Home Endocrinology The jaw hurts when opening the mouth: causes and recommendations for eliminating unpleasant sensations. The jaw joint hurts near the ear treatment Why does it hurt to chew, the jaw hurts

The jaw hurts when opening the mouth: causes and recommendations for eliminating unpleasant sensations. The jaw joint hurts near the ear treatment Why does it hurt to chew, the jaw hurts

The pains related to the jaw region bring a lot of inconvenience to a person, especially when they intensify in the process of communication or eating.

There are many reasons for their occurrence: diseases of the teeth, trauma to the jaw, damage to the nerve endings.

At the same time, the problem may be non-dental in nature, but indicate the presence of a certain disease.

To understand which specialist can help in this situation, you should pay attention to the nature and localization of pain.

Accurate and timely identification of the cause of pain when chewing food contributes to the correct diagnosis and the provision of appropriate therapeutic procedures.

There are several large groups of factors that affect the occurrence of pain in the jaw apparatus.


Mechanical trauma to the jaw is often due to such reasons:

  1. Injury caused by a strong blow or fall. At the same time, the bones of the jaw apparatus retain their integrity, however, damage to soft tissues occurs. When opening the mouth, pain occurs, a bruise forms and slight swelling of the damaged area of ​​​​the skin. As a rule, all symptoms disappear within 2-3 days.
  2. Dislocation. This situation is possible with a sharp opening of the mouth, yawning, laughing, opening a bottle with the teeth. Often, pathology occurs when a person has articular diseases. The dislocation looks like this: the lower jaw is fixed with a skew to one of the sides with the mouth open. To get rid of a dislocation, you will need the help of a traumatologist.
  3. Fracture of the upper or lower jaw. This problem is the result of a mechanical injury, like a strong blow, accident, fall from a height. There are fractures of both one and both jaws at the same time. In addition to acute pain, the fracture is characterized by the inability to chew, swelling and bruising.
  4. Traumatic osteomyelitis. The main cause of this disease of the jaw bones is an untreated fracture, complicated by low immunity and the presence of foci of infection in the oral cavity. Often the cause of the development of pathology is an infected tooth, from which the infection spreads to the jaw tissue. Osteomyelitis is characterized by throbbing pain and fever.
  5. Chronic subluxation of the lower jaw. This condition occurs as a result of some actions, such as coughing, yawning, laughing, and is characterized by a displacement of the jaw forward or to one side. The situation is a consequence of the stretching of the fibrous tissue surrounding the joint between the lower jaw and the cavity of the temporal bone, as a result of the lack of proper fixation of the articulation of the bones.

Consequences of wearing dentures or braces

The use of various orthodontic structures designed to correct the bite may be accompanied by minor pain, especially during the adjustment period.

Such devices are located on the teeth and contribute to their movement relative to the dentoalveolar line, which leads to the formation of uncomfortable sensations. This indicates the correct course of the process of correcting the pathological bite.

Important! If the pain during the use of orthodontic structures increases over time and interferes with eating or communication, you should seek the advice of a dentist.

Installing prostheses to restore lost crowns can also lead to some pain at the initial stage of their use. After a while, the pain will disappear.

If this does not happen, it is worth contacting a dentist to exclude the possibility of incorrect installation of the orthopedic structure and the presence of an inflammatory process.

Dental diseases

The presence of certain dental diseases can lead to pain when chewing:

  1. Pulpitis. The inflammatory process affecting the dental nerve is accompanied by the occurrence of paroxysmal pains that worsen at night. In addition to the affected tooth, soreness often passes to the zygomatic, occipital region, or to the opposite jaw.
  2. Periodontitis. Jaw pain in this disease is acute in nature, which is characterized by an increase and pulsation during an exacerbation of the process. During eating and pressure on the jaw, the pain increases.
  3. Alveolitis. Pain from an inflamed hole can radiate to the entire jaw, interfering with chewing food. In the absence of timely therapy, the disease can go into the form of limited osteomyelitis, accompanied by purulent fusion of the jaw bones.

Eruption of wisdom teeth

The growth of molars is often accompanied by pain. This is due to the fact that the jaw is already formed and there may not be enough space for the growth of additional molars.

This can lead to the appearance of impacted or dystopic crowns.

The eruption of these molars can be accompanied by aching pain in the cheek area, spreading to the throat and ear, difficulties in chewing and swallowing, inflammation of the bones and muscles located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200btooth growth.

If you experience pain associated with the eruption of root crowns, you should contact your dentist to avoid the formation of inflammatory processes due to their incorrect location.


The pathological position of the crowns relative to the line of the dentition can cause pain during chewing. This is due to the incorrect distribution of loads and the need for additional efforts.

Pathological bite may be accompanied by pain when opening the mouth, chewing, talking, headaches, spasms of the jaw muscles.

This situation requires an immediate visit to the dentist, because if left untreated, it can lead to the formation of dislocations provoked by weakening of the ligaments due to the incorrect location of the temporomandibular joint.

Purulent-inflammatory diseases

An acute purulent process is another possible cause of pain in one of the jaws. The most common diseases are:

  1. Osteomyelitis characterized by inflammation of soft and bone tissues. It is accompanied by soreness of the teeth, passing to the entire jaw, swelling of the face and its asymmetry.
  2. Furuncle accompanied by the development of acute purulent inflammation of the skin. Often the focus of the spread of the disease is limited, but has a pronounced soreness.
  3. Abscess most often develops against the background of mechanical damage to the jaw and concomitant infection. With the course of the disease on the upper jaw, difficulties in opening the mouth and swallowing are characteristic, on the lower jaw, pain occurs when chewing. Outwardly, the abscess is expressed in the swelling of the submandibular triangle and the distortion of the shape of the face.
  4. Phlegmon. Symptoms of this pathology resemble osteomyelitis - a sharp pain in the jaw row or under it, swelling of the face, fever. The site of inflammation in this disease has a feature to spread.


Soreness of the jaw during chewing in the absence of any trauma and inflammatory processes may indicate the presence of a benign or malignant neoplasm in the body.

Often, such pain is of a mild chronic nature, regardless of the type of tumor.

The following types of tumors are benign:

  • adamantioma characterized by an increase in the size of the jaw, which leads to difficulties and soreness in the process of chewing food, which gradually increases in the process of growth of the neoplasm;
  • osteoma- a tumor that slowly grows from the bone tissue and is accompanied by malocclusion, jaw deformity and limitation of the degree of opening of the oral cavity;
  • osteoblastoclastoma accompanied by a slight aching pain, which gradually grows, and with an increase in the tumor becomes an ongoing character.

Malignant neoplasms include osteosarcoma and cancer. These diseases are accompanied by soreness when pressing on the jaw, severe pain near the ear or in the neck area, deformation of the jaw bones.

In this case, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin, you can find the area with the most severe soreness.


Damage to certain nerves can also cause pain that radiates to the jaw. Often this happens due to the following inflammations:

  1. Trigeminal nerve injury causes a sharp paroxysmal pain, which is concentrated on one side and intensifies at night. In this case, the pain does not extend to the back of the jaw.
  2. Inflammation of the superior laryngeal nerve accompanied by severe pain on one side of the submandibular region, which can move to the area of ​​​​the face and chest. The greatest intensity of painful sensations occurs when chewing or yawning.
  3. Key symptom neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve- severe pain in the tongue, gradually transmitted to the lower jaw and face. It occurs, as a rule, during communication or eating. The pain is paroxysmal in nature, lasts about 2-3 minutes, after which it weakens.
  4. Carotidynia is a type of migraine caused by diseases of the carotid artery. The pain comes on in bursts and lasts up to several hours. It is usually localized on one side of the upper jaw, gradually radiating to the lower dentition, face, ear.

Pain near the ear

Painful sensations during chewing, radiating to the ear, are characteristic of diseases of the temporomandibular joint - arthritis, arthrosis and dysfunction.

These joint pathologies can be caused by infection, hypothermia, high load, mechanical damage, malocclusion.

Joint diseases of the jaw are characterized by persistent aching pain that flows into the ear area, discomfort and crunching when opening the mouth and chewing. In some cases, pain can spread to the entire face.

For more information on the causes of pain in the jaw joint, see the video.


To determine the cause of pain in the jaw associated with eating, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

An examination by a dentist will reveal whether this symptomatology refers to diseases of a dental nature. In some cases, additional consultation with a neurologist, otolaryngologist or cardiologist may be required.

Methods of treatment

The way to eliminate jaw pain depends on the cause of its occurrence, established during the preliminary examination:

  • in the presence of a bruise, a fixing bandage is applied, and compresses are prescribed;
  • dislocation requires repositioning of the jaw by a traumatologist and bandaging;
  • acute purulent diseases are treated in a hospital with antibiotics;
  • in the presence of abscesses, they are opened and the purulent filling is removed;
  • carotidinia requires the appointment of painkillers and antidepressants;
  • pain caused by an impacted wisdom tooth is eliminated after its complete eruption, which is facilitated by a small surgical incision;
  • in the presence of neoplasms that cause pain in the jaw area, they are surgically treated with chemotherapy, if necessary.

With the permission of the attending physician, folk remedies can be used as an addition to drug therapy. Here is one of them:

  1. 20 grams of crushed herbs of coltsfoot and oregano are placed in a small container, pour 500 ml of vodka and insist in a dark place for 3-4 days.
  2. After this time, the tincture is filtered and used to rub the area with high soreness.
  3. The duration of such treatment should not exceed 10 days.

Helps to cope with jaw pain and therapeutic exercises. Orthodontists recommend the following exercises:

  1. Smile with closed lips.
  2. Sequential lifting of the upper and lower lip until the teeth are exposed.
  3. Puffing out and retraction of the cheeks.
  4. Closing lips with a tube.

Each exercise must be performed 8-10 times twice a day. After the end of the gymnastic procedures, the face must be relaxed and lightly massaged.


In order to avoid the occurrence of jaw pain, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • timely cure viral and dental diseases;
  • consume enough vitamins;
  • refuse to use chewing gum;
  • apply local self-massage of the jaw;
  • perform myogymnastic exercises;
  • make sure that during sleep the head is raised above the bed by 30 cm.

The facial skeleton consists of the upper and lower jaws. The first anatomically consists of two bones with four processes and a body with an airy sinus. The lower jaw is unpaired, the temporomandibular joint (hereinafter referred to as the TMJ) is “responsible” for its mobility. Muscles, teeth attached to the facial skeleton are responsible for chewing food, pronouncing sounds, providing facial expressions, etc.

Some people have jaw pain when opening their mouth, discomfort can also occur when pressing on the bones on one side or both at the same time. Similar symptoms point to a variety of dental and other problems, from a broken jaw and TMJ dysfunction to vascular and heart disease. Pain in the jaw when opening the mouth is an alarm signal announcing the need to visit a doctor.

The reasons

There are several groups of etiological factors in the development of pain.

dental problems

So, if it hurts a person to open his mouth, this may indicate damage to the integrity of the bone tissue of the lower jaw. Fights, sports, accidents - these are situations in which you can get injured. The list of the most common of them includes:

  • dislocations;
  • bruises;
  • fractures.

It is not difficult to dislocate the mandibular joint - it is enough to make a sharp inaccurate movement (for example, open your mouth too wide). With a dislocation, the head of the TMJ “leaves” its place in the articular fossa - as a result, the “victim” of the injury faces severe pain in the jaw, the mouth does not open completely, the facial muscles go numb, local swelling occurs, and speech becomes slurred.

Bruises - injuries of soft tissues - lead not only to jaw pain, but also to the appearance of hematomas, swelling, hyperemia of the affected focus, asymmetry of facial muscles

Important! Visually determine the dislocation can be determined because the jaw is displaced to the right or left side, the face is asymmetrical.

Pain in the jaw joint can be caused not only by bone damage, but also by bruising of soft tissues. So, in the place where the main blow fell, a hematoma, edema appears, the patient cannot open his mouth, and there is discomfort when chewing. It is noteworthy that, as a rule, the consequences of a bruise disappear on their own - after 4-5 days, the discomfort disappears.

The fact that the mouth does not open, pain appears on the left or right in the jaw, nagging is felt in the area of ​​​​the teeth, the face becomes asymmetrical - all this may indicate a fracture. It is not easy to treat such an injury - the restoration of damaged bone tissue takes time and effort.

Discomfort when opening the mouth occurs with many dental problems. First of all, we are talking about inflammation that affects the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The causative agents of inflammation can be bacteria, viruses and fungi. Often, the course of a particular dental disease is accompanied by the appearance of purulent formations.

So, the most common pathologies of a purulent nature are:

  • Furuncles. An abscess is formed when an infection enters the hair follicle (usually through a wound on the skin). Gradually, local inflammation spreads to the deeper soft tissues, they suppurate, pain may occur in the jaw due to compression of the nerve endings.
  • Osteomyelitis. A complication of periodontitis, purulent cysts of the tooth, develops when bacteria enter the oral cavity during injuries (burns) directly on the bone tissue. The list of classic signs of osteomyelitis includes: pain in the jaw when you open your mouth wide, hyperthermia, feverish conditions, swelling of the face, an increase in submandibular lymph nodes in size, headaches and toothaches.
  • Phlegmon, abscesses. Inflammatory processes, the course of which is accompanied by the formation of a large amount of pus, swelling, severe pain when chewing, opening the mouth and any other functional load on the jaw. With an abscess, a closed inflammation is formed, with phlegmon, the focus is blurred. The main complication of such abscesses is the high risk of self-resolving with subsequent blood poisoning.

Important! Such general symptoms as fever, difficulty in chewing and swallowing, pain in the jaw should alert the person and serve as a reason for immediate medical attention.

TMJ dysfunction is a common cause of jaw pain and cracking when opening the mouth.

When a dentist has poorly secured an overbite or has made poor-quality prosthetics, patients may also experience discomfort in the area of ​​the upper and lower jaw. Braces are the classic “provocateurs” of pain - after their installation, most people experience discomfort not only when chewing, moving facial muscles, during a conversation, but even in a calm state.

By the way, such discomfort is a completely normal phenomenon, which, as a rule, disappears after the bone and soft tissues adapt to constant wear, which corrects the bite of the structure. Other causes of pain in the jaw of odontogenic origin:

  • caries;
  • pulpitis with damage to the nerve of the tooth;
  • periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontal tissues);
  • tooth injuries (chips, fractures of the neck);
  • gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • alveolitis (an inflammatory process that affects the alveolar process, develops after tooth extraction).

If the mouth does not open completely, pain appears when chewing, the face is swollen - all this may indicate the appearance of benign, malignant neoplasms. In the early stages, such pathological processes are "silent", so patients seek medical help only when the abnormal process is quite running.

The list of the most common benign formations that cause pain and discomfort in the jaw area includes: osteomas, adamantiomas, osteoblastoclastomas. Among the dangerous malignant pathologies include: sarcomas (affect connective tissues), osteogenic origin - affect the bones, various types of cancers (localized in the epithelium).

Fluxes, abscesses, phlegmons and other purulent-inflammatory formations are also included in the list of “provocateurs” of jaw pain

It is noteworthy that malignant neoplasms are most often localized on the lower jaw (on the left or right side). Timely diagnosis of such pathologies allows taking the necessary therapeutic measures and avoiding the spread of metastases to other organs.

Arthritis, arthrosis of the TMJ - diseases that lead to pain in the lower jaw when opening the mouth (or during chewing), as well as at rest. At the same time, discomfort sensations are “tied” to the lesion itself, localized closer to the auricle. The pain can be given to the neck, upper jaw, eye sockets.

X-ray is a diagnostic measure that allows you to detect inflammation (signs of dysfunction) of the TMJ on the right or left in time and select the appropriate treatment. If nothing is done, arthrosis and arthritis in this area can lead to complete immobilization of the jaw (a person simply cannot open his mouth).

Non-dental diseases

Neuralgia and bruxism are the most common causes of jaw pain. In the first case, the trigeminal, superior laryngeal, glossopharyngeal nerve suffers (pinched). The course of the disease is accompanied by increased pain when chewing and swallowing food, profuse salivation, pain when yawning, movement of facial muscles.

Involuntary clenching of the jaw and grinding of teeth (bruxism) cause frequent stress and other forms of nervous disorders, most often people who have malocclusion suffer from this problem. Relaxing exercises, massage help to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of bruxism, which include jaw pain, and special day and night splints are designed to protect teeth from mechanical damage.

Various types of migraine pains give to the ear, eye sockets, upper and lower jaw

Important! Myocardial infarction also causes sharp pain in the jaw.

The list of other signs of this serious pathology, leading to necrosis of the heart muscle, includes acute compressive pain in the left side of the chest, which lasts for 15-20 minutes and does not go away even after taking painkillers, as well as shortness of breath, increased sweating.

An attack of angina pectoris (spasm of the coronary arteries) is another “provoker” of discomfort in the jaw area. The appearance of symptoms indicating a violation of cardiac activity is a reason to seek medical help.

Other factors

Why does my jaw still hurt?

  • Tetanus. Additional signs: convulsions, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). The patient requires immediate medical attention (introduction of tetanus toxoid).
  • Carotidinia (a type of migraine). Symptoms: attacks of pain, the duration of which varies from a few minutes to 2-3 hours. Discomfort is localized in the lower jaw, given to the ears, eye sockets.
  • Red ear syndrome. Accompanies the course of spondylosis, damage to the pituitary gland.

Jaw pain in children often occurs with mumps, as well as a violation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body.


The tactics of dealing with pain in the jaw depends on the cause of its occurrence. So, cold compresses are applied to the site of bruises, dislocations are reduced, and if necessary (for example, with a fragmental fracture), surgery is performed. In case of purulent-inflammatory processes, antibiotic therapy is indicated for patients, the abscess itself is opened, the contents are removed, and drainage is established.

With myocardial infarction and other severe cardiovascular pathologies, the patient is hospitalized, thrombolytics, drugs that normalize blood pressure, analgesics, and blood thinners are prescribed. Symptoms of carotidinia help to eliminate painkillers and antidepressants.

Timely treatment of caries, pulpitis, gingivitis and other dental diseases is the best prevention of pain in the jaw area

In case of dental problems, the doctor carries out sanitation of the oral cavity, eliminates foci of inflammation, treats “affected” teeth. If neoplasms (benign, malignant nature) are detected, the patient undergoes surgery, prescribes a course of radiation, chemotherapy.

As you can see, jaw pain is a polyetiological problem (it occurs for various reasons), requiring qualified diagnosis and correct treatment. That is why, if the corresponding symptoms occur, it is recommended not to delay the trip to the doctor.

When answering the question of why there is pain in the jaw, many options can be offered. The cause can be mechanical damage, dental diseases, neuralgia and many other pathologies. So, pain when moving the jaws is sometimes the result of carious lesions of the teeth or inflammation of the gums, lesions of the peripheral nervous system, carotidynia and are caused by other reasons. With severe pain and severe discomfort, self-medication is not welcome. How to find out which doctor is worth visiting by the type of pain?

Why can the jaw hurt?

The list of reasons why the jaw hurts is quite wide (we recommend reading: why does the jaw reduce and how to eliminate this symptom, based on the reason found?). These include:

In the absence of medical intervention, the following types of pathological processes can develop:

  1. Purulent-inflammatory: abscess or phlegmon. Abscess - destruction of soft tissues under the influence of pus. As a rule, pus is “closed” from the rest of the organs by a membrane, however, if it bursts, then there is a risk of sepsis - blood poisoning, which is fraught with death. Phlegmon is another kind of destructive process that develops smoothly, affecting an ever larger area.
  2. Infectious pathology caused by a sharp imbalance of microflora;
  3. Dysfunction of metabolic processes caused by an imbalance of electrolytes;
  4. Neoplasms - malignant and benign;
  5. Mechanical damage caused by trauma. The reason why this happened may be a severe bruise, blow or deformation of the jaw muscle with a wide opening of the mouth. The cause of injury can also be opening bottles, cans, etc. with teeth.

Traumatic disorders and their consequences

The most common cause of damage to the muscles of the jaw is a banal negligence. Patients come to the traumatologist after fights, falls, car accidents, etc. Their complaints are accompanied by a characteristic symptom - there is not only pain, but also swelling.

On palpation, the patient experiences sharp pains, he is unable to move his jaw to open his mouth, the wound bleeds. Unpleasant sensations when bruised increase with chewing and attempts to open the jaws. The pain radiates to the ear area. Under normal circumstances, the bruise resolves within 5-7 days.

A dislocation, unlike a bruise, is a more serious injury. The normal functioning of the jaw during dislocation is impossible: attempts to talk or chew cause sharp pain in different parts of the head. The patient may complain of a jaw shift to one side. Often with a dislocation there are extraneous sounds resembling a crunch. If you suspect a subluxation or dislocation, especially if the jaw is jammed, you should immediately contact a traumatologist.

The most dangerous injury to the jaw is its fracture. The pain of a fracture is constant and intense. The appearance of the damaged area changes: severe swelling and bruising appear at the site of impact. If the fracture is in several places (complex), then a crunch is heard in each of them. The sooner the patient is helped, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome.

Dental diseases

Dental diseases are pathological processes caused by the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity. These include:

The peculiarity of dental pathologies is that the peak of discomfort occurs at night. The pain is described by patients as aching, throbbing and sharp. Another reason is eating foods that are too hot or too cold, or clenching the jaw. In severe forms of caries, an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels is observed.

Most dental pathologies lead to the development of purulent processes. They can be caused by viruses or other microorganisms. After penetration into the damaged site of the infection, the inflammation passes to the soft tissues, a purulent focus is formed. The patient begins to experience severe pain in the cheek and jaw, cannot eat and speak normally.

Osteomyelitis is an acute process that requires immediate medical attention. Inflammation already goes beyond the teeth and affects the bones. If treatment is delayed, the bone marrow may also suffer. The infection can be introduced from the outside or originate inside the body itself - in a carious cavity or a purulent cyst.

Any purulent process is characterized by a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition. It can occur in two forms: abscess (closed) and phlegmon (open). Both forms are associated with the formation of pus, accompanied by acute pain and swelling. The clinical picture is characterized by fever, pain when opening and closing the mouth, or even when pressed lightly. Medical attention is required immediately, otherwise tissue necrosis may begin.

trigeminal neuralgia

The largest cranial nerve is called the trigeminal. This nerve has branches throughout the face. This explains that any of his pathology immediately makes itself felt - the pain is felt sharply and almost instantly, localized on the left or right side. Taking analgesics and antispasmodics for trigeminal neuralgia in the jaw does not give any results. The patient complains that his mouth does not open, and the pain is felt more strongly at night and in the morning.

Inflammation of the facial artery

Inflammation of the facial artery, or arteritis, is a pathology of one of the walls of the artery. The clinical picture includes the presence of burning pain over the jaw. The mouth does not close, the burning sensation captures the upper lip, cheek, nose, or even the eyes. Arteritis is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, attempts to take conventional painkillers are useless here. Most often, therapy includes the use of glucocorticoids and cytostatics.

Temporomandibular joint injury

Joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, etc. - have recently affected more and more people. If earlier representatives of the older generations became the target, now a young person can also face arthritis. With arthritis of the temporomandibular joint, it jams, and the pain appears near the ear at the temple and is aching in nature. When determining arthritis, instrumental diagnostics is necessary.

With damage to the joints of the lower jaw, pain can be felt not only in the ear area, but also in the cheek, temples, or even give to the forehead. When you chew, the pain intensifies, when the jaws are closed to the end, a characteristic clicking sound is heard. Arthritis has a different pathogenesis: from malocclusion to infectious lesions of the joint. Self-treatment is fraught with serious complications.

Carotidynia syndrome

Carotidinia is a type of migraine, pain in the head. Pain occurs sharply, and the place of their localization is the upper jaw (right or left). There are several reasons for the development of such a pathology - on the one hand, these are the experiences of the patient, and on the other hand, any of the diseases mentioned above (caries, sinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.). Treatment is aimed at relieving all symptoms, therefore, it necessarily includes taking antidepressants.

Malignant neoplasms

Only an experienced specialist can distinguish a malignant neoplasm from a benign one.

The symptoms of both phenomena are the same: it is painful for the patient to chew, his mouth does not open, his jaw is jammed, there is pain in the jaw joint, etc. With timely treatment, there is hope for positive dynamics, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Which doctor should I contact with jaw pain?

Often people do not know which doctor to go to when their jaw hurts. First of all, with pain of unclear pathogenesis, you should make an appointment with a general practitioner (or a pediatrician for small patients). If there is reason to assume a specific diagnosis, it is better to contact a specialized specialist:

  • to the dentist - in case of suspicion of caries, pulpitis or purulent processes in the oral cavity;
  • orthodontist - for pain associated with abnormal development of the jaw;
  • traumatologist, if the pain was preceded by mechanical damage;
  • ENT in SARS and their complications.

When a person experiences discomfort or a sore jaw near the left ear and it hurts to chew, then you should pay attention to the nature of the discomfort. Because this symptom can be caused by existing pathologies or an ailment that has developed, requiring urgent examination and treatment.

It is also necessary to determine if other symptoms are present.

Reasons for the manifestation of the symptom

In the case when the jaw begins to hurt on one side and gives into the ear, you should speak about the presence of a possible disease:

  • Pathology of the gums, maxillo-dental apparatus and mandibular temporal joint.
  • Diseases of the air-circulating sinuses.
  • Inflammatory and infectious process in the tonsils and adjacent tissues, as well as the throat.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system of peripheral properties.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Pathologies of the gums, maxillo-dental apparatus and mandibular temporal joint interfere with the full-fledged work of the lower jaw on the right and left sides, and also cause discomfort to the ear.

As a rule, problems with the jaw are solved dentists and surgeons maxillofacial specialization, performing surgical treatment, eliminating abscesses, osteomyelitis and phlegmon of the jaw. These complications, extending into the ear, are noted due to the negative influence of diseased teeth.

Diseases of the air-circulating sinuses occur due to one inflammatory and neglected purulent process, tumors of the cavity of the bone process located behind the ear.

This disease is dealt with by an otolaryngologist.

The inflammatory process in the tonsils and adjacent tissues, as well as the infection in the throat, is treated by an ENT doctor.

Problems with the nervous system of a special peripheral direction are provoked by irritation or prolonged inflammation of the nerve nodes that accumulate the bodies and roots of nerve cells.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the lower jaw occurs simultaneously with the collection of infected lymph from the soft facial tissues, throat, nose and eyes.

It happens that they are oncological cells when malignant tumors are in the mucous membranes, soft tissues of the occipital and facial regions, as well as in the bones.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in the absence of abnormalities, the lymph nodes are not palpable, do not hurt, and do not harm the ear.

Pain in the jaw on the left and right side

Discomfort in the jaw, depending on its location, may indicate the presence of various kinds of ailments.

So, under the influence of diseases, it begins to hurt with:

  1. Left side.
  2. Right side.

Pain in the jaw on the left indicates the presence angina pectoris or heart attack. Since, as a result of this kind of pathology, blood circulation in the heart vessels is confused, which can cause pain behind the sternum and in the center of the chest. And in some cases, the pain radiates to the jaw on the left side.

Usually it starts to hurt on the right side of the jaw and ear due to the influence of infections and inflammatory processes or neoplasms. An exception may be an injury characterized by pain, bruising and swelling, which makes it difficult to open the mouth freely.

During the appearance of an increase in body temperature and the jaw on the right begins to hurt, then we should talk about the presence of a purulent area, which is caused by poliomyelitis as a complication of a sore throat or an ailment of the lymphatic submandibular nodes.

When the jaw hurts constantly, while the sensations have pulling properties, we should talk about the manifestation of formations.

Oncological factor

Pain on the right side of the jaw may be due to the manifestation bone malignancy or osteosarcoma.

Before the manifestation of the main symptoms in the nerve processes, sensitivity decreases, significant numbness is noted. With the course of this disease, the jaw bones and joints begin to hurt with leakage.

A person can be hurt due to the presence of a tumor of a benign property - atheroma. It is caused by one bump near the ear, more precisely, behind it. This fact occurs due to the growth of the lymph node and at the time of probing it resembles a moving ball with a dense structure.

In most cases, education does not pose a threat, but at the same time it can become inflamed, hurt and fester.

This action is demonstrated by intense prolonged pain near the ear, deterioration in the general condition of the patient - fever and headache.

Basically, the skin near the lymph node becomes red and, in the absence of adequate treatment, the infection from pus can spread throughout the body, causing blood poisoning.

In the case when the patient experiences discomfort in the lump, otitis media is often recorded - the process of inflammation of the outer or inner ear. In this case, there is a need to undergo an appointment with an otolaryngologist.

Pain while chewing

When the jaw begins to hurt at the time of chewing or opening the mouth, it is necessary to think about the likelihood of a dislocation of the jaw or the presence of a disease such as osteomyelitis.

Other ailments with similar symptoms include:

  • Periodontitis.
  • Caries, accompanied by inflammation of the nerve ending.
  • Pulp damage.

As a rule, a person begins, pulsating, to hurt his jaw with an increase in sensations at night.

Problem Solving Methods

When the true cause of pain in the jaw near the ear on the right or left side is established, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

For example, with the identification of the following diseases and the action of certain factors:

  • Cyst, periodontitis or pulpitis.
  • Pain from wearing straightening braces.
  • Problematic wisdom tooth.
  • Pain resulting from wearing dentures.

When diagnosing a cyst, periodontitis or pulpitis, the necessary surgical intervention is performed. A few days after the operation, during which the source of pain is eliminated, and discomfort should completely disappear simultaneously with the healing of the surgical wound.

Pain in the jaw and ear resulting from wearing leveling braces is considered normal until a certain time, because the correction of the bite should be accompanied by pain in the jaw and near the ear. In this case, the dentist can only slightly loosen or tighten the locks and prescribe painkillers to relieve the symptom.

The patient has to wait until the alignment process is completely completed.

In a situation in which the wisdom tooth has gone to the side or inward with growth, it is customary to remove it. And if this is not done, then in the future it will constrain neighboring teeth and injure soft tissue which will lead to increased pain.

The removal operation is performed under local anesthesia. After its implementation, as a rule, there are no complications if you follow the recommendations of the doctor.

In cases where the jaw and the place next to the ear begin to hurt due to wearing dentures, the doctor makes the required adjustment. Pain should not be tolerated, because in any case it is important to visit the dentist from time to time for examination and appropriate therapy.

Every day, without noticing it, a person makes a lot of jaw movements while talking and eating. Sometimes these movements become tangible and difficult. If the jaw starts to hurt when you open your mouth and when you chew, do not make sudden movements and you should immediately consult a doctor - a traumatologist, surgeon or therapist.

Jaw hurts when chewing and opening the mouth: common causes

Pain in the temporomandibular joint area can occur under various circumstances. The most common causes of pathology are listed in the table:

Cause Group Possible diagnoses
Injuries of the temporomandibular joint - occur as a result of blows, falls, abrupt opening of the mouth, chewing solid food, careless actions of the dentist.

Fracture - violation of the integrity of the upper, lower or both jaws at the same time.

Dislocation - damage to the joint with displacement of the articular surface of the bones.

A bruise is an injury to soft tissues without disruption of skeletal components.

Purulent-inflammatory processes - occur when an infection enters the bone tissue, sometimes after an injury.

Phlegmon, abscess - severe purulent inflammation that can destroy a large area of ​​soft and hard tissues.

Furuncle - subcutaneous limited suppuration.

Osteomyelitis is inflammation of the bones.

Tumors are growths of tissue due to uncontrolled cell division.

Adamantioma is an overgrowth of jaw tissue.

Osteoma is a slowly growing benign tumor.

Osteoclastoclastoma is a tumor that can be accompanied by deformity and frequent bone fractures.

Sarcoma is a malignant growth of bone or cartilage.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Arthritis is a disease of the joints with limited movement, often developing against the background of autoimmune diseases.

Arthrosis - degenerative changes in the joints with the destruction of cartilage.

Other causes of jaw pain

In other cases, pain in the jaw on the left or right does not appear due to pathological problems in the jaw tissues, but due to inflammation of the nearby structures:

  • On the left, on the right, or on both sides, the jaw can hurt with otitis media - inflammation of the ear. The more actively the inflammatory process develops, the further the pain spreads. First, she gives to the auricles, then to the cheekbones and jaw. Often the pain syndrome has a shooting character.
  • In the upper jaw and cheekbone pain gives with sinusitis- inflammation of the airways.
  • Pain can be triggered by an advanced form of caries when the lesion reaches the pulp chamber and affects the nerve. With some varieties of pulpitis, it is very difficult to determine the source of pain.
    Pain on the right or left side of the jaw near the ear can be triggered by a cutting wisdom tooth.
  • If after prosthetics it became painful for a person to chew, and his jaw began to hurt on one side of his face, the cause of the symptoms could be an incorrect shape or incorrect installation of the prosthesis.
  • Problems of a neurological nature: neuralgia with pinching of the glossopharyngeal, trigeminal nerve.
  • Bruxism is the nighttime grinding of the teeth.

Associated symptoms

Pain in the jaw when yawning, opening the mouth and chewing is a common symptom for numerous diseases. To find out why the jaw hurts, the analysis of accompanying symptoms helps. Presence/manifestation is taken into account:

  • Elevated body temperature.
  • Runny nose, sore throat, sinuses, ear.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Pain in other joints of the body.
  • Weakness, dizziness.
  • Joint and bone deformities.
  • Ulcers on the skin or in the mouth.
  • Toothache.
  • Cracking in the joint when the mouth opens.
  • Severe pain: when the jaw is broken, it hurts so much that the mouth cannot be opened.
  • Increased pain in the joint when turning the head to the left or right.
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes.
With dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), headaches may occur, a person is constantly accompanied by a crunch in the jaw.


If a person has pain in the jaw near the ear, and it hurts to open his mouth, he should see a doctor as soon as possible. You should contact a dentist or therapist, if there is an injury - a traumatologist or surgeon. If the dentist does not identify the dental causes of pain, he will refer the patient to the appropriate specialist.

Various examinations may be needed for diagnosis:

  • X-ray of the jaw.
  • Examination by an otolaryngologist using special instruments.
  • Blood analysis.
  • Bacterial culture of purulent secretions.

How to treat pain in the jaw joint when opening the mouth

The pain in the jaw will not subside until the underlying disease is cured. If the patient takes painkillers, but does not pass the diagnosis and does not begin treatment under the supervision of a doctor, the symptom will worsen. The direction of treatment depends entirely on the diagnosis and is very different in each case:

  • In case of injuries, limitation of joint mobility is indicated, sometimes surgical restoration of the integrity of the jaw and jaw joint is required.
  • Inflammatory processes in soft and hard tissues, as well as ENT organs, are treated with antibiotics - if it is reliably established that the inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection. Surgery may be needed to remove the accumulated pus.
  • In oncological processes in the body, special means are used that control cell division and inhibit tissue growth. Later stages of disease progression are treated with radiation and chemotherapy.
  • In case of violation of the structure of bone tissue, vitamins, complex preparations with vitamins and minerals, anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to normalize cartilage tissue, and a special diet are prescribed. Sometimes pain medication is injected directly into the joint.
  • With neuralgia, injections are made to block the nerve, prescribe sedatives and vitamin preparations, physiotherapy, acupuncture.
  • Caries, pulpitis and other damage to the teeth are treated with a filling or a tooth is removed. If the prosthesis causes pain, it must be replaced.

What to do if the jaw near the ear hurts when you open your mouth and when you chew

Without a diagnosis, a person cannot choose the correct treatment - that's why you can't treat jaw diseases on your own. In addition, some of these pathologies are useless to treat without hospital conditions.

Although the patient himself is unable to cure such a symptom, sometimes urgent help is required at home, as the pain can be very severe. To reduce discomfort, following these recommendations helps:

  • Do not heat the jaw area near the ear: if there is a purulent-inflammatory process, such manipulations will provoke a rapid release of pus and its spread into the bloodstream, which threatens with intoxication and general infection. To relieve discomfort, you can make a cool compress, but only if the pain is not caused by an infection.
  • Yawn, chew, open your mouth should be very careful.
  • So that the pain does not increase, you need to temporarily refuse solid and viscous food, which requires an increased chewing load. You can't chew gum.
  • If it hurts to open your mouth, talk should be kept to a minimum.
  • If the patient has a jaw injury - he cannot open his mouth, yawn, speak - you need to call an ambulance and try to provide maximum rest to the broken joint. Jaw movement and head rotation can cause the bones to move. With open fractures, the skin around the wound is treated with an antiseptic. If there are bone fragments, they should not be touched.


Treatment for pain in the jaw near the ear when opening the mouth can be very difficult and lengthy. Therefore, it is better to take care in advance that such a symptom does not appear. For this, it is necessary to prevent those diseases that affect the jaw, joint structures and tissues located nearby:

  • When talking, yawning and biting off food, do not open your mouth too wide.
  • You can not get carried away with too hard and viscous food - it can harm not only the teeth, but also the joints.
  • It is necessary to avoid drafts and hypothermia, contacts with infectious-infected people.
  • You need a varied diet that provides all the useful substances to bone and cartilage tissue.
  • After installing the prosthesis on one or both sides, you should carefully check its compliance with the anatomical shape of the jaw: you need to open and close your mouth, try to close your teeth. If discomfort is felt, the prosthesis will have to be adjusted.
  • It is necessary to treat diseased teeth in time so that the infection does not penetrate into the maxillary or mandibular bone.
  • If the jaw suddenly starts to hurt on the left or right side, you should immediately consult a doctor - such a symptom may indicate a dangerous disease that requires urgent treatment.

If your jaw joint hurts when you open your mouth, don't put off going to the dentist. Relying on self-medication is not recommended, since the diseases that are likely to occur with such a symptom in an advanced form can be life-threatening.

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