got a mantra: sochch tibulucho at least joker joking life ychsil chtria vtochnyavst.

We developed it and colored it like this:

"Obviously something old!" WOW! This is such a call to all higher powers.


- I think it's a masculine apple. With dignity.

- And this is some kind of ancient Slavic nickname.

- Translation - an apple in love?

- An apple with manhood! Ancient Slavic and in a raincoat! However - maybe - not in a raincoat, but with a fig leaf.

- So the essence of the ancient mantra is as follows: Oh, higher powers, I call on the ancient Slavic apple with male dignity!

- Now the second part: joking life ychsil chtria vtochnyavst.

- SHUTNYUZHUZH - this is such a cheerful bee. Continuation of the translation: get out the cheerful bees. Vtochnyavs - it's like "abgemacht" among the Germans like: said and that's it! And chtria is like rejoice ...

- It turns out: "Oh! higher power! I call on the Slavic apple with manhood! Depart, merry bee, rejoice! Vtochnyavs!”

Good luck and magic!

With love for your sense of humour,

The word is the image of the deed.

Not the hand, but the thought creates and kills.

Man has always wanted to influence the world and the environment. Quite quickly, he realized that his desires can be fulfilled not only with hands and instruments of influence, but also with the help of thought. Wishes come true if they are formulated in a special way. Some have been successful in this field. Thus was born the art of composing mantras, which can be called the ability to talk with the gods. Singing mantras, man created a culture of song.

Prayers and conspiracies, chants and psalms, spells and incantations, love spells and "magic" words, amulets and signs - all this was heard by each of the grandmother's tales, myths, folklore legends and traditions. By touching on this topic, we touch upon a rather slippery and closed area of ​​hermeticism.

Much has been written about mantras and nothing. You can read a lot, but the essence will remain dark.

Mantra (, reasoning, saying) - a sacred hymn. It requires exact reproduction. Mantra is sacred phonemes, a combination of sounds and Sanskrit words. Each word, syllable and sound of the mantra has a sacred meaning. Mantra is a tool for transcendental meditation. This is how the word "mantra" is usually explained.

In Hinduism, it is believed that all sounds and words used by people express the influence of mind on matter. If words are organized by a specialist, then so-called words of power or power phrases. Such a professional in India is called mantrakara- creator of mantras. The sacred texts contain many mantras, the first of which is the syllable A 1 Oy 22 M 13, the vibration of the universal Mind. There was an opinion that the mantra is not a prayer, since in the mantra it is not so much the meaning that is important, but the exact reproduction of the sound.

Hindus believe that the mantra is a peculiar form of speech that affects the mind, emotions and external objects. When pronouncing sounds, the body resonates with a certain frequency, which leads to an altered state of consciousness. Inner silence sets in, the ego falls silent. The mind silently vibrates in harmony with the infinite inner Self. Silence is filled with vibration. Anahat- intact mystical sound that carries information about the universe; it is associated with the heart chakra. It is believed that with the help of the mantra one can achieve a state of joy and compassion, healing and enlightenment.

Mantras are an Aryan invention. They are of Vedic origin. The reputation of the (ts)arsky family, owning magic, was fixed for the Aryans. The legends about the white race of masters survived until the time of Hitler, and the current behind-the-scenes rulers of the world, as well as monarchs, are staunch fans of eugenics and tribal chosenness.

The oldest book, the Rig Veda, is a collection of hymns. This is a cult, not a historical or philosophical monument. The Rig Veda was created to communicate the Aryans with the gods, and not to describe the life of the Aryan and his worldview. The progenitor of the Rigveda and Avesta - the philosophy of the Magi - is hidden in the hymns and is only implied. At least since the time of Diogenes Laertes, Indian Aryans have been called gymnosophists, i.e. connoisseurs of hymns, and the Persian Aryans - magicians. Under the magicians, of course, they did not mean the square magicians fooling the crowd.

The later Indian philosophy proper, expounded in various Vedas, took shape in the form of commentaries on the Rigveda. In fact, all Indian philosophy is an attempt to restore from the Rig Veda the established righteous knowledge, the primary book of mankind, traces of which are found in all religions.

The ancient Aryans came to India with the already formed and thought over Rigveda. “Attention is also drawn to the fact that the language of the Rigveda is closer in its features to the language of the Avesta than to the language of later monuments of the Indian literary tradition, for example, to the language of the epic or classical Sanskrit poetry” (academician Tatyana Elizarenkova, translator of the Rigveda). With such a huge volume, the Rig Veda had to take shape over many centuries, and additional time was needed for codification (fixation as a single collection) of the composition, which could not be changed in the future. What knowledge was it based on? Where is the origin? This question had no answer.

“A model remains in the center of the Vedic Rishi’s field of vision: man is god around which everything else is located. This model is of great cognitive importance for the study of the psychology of an ancient person, from the point of view of the history of religion, ethnography, etc.” (T. Elizarenkova). The worldview of the prehistoric Aryans was at such a height that no other world religion later reached. And all the later philosophical currents of human thought are only a pale reflection of that primitive wisdom.

Secret knowledge has power. Aryans constituted the highest caste of Indian society. According to most scholars, there was an earlier migration wave, as a result of which the Aryans became the rulers of states in the territory of modern Syria and Palestine. Other branches of the Aryan clans left traces in the toponymy of the Northern Black Sea region, in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and in the Crimea. Traces of Aryan knowledge can be discerned in Egypt, Mesopotamia and in Europe. And in the Russian language it sticks out with such force that centuries-old attempts to erase it and forget it turned out to be futile. The terms "Indo-European" and "Indo-Iranian" instead of fig-leaves of concealment served as a designation of a huge area of ​​distribution of Hyperborean influence on modern civilization.

Where did the royal family of magicians go? Nowhere. Dissolved. The descendants of blue blood still live there, as evidenced by DNA genealogy. “Attention is drawn to the fact that only the male names of the nobility have the Aryan appearance, and the female names in the same documents belong to local languages, which indicates mixed marriages of noble Aryans with women from local royal and high-ranking families. The result is the rapid dissolution of the few Aryan elites, and the complete disappearance of Aryan names from the middle of the 13th century BC.” (T. Elizarenkova).

The conclusions of the researchers echo the biblical mention of certain mysterious “sons of God”, “giants”, representatives of “strong, glorious people from ancient times”, who took human daughters as their wives, who gave birth to tall children from them. Apparently, the migration of the Aryan clans from the North occurred repeatedly due to climatic changes. The compilers of the book of Genesis proceeded from an old legend about the difference between the Aryans and the familiar breed of people of the southern area. The sons of God can be called those who either possess some kind of inhuman knowledge, or speak the language of the gods. This suggests that, perhaps, the Aryans retained the worldview of a previous highly developed civilization, the archaeological traces of which have been erased. Otherwise, the Aryans, in their savagery, militancy and way of life, did not differ much from the rest of the peoples of their time. Knowledge is what has always distinguished a person from the crowd.

Some Arabic scholars have noticed the similarity of many Arabic words with Russian in reverse reading. Such borrowing could occur not through speech, but through written sources. The fact itself is startling in that it suggests Arabs who allegedly learned to read before they could speak. But this allows you to push back the beginning of writing much earlier than is commonly believed. Most likely, primitive man denoted the phenomenon with a sound concept and an image at the same time. This corresponds to human nature: he perceives the lion's share of information through vision and thinks in visual images. Can't do it any other way. "Better to see once than hear a hundred times".

Not alphabetic phonemic writing was primary, but runic figurative. Then the laconic runes (features and cuts) were concretized by more understandable hieroglyphs (drawings and lasso) and only then the words were broken into phoneme letters. This corresponds to the principle of unfolding information - from the complex completeness of a brief single to simple verbose particulars. And the word became concrete. It follows that the most (ao)smart writing is runic. Runes are the alphabet of the gods.

For some reason, the name "Arctic" turned out to be consonant with the name of the genus that lived there, and with the words "arch" and "lasso". Gate of God. There is no smoke without fire, and many speculative myths have been fantasized about Atlantis and Hyperborea. Some come up with an alien origin of the Aryans.

A hundred years ago, the high school student received a decent education, and the student was already known as a respected person. Half a century ago, wit in public toilets was more literate than the current intellectual outpourings in the Internet dump. Loquacity and poor speech is the disease of the century. Moreover, it has become fashionable to grimace in native speech, from which it jars.

Babylonian cuneiform characters were like T-shaped nails. You can’t talk much on a clay tablet, so the speech was laconic, and the words were like hammered nails. Any scribe (clerk) in Egypt was already called a priest, although he was not. But dedication meant not just the ability to write a banal text, Novgorod children were also able to do this. True literacy was the privilege of priests, brahmins and magicians. Letters, hieroglyphs and runes were used to write mantras. Feeling the language, understanding its intimacy - this is real literacy.

Very strong signs

Very strong signs

Which the mighty wise man got,

And created higher powers

I hropt gods cut out.

(Samund the Wise, Elder Edda, XIII century, Iceland)

Runes are gods. Hardly "strong and strong signs" were required for ordinary writing. Erili were not carved and carved for public viewing. Runic codes are multi-valued, inexpressible and individual. Only a professional can decipher them, but he will carefully leave the riddle alone. Magic requires silence. Many profaned interpretations have been published. There are even more questions.

We know about the legendary prophets from hearsay. Many of them didn't leave a single line. There is no sure proof that they all knew how to write. Even now, literacy is understood as the ability to put words together from letters and form sentences.

The initiate hears the words differently from the ordinary listener. For example, you came across the word "saraswati" in the text. Read the explanation in the glossary: Saraswati(sárasvati literally "rich in water") - 1. the sacred river of the Aryans of the Rigveda; 2. the goddess personifying this river; 3. goddess of prayer. Sufficient explanation for the reader, whose understanding is limited to this.

The initiate tries to do without a glossary, trusting his inner hearing. His subconscious associates the river with speech. Single-root words pop up: the river speaks; the source speaks outflowing truth; smooth speech flows; pour out the soul; subconscious water; like looking into the water. It becomes clear that Saraswati- not a banal river, but language, "rich in meaning" speech. The “pouring water” of the 14th and 17th arcana and the coming era of Aquarius immediately emerge.

Mol-i-tva - to speak and create. to sayM 13 catch, tune thought to vibration Aoum, which means to resonate with the firmament. createT 0/21 turn back, manage, stir in Tverd.

The goddess of prayer is similar to the Egyptian god Thoth. Sara Swati - Sarah(queen) and matchmaker(sacred) - a sacred queen. Unlike Thoth, the goddess Saraswati is feminine. Thoth - the god of writing and counting, the personification of language - the connection of the mind with the subconscious, is closer to the left hemisphere rational logical thinking. Saraswati - the goddess of prayer, mantra, is shifted closer to the right hemisphere subconscious paradoxical and ambiguous figurative thinking. Male logic and female sensitivity in a person are inseparable, therefore Thoth and Saraswati are a single biner.

The name of the queen of wisdom contains the (ts)ar rune of the 12th lasso, the rune self-sacrificing dedications. And each lasso (letter, rune), of which the word consists, personifies a multi-valued doctrine with multi-level complexity that explains the archetype. An archetype is a principle that causes action in the material world.

You can continue to dig deep into the term, but for a light example of real literacy and understanding of the native language, this is enough. The word affects everyone differently. For some, it is simply a denoting label in the process of conceptual thinking. And someone experiences a multi-level complex resonance to the state of dilated pupils. Like understands like.

“Great inspiration comes only from great knowledge of inspired things. If you do not know them, then you will not be inspired” (Leonardo da Vinci). The rapidly becoming more complex life is becoming more and more difficult and incomprehensible for empiricists and ignoramuses.

Indian philosophy was born through the Aryans from the Hyperborean source. But it is far from unambiguous, like everything secondary and derivative. Indian thought is a cauldron of contradictory and arguing worldviews. Like life itself in its fluidity and development. Let us give a brief overview of the philosophical systems given in the Calcutta University textbook.

System charvaka(materialists) Jainism(VI century BC), Buddhism(VI-V century BC, divided into schools Madhyamiks or sunyavadins, yogacharas or vijnanavadins, sautrantiks, Vaibhashikov), nyaya(1st century AD), vaisheshika(5th century BC), Samkhya(II-VII centuries AD), yoga(II century BC), mimamsa(IV-V century BC), Vedanta(founder Shankara, 800 AD).

It is fashionable to go to India for intelligence and exoticism. The stubborn spend years mastering Sanskrit, which never becomes native, therefore, the barrier of misunderstanding remains. It is easy to get lost in the variety of gods, demigods and demons of different schools, duplicating each other. The number of brahmins, mahatmas, rishis, gurus, professors, hermits and street yogis, lamas and just monks is great. Many willingly PR and travel around the world with missionary lectures. There are yogis with senselessly wild eyes. There is also an incarnated avatar of Sai Baba comforting the crowd with tricks and borrowed wisdom. “The assertion that only brahmins are destined to give instructions can only convince the foolish herd” (“Mukutasamhite”).

Anything genuine is rare. There are also non-public sages in whom the memory of the northern roots of knowledge is alive. We find traces of the activities of these painstaking hard workers in the comments on ancient texts and in translations.

Indian philosophy is too tough for the Western mentality. The presentation of undistorted knowledge directly from the northern source (correlating it with the achievements of the natural sciences) is more understandable and close to the European. The skeptic who denies the Russian roots of hermetic knowledge on the grounds that he saw signs of chauvinism is left with a nose. Picking your nose skeptically, you will not extract the truth from it.

Man is god. And you can find God only in the waters of the subconscious. The water strider mosquito is light, so it glides briskly along the surface tension of the water. Rumors about the paradoxes of the underwater kingdom are perceived by him as something irrational. So is a person. Since ancient times, he has been trying to dive deep into himself. But the conclusions are different.

Creativity of the founder psychonautics Howard Lovecraft is based on a documentary description of the nightmarish horrors of his subconscious. Founder psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud found his explanation in subconscious sexual desires. Everyone has his own god and his own truth, which opposes "scientifically" considering the world as a mathematical alignment. Carl Jung has risen to the understanding of generality. He substantiated the thesis collective unconscious and symbolic language subconsciousness and associated with it the doctrine of common for all people archetypes.

Mysterious strange coincidences one sees every day. Uncorrelated Jungian synchronicity- this is that inexplicable rational mind influence on the material world of the Abyss of the subconscious, which was regulated by the ancients with the help of mantras.

Scientists are rediscovering forgotten truths. This suggests that the confirmed knowledge of past civilizations are not primitive fantasies. And Jung's doctrine of archetypes made it possible to see scientific truth of universal scales in seemingly superstitious hermetic doctrines.

Language connects the spirit with the mind. And all magical secrets are in the language. Therefore, the Russian language and Vedic (Sanskrit) are the richest and most complex. You can learn to speak and write, but this will give you nothing but a means of communicating with people. One must live in Russian. Then he can become a means of communication with the gods. This is the language of the gods.

European mystics consider Hebrew, Latin and Greek sacred. This is not true. To put it more correctly, none of the languages ​​is the language of the gods. But if we take the common roots of the Vedic, Avestan and Slavic languages, then we get the proto-language of man - the sacred language of the gods, which was spoken by the Hyperboreans. The closest to him is Russian. And only on it runes are read. This is the language of mantras.

Abhinavagupta, a classic of Indian mysticism, lived in the 10th-11th centuries. Wrote over 25 essays. The most unique is Paratrishika Vivarana, a treatise on the mantra and the metaphysics of speech. The philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism is considered "the culmination of Indian thought and spirituality" (Jaideva Singh).

The central idea of ​​the book is The Universe is the expression and development of the highest Speech - the transcendental Logos. It discusses in detail the esoteric meaning of phonemes and each letter of the Sanskrit alphabet, which represent various forms of the creative energy of Shiva and Shakti. The author demonstrates the cosmogonic function of linguistic rules, revealing the foundations of the power of the mantra, with the help of which the Brahman achieves absolute reality- identification with the universal consciousness.

Biner Shiva Shakti similar to Heaven-Earth, Firmament-Universe, information-energy, Shu 6 - Tefnut 9, - 21-22 arcana, statics-dynamics, magneto-electricity, F-T "fits", Sh-T "jester", - and t .d.

Abhinavagupta intended his book for enlightened brahmins with spiritual experience. The language of the text and comments is a secret language to hide the true meaning from the uninitiated. In addition, most words, stanzas and phrases have double meanings and can be interpreted at different levels. It is useless to decipher this multi-layered book with a text that is dark for a foreigner in compiling mantras in a non-native language until you suddenly see the runic meaning in it and clarity with it.

Hindus argue that it is not necessary to understand the sacred essence of the mantra, it is important to accurately reproduce the sound. To resonate to a phoneme, to sing or listen to music, of course, is good and useful. Animals can also feel and moo. Man, on the other hand, considers himself a rational being and influencing the world. And it is important for him to understand the meaning. Only then is resonance possible. Not transcendental thoughtlessness, but on the contrary, the resonance of thought.

The mantra is not nonsense. Of course, you can blindly repeat the mantra and get at least some benefit from this undertaking. For the crowd, this is enough. The compiler of the mantra cannot explain to the layman the meaning of sound combinations. But this does not mean that the mantra is an exotic set of sounds and nothing more.

Ordinary people are required to accurately reproduce the mantra (or prayer). Priests are required to strictly regulate their service in church ritual magic. Why? Because the ministers do not know the sacred meaning. Only the developer knows it. Popular rumor aptly identified the consonance of the concepts of "pop" and "parrot". The parrot repeats the mantra "butt is a fool" and is pleased with it. Although on the other hand

“Only in cages do parrots speak,

And in the forest they forget their language"

(from the song to the film "Once again about love").

The mantra "om mane padme hum" or "hare Krishna, hare Rama" is not perceived by the Russian subconscious. Mantra is an appeal to the gods. Is it possible to talk to the gods without understanding the meaning of the speech?

Om trayambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam uddvarukamiva bandhanaan mritimukshiya maamritaat. Or here's another one: "Om bhur bhwah svaha tat savitur varainyem bhargo devasya dhiimahi dhyo io nah prachodayat." Perhaps, repeating 108 times, the Russian ear will feel something genetically close, but there are few enthusiasts practicing the mantra in a foreign language. The priests who sing the translated Jewish psalms have much more listeners. The mantra is untranslatable, nothing can be changed in it. And the Russian people do not have their own culture of mantras, despite the abundance of certified psycholinguists. Forgot.

In other words, there are two types of meditation or two ways to achieve a state of altered consciousness. Both extremes are silent renunciation of the Ego and merging with the One. The first is passive thoughtless contemplation, the second is the active resonance of thought. The first path is available to almost everyone (there are many lovers of channeling), but it will not give discoveries. The second one is for the strong analytical minds of the pioneers (there are only a few of them). At the first, a person dissolves in God, like a drop merges with the ocean. In the second, God enters into a person, as the ocean flows into a drop.

To put a person into a thoughtless trance, you can teach him specific breathing (by suggesting to him that he tastes prana itself) or give a drug, you can just scare or hit him in the head, it’s more humane to offer “killer” music as a mantra with light flashes at a frequency close to with brain rhythms. There are many ways to "bring oneself out" into a borderline state of the psyche, including hypnosis. Shock therapy can both cure and kill. Aryans and Russians knew the recipe for soma and surya, shamans use mushrooms and herbal smoke, many psychotropic drugs were invented. Meticulous seekers who want to understand the essence, get to the bottom of everything and learn how to influence, the second way is preferable - a conscious mantra. For without words there is no thought. Thought ( мъ i word) there is a word resonance with Aoum.

How can one renounce the rational ego without turning off the mind? Elementary. This is natural for a person. And you do this every day when you get carried away with a complex problem and completely forget yourself.

Consumers are busy searching for themselves, knowing themselves and saving their souls. All their interest revolves around their overvalued Self and its self-expression. Creators tend to give sacrificially, share generously, and serve for others. Every person has a little bit of both. Everyone tends to meditate according to their mentality.

People called the Great Initiates gods who descended to earth, or sons of God. Because when God inhabits a human creator, it is felt.

“By this is meant not a chaotic disorder of levels of reality, but an internal interconnection following the principle of reality and its reflection: bimba-prabimba. Just as in a mirror, right becomes left and left becomes right, in the creative sequence, absolute reality is inverted, and in order to return to the source, this inversion must be corrected. Therefore, the highest principle correlates with the lowest (Shiva with the earth) and so on. In other words, the transcendent is in the immanent, and the immanent in the transcendent” (“Paratrishika-vivarana”).

Arya is the one who, like Odin, sacrificing himself, turns his whole essence inside out as a werewolf in order to change his point of view. And then God pours into the person. And then he looks at everything through the eyes of God. And then he, “a lamb as if slain”, surrounded by “twenty-four elders”, finds himself in the center of all things. The ability to turn consciousness inside out is indicated by the name itself arya. All prints are available to him. He is both God and one of the twenty-four equal gods. One in all, and all in one.

The letter O is drawn in the same way as zero. And in the mantra a-oh-m she is in the center. Zero, Abyss, the great Void, Nothing is about wild unity O bottom. The concepts of "one" and "one" in Russian have almost the same meaning. When counting, instead of the word “one”, we often say “ ra z "(R Az -). Rune Laguz is represented by the number 1 and is read "l" l), "od", "one" and "a" - sound A 1 Ansuz runes. Therefore the words Genus and Ra- the same concept of the One, expressing the (hermetic, not mathematical) identity of zero, unity and infinity. In the syllable "od" there is 0 (zero) and the Dagaz rune in the form of an infinity sign . The philosophical concept of "One" (One) combines the identity and unity of zero and infinity. Zero and infinity converge at one.

This world paradox is not accepted by any mathematician and psychiatrist, but it is a problem for sane accountants. A good example of the inferiority of rational reason and formal logic of the 15th lasso. Physics is easier to understand, for him the following quote is obvious, like a steamed turnip: “If you equate the time interval to zero or to infinity (infinite time between events), there is only one effect - the absence of time. If we direct the frequency of vibrations to zero or to infinity, the result is the same - balance, peace, absence of vibrations. The extremes converge: zero and infinity are the same"("Fundamentals of Paradoxical Philosophy").

At the beginning of the count, in a word once, present R , BUT( or ), and also Z- , alternation, sequence, time, wave, understandable to physics in the above quote ( Zelo- strongly, strongly). A Russian person does not even imagine that, uttering in vain a hundred times a day, the word once, he voices the mantra of turning to God. In the word once runes, simply put, play the role of two sides of one coin, and the rune personifies their alternate alternation. This is the paradoxical world first principle of the Trinity, the basis of fractality and holographicity of the Universe. The Russian language consists entirely of such secret words. Our wealth is enormous. But do we, the unawakened ones, hear it? Are we carelessly throwing ourselves words of power? That is why silence is golden.

God's names Genus and Ra philosophically difficult to understand. "I Ra' said God, and I in and l are the names Yar and Yarilo(i) and the concept of "PHENOMENON" (- Wunjo). Syllable silt- this is a rune that gave the concept of the One Ea, Il, Al(that is, God) to the Sumerians, Arabs and Jews. In Kabbalah, the understanding of wave duality is lost, so everything starts spinning only with the “Aleph” of the 1st lasso. Christian paradise contains a pagan name Ra.

« Ra me,” God said. " Ar I," replied the ancient arya realizing that he is a mirror image Rhoda, which is eloquently stated by the 12th lasso (read BUT, R, L, I etc.) - inverted Old Russian I.

The name "Arab" seems to also begin with ar. It is more difficult with the Arabs, because, reading everything the other way around, it is easy to understand it upside down, to take the image for reality. In the meantime, the kind of Semites - militant Islamists and God's chosen ones - disdain each other and the whole world, turning it into an oriental bazaar.

You, man, are God, but don't confuse him with yourself.

« Ar I,” said the ancestor. "And I Lar", - the descendant dared. And through the millennia they winked at each other.

In the villages, grandmothers know various spells and incantations that they inherited from their ancestors. But their true meaning is lost.

“You, heaven, hear, you, heaven, see what I want to do over the body of a slave (name). Maerek's body liver theses. Stars you are clear, get off in bowl marriage; and in my bowl water because of a mountain student. Month you are red, come into my cage; and in my cage there is no bottom, no tire. Sun you are free, come to my yard; and in my yard there are neither people nor animals. Stars, take away the servant of God (name) from wine, turn away the servant (name) from wine for a month; sun, pacify the slave (name) from wine. Word mine is strong!" (A. Blok "Poetry of conspiracies and spells").

The surface meaning is understandable. ritual conspiracy over maerekoy(apparently meant maran- wild garlic, a kind of oregano), which the liver theses(the principle of associative similarity of a drug with a disease or a patient; thesis- namesake tezevo- belly, belly), making a potion. A well-thought-out external form of sorcery. But the deep meaning of the spell, made up of only four runes, also works. Vorozhka, listing in order the arcana of the field genome (star, moon, sun) and exactly falling into the word "liver", does not even suspect what powers she awakens and why her hair stands on end.

From the evil eye they say to the 15th lasso (-ku) “shoo from here”, showing kush.“Barley, barley, you have a fig; what you want, you can buy; buy yourself an axe, cut yourself across!” Or spit over the left shoulder to the side.

“In conspiracies from blood, a maiden and silk are constantly mentioned: the healer squeezes the wound and says three times without taking a breath: On the ocean, on the island of Buyan, the maiden is red w tree w silt; w it didn’t, the ore was gone” (A. Blok). The hissing phoneme of the 1st chakra of Kundalini Shakti works here, i.e. We are talking, apparently, about menstrual blood. The Russian letter Ш designates this chakra (see diagrams in the book “Veda Slavyansk”).

Our Father (Greek or; Lat. Pater noster) is the main prayer offered by Jesus Christ.

Original in Greek.

Latin translation (Vulgate).

Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum, adveniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra. Panem nostrum supersubstantialem da nobis hodie; et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris; et ne inducas nos in tentationem, sed libera nos a Malo.

Text adopted in the Russian Church.

Our Father, Who art thou in heaven, hallowed be thy name, may thy kingdom come, may thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today, and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

[For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever].

The prayer is based on an esoteric logo. And it is composed of an appeal (dot), three affirmative "yes" (triangle) and four verbs "give", "leave", "introduce", "deliver" (square). The meanings of the verbs form binary pairs and together form the principle of the quadripole quaternary. The structure of the prayer corresponds to the formula " The One, bifurcated into a trinity, manifested itself as a quadruple».

The same principle is in the pyramid, consisting of a square base and 4 triangular faces converging at a point. The Masonic truncated pyramid depicted on the dollar has a different meaning and has nothing to do with this principle. God's and Caesar's should not be confused.

The laymen of the independent church translated the prayer into Ukrainian. Instead of three affirmative "yes" it has three casual "let's go." The prefix “not” is perceived by the subconscious as a denial, so prayer in Ukrainian does not work.

Prayer is esoteric, therefore it has many meanings. One way to read it is as follows:

Our FatherGenus. Ancient Slavic concept of God. The founder of any human race is the father. The entire family carries the genes of the father. Father in each of the members of the family. Thus, the concepts of "genus" and "father" are semantic synonyms. In the Greek and Latin versions of the prayer, the word "Pater", which is identical to "patriarch" (- father and - Start), the ancestor of the clan, tribe and people. In Christian prayer, one feels a pagan appeal to God - Our kind. The person turns to Rod, and to the whole human race as a unity of plurality, implying that all men are gods. god association Rhoda with the father of the family is used in the name of the church dignity - dad(for Catholics) and patriarch(among the Orthodox). primordial information and energy wave biner Rhoda can be interpreted like this: "Moon ( catfish) … symbolizes jnana shakti(power of knowledge), while the sun ( surya) – kriya-shakti(the power of action) ”(“ Paratrishika-vivarana ”).

Thou art in heaven. "Izhe" - the one that. In heaven "Firmly" (0/21 lasso). Firmament - the "heavenly" part of the biner concept Firmament/Universe expressing God. Rune Isa literally reads "ice", that is, frozen water, frozen information firmament standing waves of the information field. This prayer phrase makes a logical transition from a point to a triangle.

May your name be hallowed- "Az" (1st lasso). Formula start Az esmy expressing the holographic unity of multiplicity.

May your kingdom come- "OUK" (21/22 lasso). "Earthly" part of the binary concept Firmament/Universe expressing God. This refers to the universe - the kingdom of God.

May your will be done- "Think."

Like in heaven and on earth- a logical transition from a triangle to a square according to the principle of analogy “as above, so below”, set out in the Emerald Tablet. By the way, the word like(iako) consists of I 10, A 1 and K 11, which in meaning accurately conveys the cycle of similarities of the 1st and 2nd ten arcana. The 11th lasso "Kako" is similar to the 1st. The whole phrase of the prayer speaks of likeness.

Give us our daily bread today- "Good", energy gain.

And leave us our debts, as we also leave our debtors- “Yes”, informational novelty, the beginning of the runic phrase “esmi”, ending with the 8th lasso - the principle of Karma. Novelty is always the cause of consequences, therefore it carries both duty and responsibility.

And lead us not into temptation- "Our", the inner Self, which constantly whispers to a person and guides him. The “collective unconscious” (according to Jung), the subconscious, the soul, the information field common to all, which is common to all and unique to the individual.

But deliver us from the evil one- "Xi", external Ego, mundane reason, temporary, mortal Self.

As a result, the decoding received a series of runes, which reads " give birth aoum day". Moreover, the word “give birth” corresponds to a point, “aoum” to a triangle, “day” to a square. And this is already a mantra. It differs from prayer in a more general multi-layered sense. In fact, we have remade the prayer into a mantra. A seemingly banal wish will give birth to mind day It is useful to pronounce the coming dream. The rune is invisibly present in this phrase, which reinforces the meaning (the cycle of the change of day and night). Pronouncing the seemingly simple phrase “aoum will give birth to a day”, we seem to not hear any words of the Christ prayer, we do not see its structure and arcane meaning, but all this is hidden in the mantra and is felt by the subconscious. This is different power phrase from the usual. “Hidden harmony is stronger than obvious” (Heraclitus). Strong mantra. And a visual lesson on compilation.

If in three "yes" for the sake of the golden ratio 13 / 21 instead of putting , which is quite correct in meaning, then the mantra will be read "will give birth to atman (or Atum) day."

Surprisingly, the prayer corresponds to the initial sequence of runes in the genome and can be read "Kind God spirit is" or "Ra is the entrance."

The Christ Prayer is an esoteric masterpiece. What kind of mantra formed the basis of its compilation, it is difficult to say. Only the developer can know for sure. The fact that the prayer is deciphered in Russian and transformed into a mantra is not a coincidence, but speaks of its competent structuring and archetypicality.

And here a very tricky question arises about the author of the prayer. After all, not a sound is said about pagan runes in Christianity. Until recently, no one knew that they were Russians. But after all, the strange and incomprehensible "Apocalypse" of John is also built on runes. There can be many answers and ideological speculations. The irrefutable fact of the existence in Russia of a magical lasso alphabet, which no one else had, including Sanskrit, also incites.

The fact is always right and stubborn. We are wrong when we carelessly erroneously interpret it. Rune field genome Rhoda objective and independent of our knowledge. No man invented it. The genome is a sequence of objective principles (initial principles, archetypes) that underlie everything. A man and a woman create a child on the same instinct without the slightest knowledge of genetics and microbiology. The field genome automatically thinks and decides for them. A person digests food without knowing the chemistry, that is, unconsciously. Likewise, every person is gifted with intuition, regardless of whether he knows the runes and the secret of the work of archetypes. The height (depth) of insight depends on the talent and structure of the psyche. In genius, archetypes work in full force. And he creates a masterpiece on the sensual work of the subconscious, often without understanding how he succeeded. And there are many such cases, not only the example of prayer and the Apocalypse. But this fact only confirms the objectivity of the runic genome.

Hermeticism has always been considered a royal science and an intrusion into the superhuman sphere of God's providence. Therefore, the rune is secret whisper, and the mantra is a play on the strings of runes.

Understandable prayers are for the people. Initiates prefer mantras. They are more capacious and designed for subconscious rather than rational perception.

Paratrishika. This name is explained as supreme goddess of the three. "The Supreme Goddess who transcends and is identical with the Triad (trika)." “Three are the three shaktis: icchā (will), jñāna (knowledge) and kriyā (activity), or parā, parāparā and aparā, or the three states of sṛṣṭi, sthiti and saṃhāra, and also, with more reason, based on the essence of the content Triki - Shiva, Shakti and Nara. Another possible name given by Abhinavagupta's predecessors, "Parātriṃśakā", was interpreted by them as: "That which expresses (kāyati) the three (tri) shakti (śa) of the Supreme (parā)" ("Paratrishika-vivarana").

At first glance, the text is dark for a foreigner. What are we talking about here, what three shaktis are we talking about? In different alphabets and linguistic interpretations of Hermeticism, the letters Ш and Т "walk". We have already discussed the "mutual circulation" of the letters-sounds Ш and Т. In relation to the Slavic Russian alphabet (and in Kabbalah), we are talking about three nodal Ts, which is shown in the diagram in the book “Slavic Veda”. But the reader, as a rule, does not pay attention to the schemes. Among the Varangians and Northern Slavs, the most common amulet was the sign Thor's hammer in the form of an inverted letter T (letter w and t inverse to each other), and the Egyptian key of life attribute of the gods ankh represents the letter T with a ring that can be read FATHER. Similar to Indian couple Shiva/Shakti (W ak T and double) Egyptian couple Shu/Tefnut (T e F double chickpea) also represents three T. The energy T is born from the information firmament.

The Sumerians have the concept Tee called Vital energy and rib; hence the myth of Eve from Adam's rib. Tigun - Tee and guna(quality). Chinese qigong (ts igun). letter combination st sacred in Russian, and the preposition co has the same meaning of feedback as in Sanskrit.

Numbers also play a role in the technique of composing mantras and their interpretation. Let's take an example. “The best example of Abhinava’s hermeneutic genius is the 16 interpretations of the word anuttara, where even the number 16 itself is significant, since it indicates completeness” (“Paratrishika-vivarana”).

Rune Inguz, 15th lasso (Russian letter xi , xeno- alien), symbolizes the archetype of complete separation, alienation of the part from the whole, completion. After completion comes completeness (the difference of words is almost indistinguishable). Principle completeness, the end is the 16th lasso, rune Othilawhen you can say “he” about someone. The completeness of universal harmony is the principle of closing the end with the beginning into a cyclic infinity, in which the whole is identical to the particular, and infinity is equal to zero. The Indian commentator had in mind exactly completion, not completion. A numerologist out of 16 would get 7 and start a new cycle of creation.

“Divine consciousness is identical with the highest Word (Speech) (para-vak), and therefore every letter or word originates and is absolutely inseparable from Consciousness. "She (higher Speech) is at the very beginning, in the divine I-consciousness, which is the highest mantra and which is not limited by space and time." Therefore, the analysis of language is not separated from the analysis of consciousness” (“Paratrsika-vivarana”).

"Higher Speech", the universal original fractal mantra, which is the full secret name of God, is rediscovered from oblivion. It is the property of relatives - the people Rhoda, speakers of the language of the gods, heirs of the forgotten North. The Supreme Speech manifested itself out of nothing in all its beauty, grandeur and power. It has been seen by thousands of visitors from all over the world on the Russian Times website for several years now. The most perspicacious thinking readers have guessed that the website logo is a mantra. And they have practically convinced themselves that it works. Over time, even the inert majority will appreciate what a (ts)ar gift Rhoda fell on them at the beginning of Aquarius.

Mantra Rhoda. There she is:

at the entrance of the serpent current a stone at the caves the word

The sequence of runes is endless. There are a lot of readings of the mantra, it is universal for every occasion and every whim. The uniqueness of this mantra is that it is silent. Mantra of Silence, the call of Eternity, the gaze of the Abyss. You don't have to say it, just look and think. The one who has reached understanding will hear the whisper of the gods, ready to gladly reveal any secrets to a person as he is ready. Great Speech makes a man grow and encourages him with revelation. She hears a person and will never offend a spiritual wanderer with indifference.

“Recognition of one's essential nature [the field genome!] is the highest mantra. This is an active initiation. This is a real offering. Among all ceremonies, this is the highest ritual ”(“ Paratrishika-vivarana ”). And this supreme mantra you have.

Runic genome, the great Speech is the mantra of the universal Uma sounding like an eternal moment. The meaning of the non-local hologram of every being and the Universe.

Hindus say that the power of consciousness increases consciousness mantra, and the energy increases energy mantra. Both increase at the same time name mantra. It is this mantra that the runic field genome is - the infinite name Rhoda.

The harmonious choir of twenty-four gods is a Moebius-like closed endless sequence of archetypes. It is read both alternately and on both sides alternately-binary. With the help of the genome, you can compose any mantra, having previously studied the Tarot and the hermetic schemes for the distribution of the letters of the Old Russian alphabet and their relationships (in the book "Veda Slavyanska"). As a matter of fact, these schemes are a short textbook on the art of mantra composition. Everything has been stated for a long time, but not everyone noticed it.

But the craft is dangerous for the layman. "Do no harm" - the principle of the sorcerer. Without becoming a god, don't try to steer the world, it's better to look around where you wandered.

This secret was made public not for the instruction of sorcerers and political technologists, but for the sake of reviving the culture of the mantra in its cradle - in Russia. Written for aoum ny people.

I have always been interested in esotericism. Who is serious, and who is to satisfy curiosity. There is nothing supernatural. But disturbing rumors about the "supernatural" are spreading at the speed of gossip. People dreamed of adapting the occult for the needs of the day: healing, career, love, politics, espionage. “A spell is the oldest form of religious consciousness” (A. Blok). The fashion for hermeticism now subsides, then resumes with new zeal.

The crowd does not need scientific complexity, give it a miracle, and it is ready to be deceived. Moses and the Egyptian priests competed in magic in front of Pharaoh, Peter and Simon the magician were at enmity, Cagliostro and Saint Germain competed. History remembers many outstanding adventurers who achieved success. Some of them were philosophers and crooks at the same time, not disdaining self-promotion and promotion. Magic has been turned from a science into a circus craft and into a means of ideological fooling.

People are trusting. Even the most ossified materialist unconsciously prefers faith over knowledge, and does not really listen to the arguments of reason. The thirst for something unusual is in the human genes. Why is that? One can only cautiously assume that humanity from the past civilization retains the remnants of memory about the technology of materialization of energy from information. At least, there is no theoretical ban on the materialization of thought. And in small doses it happens every day. This is magic, the technology of the gods, whose paradoxical slogan "thought, know thyself" will puzzle psychiatrists. But who is not afraid, he goes. Godel's theorem forbids "knowing oneself" and pulling it out of the swamp by the pigtail, but we do it with a creak to the extent that someone who is more difficult than us enlightens us. If not for God, there would be neither development nor complication - this is the best proof of the existence of God.

Today they started talking in unison about the notorious world government and freemasonry, the mafia and the fifth column, about the great predictor. Suddenly, like winter on the house manager, the long-predicted crisis broke out. People feel something is wrong, understand little, suspect the presence of some secret essence what is happening and build hypotheses on this topic. What we do not understand, we will fantasize. We only see what we are allowed to see and understand in hindsight. Those who understand where everything is heading do not want to believe in themselves and calm down.

In troubled water it is tempting to break the jackpot. And against this background, esoteric charlatans are eager to fight. Political technologists are especially expensive. And I don’t really want to enlighten them, because knowledge can be used for evil by illiterate actions or intentionally. This utter schizophrenia is published by me only to give the reader some idea that the most powerful deep processes of life are constructed and occur in the realm of completely unscientific irrational ancient stupidity. The pro winds on his mustache, the profane will satisfy the amusing curiosity, and the skeptic will be stunned by the wisdom of primitive savages. And everyone will have fun. “When a thing becomes known, curiosity about it ceases. There is no more desire to know something about her ”(“ Paratrishika-vivarana ”).

And at this time... At the entrance of the serpent’s current, the stone at the caves of the word bha dha esmi that tuk karm-cursed amen will seal the loins of the womb of the rtsy the word ra-brahma day thou sword that decree-flint of the eye arya-man ko the way of Russia the channel ... and so on, striving for infinity, as far as Russian words and combinations suffice. Russian spirit. Breath of Russian speech. It smells like Russia.

Smile, you are gods. And be smart with your Russian mind, and not paraphrased overseas knowledge. Everything you have is your own and real. The truth is in you. Mantra Rhoda belongs to you. Sing it to your health, resonate and be happy.

Let it go Mind will give birth to tomorrow.

© Yuri Larichev, 2009

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Awesome!!! Turns inside out.

Physical body and sound.

The impact of sound. The word can heal, through sound vibrations, and their resonance in the organs. People have long been interested in the impact of sound on health. The ancient Egyptian papyrus Ebers, dated to the 17th century BC, tells the following: “If you sing vowels, strongly straining and stretching the muscles of the face, then this action successfully replaces the usual treatment of many organs.” There is no doubt that the vibration of sound has a very beneficial effect on our body. It has been noticed that when a person feels good, he wants to sing.If you have problems with the kidneys, then their work can be adjusted using the sound "I": pull "and-and-and-and-and", exactly, on one height, stopping a little before exhaling all the air.To put in order the lower third of the lungs (part of the chest), it is necessary to evenly pull the sound "E" on one note: "e-e-e-e-e" ... To cleanse larynx (ARI, tonsillitis) evenly pull the sound “A” on one note: “a-a-a-a-a” ... The prolonged vibration emanating from this sound can destroy the shells of viruses. To regulate the endocrine system and rejuvenate the glands internal secretion and life extension, you need to pull evenly on one height sound "0": "oh-oh-oh-oh-oh". The combination of sounds “0I” is good for the heart. Exactly pull at the same height “0-and-and ...” spending twice as much time on the sound “and” in length than on the sound “o”. The Ebers Papyrus says that sound vibrations should be repeated five times a day for 10 minutes. Additionally, for each sound, the time at which the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved is indicated. For the sound "A" - 4 o'clock in the morning, 15 o'clock; "0-I" - 14 o'clock, "0" and "E" - 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Mantras, sound vibrations, cause a state of goodness and peace in a person. They connect a person with the Cosmos through Sahasrara, free from diseases and evil. Sound, music can be treated, as well as a word. Drink to be healthy. Vibration of the voice is very important for good health. It helps promote health. The reproduction of certain vowels makes the tonsils, appendix, thymus, glands vibrate and induces them to cleanse the body of waste. Mantras are based on certain combinations of vowels, which are sung in a special way to cause an oscillatory effect throughout the human body, in the nervous system, endocrine glands, and in the brain. This vowel singing is done easily and calmly, however, with the full energy of deep breathing. Try it and you will soon feel full of new energy. The peculiarity of immersion in the primary consciousness, with the help of a pronounced sound (concentration and fatigue) speaks of one phenomenon - the sound should be short and not cause any associations. Therefore, you can independently choose for yourself a simple and meaningless sound for you and, repeating it to yourself, “listen to how it“ sounds ”inside you. In order for the sound of a mantra to “sound” within you, it must end in a vowel or voiced consonant. It is better to meditate in this way twice a day at the same time for 20 minutes, in the morning and in the evening. The environment should be calm - noise will distract you. After meditation, sit quietly for a few minutes. The results will not be slow to affect - fears will disappear, cheerfulness will appear in the body, self-confidence and many other pleasant transformations. So, try to make a strong and piercing sound "Eee", parting your lips, as in a smile. Do it not in the form of singing, but rather in the form of a shout from afar. The sound should be even and the same height at the beginning, middle and end. You can’t start powerfully, but end with a weak squeak; stop before you run out of breath, i.e. there should always be a small amount of air left before the end of the sound. Rest and repeat 2-4 times. Gradually you will notice the effect of vibrations on the head, very pleasant sensations arise. It helps clear the brain, eyes, nose, ears and gives the impression of exhalation. There are sounds based on other vowels that affect various organs: I-I-I - causes vibrations in the head; O-O-O - in the middle part of the chest; E-E-E - in the glands, brain; SU-SU-SU - in the lower part of the lungs; O-O-O - in the diaphragm; A-A-A - in the head; U-U-U - in the pharynx, larynx; M-M-M - in the lungs. Here is another exercise: inhale and hold your breath. At the same time, mentally concentrate on the vowel sound, visualizing it, then inhale, singing the sound and thinking about it. To begin with, it is not recommended to take more than 3-4 vowels in a row. Later, as you get used to it, you can increase the number of vowels and pronunciation time by adding one sound each time. Oriental healers believe that if we allow nature to work freely, our body will be cleaner and more beautiful. If we make the organ vibrate, loudly pronouncing sounds, and breathe deeply at the same time, we can get rid of many diseases.

Create a personal protective mantra. A mantra is a prayer formula consisting of one or more words. The mantra is sung or chanted many times in order to awaken certain aspects of God or Being in oneself, depending on one's inner convictions and beliefs. In esoteric schools, the teacher invents or chooses a protective mantra for the student, and he eventually enters into resonance with it. The mechanism of action of the mantra is that sound waves resonating in the oral cavity affect the soft palate, and through it the brain. The frequencies generated by the brain are harmonized with sound frequencies and radiated in a certain range. Thus, consciousness is transferred to a strictly defined state. This mechanism is used by the subconscious to influence consciousness. Remember spontaneously arising statements that you say: “How bad I am!”, “Nothing will work!”, “How you got me!” etc. Their efficiency is very high, since all mantras have the ability to program us. And as a result, we get all this - we feel bad, nothing comes out, everyone gets it. Everyone can, drawing attention to themselves, fix their own, personal mantras. Let's try to use this in a different way, changing the "minus" to "plus", and we will find our personal protective mantra ourselves, and in our own subjective space. When we feel especially good, we are in high spirits, i.e. in a state of calm joy, some kind of melody is sure to sound inside us. The melody sounds absolutely for each of us, because. the mechanism is the same. Most of the time we don't pay any attention to it. Remember one of these states when you felt good and joyful, when you felt happy, and listen to yourself. Try to isolate the melody that sounded at that moment from all the feelings, emotions, thoughts that flooded over you and fix it. This melody personifies for us our state of harmony with the world, resonating with our being at all levels. During meditation, or when you need to become "protected from external influences," you begin to hum or listen to this melody to yourself. Due to the mechanism of sound impact, it will recreate in you a state of absolute security, inner harmony and peace. This melody can sound like a constant background, with a level on the edge of perception, without interfering with our daily life.

Highlight Vishuddha, connect it with the Thymus, vocal cords, hand chakras. Be aware of the unity of word and deed and feel the impact of sound based on the vibration of the Thymus on the physical body. Consciously singing your melody, feel how the generation system: Spirit - tonsils, Soul - Thymus, Ego - appendix, accumulator of sexual energy, forms an immune system that maintains the integrity of the physical body, its stability. Fully realize that immunity is associated with the energies, spirituality and materiality of the personality, the generation of a single generator of pulsation Spirit - Soul - Ego, which turns your melody into a mantra, and places this mantra down into the Ego - appendix - the accumulator of sexual energy, which through the kunda and its energy, fill the entire volume of the physical body with this personal mantra, protecting it.

Consciousness and sound. Spirit Mantra.

The integrity and harmony of consciousness manifests itself as a thought, in which the word is integrity, is filled with the harmony of emotions and causes sensations. The awakening of the Spirit, according to Eastern ideas, occurs with a universal primary sound, in the Upanishads it is AOUM - “I am”, the greatest and most powerful, of all bijas (and therefore of all mantras) the sacred syllable OM. In it, as in every bija, there is a nasal (singing, buzzing) M, or humming M-M-M-M, in which, according to the teaching, the power of the mantra is contained. The syllable OM, as a sound, is intended to block outside influences in order to turn to one's own internal processes. They pronounce this syllable as AOUM, but at the same time in such a way that neither A, nor O, nor U are separately inaudible, and the buzzing M accompanies the pronunciation of the entire syllable from the very beginning. In this "humming M", which in "bija" is usually pronounced as the guttural NG in the word "gang", lies the whole power of the mantra. Melodiousness, humming, buzzing vibrate through the soft palate, the entire area of ​​the pituitary gland, and the sound of M - the whole area of ​​​​the palate (from the point between the eyebrows to the pineal gland), i.e. the body of the Spirit. To this must be added an even deeper and more intense concentration of thought on spirituality.

Highlight Vishuddha, connect it with the Thymus, vocal cords, hand chakras. Realize the unity of word and deed and feel the impact of the sound based on the vibration of the Thymus on the body of the Spirit. Consciously singing AOUM, feel how the generation system: Spirit - tonsils, Soul - Thymus, Ego - appendix, sexual energy accumulator, forms an immune system that supports the integrity of spirituality, fields of consciousness, its stability. Consciously direct the sound into the body of the Spirit, feeling its filling with energy, and the generation of the field of consciousness. Fill the field of consciousness with the mantra AOUM, feel the unification of the field of consciousness and the sphere of personal reality. Fully realize that immunity is associated with the energies, spirituality and materiality of the personality, the generation of a single pulsation generator Spirit - Soul - Ego, which places this mantra up into the Spirit - tonsils, which, through the vocal cords and their sound energy, fill the entire volume of the sphere of personal reality, protecting it.

Emotional body and sound. Soul Mantra.

Remember one of these states when you felt good and joyful, when you felt happy, grateful, just for no reason, when the Soul sang. Try to highlight the melody that sounded at that moment and fix it. This melody resonates with your Soul, this is its voice. Start humming to yourself or listen to the tune. Due to the mechanism of sound impact, resonance, it will allow you to feel the power of the Soul that fills your personal reality, turning into a mantra of the Soul.

Highlight Vishuddha, connect it with the Thymus, vocal cords, hand chakras. Realize the unity of word and deed and feel the impact of the sound based on the vibration of the Thymus on the body of the Soul. Consciously humming the Soul mantra, feel how the generation system: Spirit - tonsils, Soul - Thymus, Ego - appendix, accumulator of sexual energy, forms an immune system that maintains the integrity and harmony of the Soul, increases the strength of the Soul. Consciously direct the sound into the body of the Soul, feeling its filling with energy, and the generation of the emotional body. Fill the emotional body with the mantra of the Soul, feel the unification of it and the sphere of personal reality. Fully realize that immunity is associated with the energies, spirituality and materiality of the personality, the generation of a single pulsation generator Spirit - Soul - Ego, which places this mantra in the Soul - Thymus, which, through the vocal cords and their sound energy, fill the entire volume with this Soul mantra spheres of personal reality, protecting it, and uniting it into a single whole.

Thank you, no big words

Thank you, I don’t find big words, nabel, for such kindness. I have been waiting for such information for a long time, when the student is ready, the teacher comes. I thank you with all my heart and body. When I read, everything sang. I’ll sell it! Take care of it like an eye, like an eye. I’ll also share for reflection, When I hear clapping, applause, awkward din after listening in the theater or in the media, I feel bad, like they slam the lid on me and beat ... they beat me with a mallet on my poor head or lid. This is my personal feeling, or who else has an aversion to slamming the received information with applause and its destruction. The same perception from listening to modern pop (navel) music and or when accompanied by other games ... other..ds other..holes..holes r. .rrr,. boom.boom.boom, BAM, what kids are into shooting games, like they hit sledgehammers with a hammer, that is, on the nerves, causing the convolutions to become straight, flat and thin, like needles. I look at the faces of these people when disconnected or distracted for conversation, petrified or absent look, the pupils become like ice floes and then aggression erupts. anger and all sorts of bad words, and this is among the younger generation. These sound effects are practiced in detective, read for the formation of defective assimilation, serials, they are everywhere on many and also on cultural sites. Share who can or will help with your advice. Nabel is not in vain in your name Nadezhda. With love in the light of VADIM.

Vadim you write "... arises

Vadim you write "... there is a rejection of the slamming of the received information with applause and its destruction ... "

What a pity. Clap your hands…. Have you noticed that young children very often clap their hands when they are happy? Clapping requires two hands, apparently opposite to each other, but in their depths producing one clap, united in their efforts, coordinated, not opposite to each other, not contradicting each other, but complementary. The whole existence is a clap of two hands, a man and a woman, day and night, love and hate, life and death… Loud and ringing handclaps are an excellent stimulant for dissolving stagnant energy. In the practice of Feng Shui there is a technique "Cleansing the space with the help of clapping hands." It says, If you want to change your life for the better, Clearing the space is the first thing to do.

I dream of a modest house in the countryside

Dear LINA, thank you for your understanding!!! I sincerely wish that YOUR DREAM COME TRUE!!! The main thing is to constantly see this house, prepare yourself for life in it, and it will appear, I know from my own experience.

It seemed to us just a miracle ... But now ...


With love, Nabel

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